Sloka 6 : When the lord of the Lagna occupies a Kendra or the 9th house attaining a Vargottama Navamsa, and the .lord of the 9th house is in his exaltation or Swakshetra attaining a similar Amsa, the Yoga will usher into the world a King who will sit at ease in an exceedingly beautiful golden vehicle placed on the back of an elephant, with chowries adorning the two sides.
Sloka 7 : Even a low-born will become a King if at his birth the Moon shining with white luster be aspected by a planet placed in exaltation or Swakshetra. The full Moon posited in Kendra other than the Lagna will usher a King endowed with elephants and horses.
Sloka 8 : When Venus occupies the asterism Aswini in the Lagna and is aspected by three or more planets, he will usher into the world a King who will destroy all his enemies. If the lord of the Lagna be strong and occupy the 2nd Bhava which is neither his depression sign nor is owned by an enemy and be in conjunction with Venus, the person born will become a King.
Sloka 9 : If at the birth of a person Mars occupy Mesha, Simha or Dhanus identical with the Lagna, and be aspected by a friendly planet, a ruler of the earth is ushered into the world. If the lord of the 10th be in the 9th and the lord of the latter in the 10th, the person born in the above Yoga will become a King who win be extolled by his people.
Sloka 10 : The Sun has reached the centre of Dhanus; the Moon is just there; Saturn, is in the Lagna and Mars possessed of much power is in the exaltation sign. If this be the planetary position at a person’s birth, he will grow into such a mighty King that his enemies, overwhelmed by his fiery valour will do homage to him from afar regarding him with terror.
It will be apt to quote here Garga who, specifies that Saturn is capable of conferring royalty if he were to rise with the ascendant identical with Tula, Dhanus or Meena.
It is but right that Mantreswara’s statement may be wade to read as “Saturn should rise in Dhanus” consistent with Garga’s statement.
Sloka : the Moon brilliant with disc resembling nectar and lotus stalk in colour (i.e., the full Moon) occupy a Navamsa owned by the Sun and when benefics unassociated with malefics occupy Kendra, the person born will become a King and will own many elephants.
Sloka I2 : If the Moon is as white as milk and conch shell (i.e. full) and three planets not occupying their depression or inimical vargas but .being strong and being aspected by benefics, get posited in their own Amsas, the person born will become a King and will vanquish all his enemies.
Sloka I3 : If the Moon that bas attained Vargottamamsa be aspected by a strong planet and if there be no malefic planet posited in the Lagna, the person born will become an emperor and possess a beautiful body.
Sloka I4 : If at a birth Jupiter, Mercury, Venus or the Moon occupy the 9th with bright rays, un-eclipsed and also be aspected by, or associated with, friendly planets, the native concerned will become a great King worshipped by his subjects like a deity.
Sloka I5 : Venus and Jupiter are in Meena; Saturn is exalted; the full Moon is aspected by Mars; the un rises in the Lagna identical with Mesha. The person born in the above Yoga will become a King owning a vast army by whose march large quantity of dust is raised which makes the Sun invisible and as a consequence all the lotuses begin to contract under the impression that the Sun has set.
The above translation is the only possible combination the author could have had in his view, as other wise a full Moon in exaltation with the Sun in Mesha is an impossibility; for the Moon to be in exaltation, she should be placed in Vrishaba.
If the Sun were to be in Mesha, the Moon cannot be full.
The planetary position as per translation given, are as follows.
Venus and Jupiter are in Meena; Mesha is rising with the Sun in it; the Moon is in Tula and Saturn is exalted there. Mars placed in Kataka aspects the Moon, (This is In view of the phrase Mars is strong in his 4th glance). The reader could see for himself that in the above combination, Venus the Sun and Saturn are exalted. Jupiter is in his swakshetra; the Sun, Mars and Saturn are in Kendra. Saturn has got full Digbala.
Mars though devoid of Digbala has got Neechabhanga Rajayoga as per slokas 27 to 30, Adhyaya VII. With the above combination, the lord of ascendant with Neechabhanga Rajayoga through the Moon definitely confers kingship on the native.
Sloka 16 : If there be a birth at night when benefics are in depression or inimical houses identical with the 11th, the 6th or the 3rd house, or be in their highest exaltation, or be all posited in the Kendras, with bright rays, and if the Moon be in Karkataka identical with the 10th house, the person born will become an emperor ruling the three worlds under one umbrella.
Sloka I7 : If the Moon with full digits (full Moon) occupy a Vargottamamsa, the person born will become a mighty ruler of the earth and his fame will be immense. He will command a good number of horses, the dusts raised by whose hoofs will so overpower the Sun that he will resemble the Moon in the morning.
Sloka I8 : If at a birth, Jupiter and the Moon occupying a Kendra be aspected by Venus and there be no planet in depression, the native will become a King whose fame will be unparalleled.
Sloka 19 : If the Moon occupy a water-resorting Rasi or Amsa identical with the Lagna or be in his own or in a benefic Varga, the person born will become a King who will do good to his subjects, own many elephants. If there are no malefics in Kendras, and. the Moon in the above Yoga occupy a house other than a Kendra, the native will turn out to be a King owning many elephants; but he will not be benevolent.