Sloka 1 : If at the birth of any person, the Sun be in conjunction with the Moon, he will be skilled in machinery and stone work; if the Sun be conjunction with Mars, the person born will be intent on doing sinful deeds; if he be associated with Mercury, the person will be clever, intelligent, famous and happy. If the Sun be in conj unction with Jupiter, the person born in the Yoga will be cruel and interested in helping others. If the Sun and Venus be together at a birth, the person concerned will earn money as an actor or by the use of weapons. If the Sun be associated with Saturn, the person born will be clever in working in metals or in various sorts of pottery.
Sloka 2 : If the Moon be in conjunction with Mars, the person born will be a dealer in hammers, ploughs or other rough instruments, women, spirituous drinks and earthern jars; he will be disobedient to his mother. If the Moon be associated with Mercury, the man born in the Yoga will speak sweetly and modestly, be clever in interpreting, and endowed with good luck and fame. When the Moon is in conjunction with Jupiter, the person born will be over-powering (his enemies), but fickle minded; he will be a chief of his family and wealthy. When Venus is associated with the Moon, the person born will be an adept in weaving, tailoring and dyeing of cloths. If the Moon be in conjunction with Saturn, the person born will be the son of a widow remarried.
Sloka 3 : If Mars and Mercury be together, the person born in the Yoga will be a dealer in herbs, plants, barks, oils and drugs. He will be clever in boxing. When Mars is in conjunction with Jupiter, the person born will be a leader of a city, or a king or a wealthy Brahmin. The effect of Venus and Mars being together at a birth will be that the person born will be a shephered, a wrestler, skilful, addicted to other people’s wives, or a gambler. If Mars be in conjunction with Saturn at the birth of a person, he will be miserable, untruthful and despised by all.
Sloka 4 : When Mercury and Jupiter are in conjunction, the person born will be an actor, fond of music and versed in the art of dancing. If Venus be in conjunction with Mercury, the person born will be eloquent, possess lands, and will become a head of an assembly. If Saturn be associated with Mercury, the person born will be clever in cheating others and addicted to licentious pleasures. The man at whose birth Jupiter and Venus occupy one house will have good learning, possess wealth and wife, and have many good qualities. If Jupiter and Satmn be itegether at a birth, the person affected by the yoga will be a barber, a potter or a cook.
Sloka 5 : If Venus and Saturn be together ata birth, the person affected by the Yoga will be shortsighted, will get his wealth augmented through a young woman, (His marriage will be a keynote to financial success). He will be skilled in writing and painting. If more than two planets occupy a house, prediction should be made by combining the effects described for the several possible pairs of planets constituting the Yoga.
Sloka 6 : If the Moon in Mesha be aspected by Mars, the person born will be a king; if by Mercury, the will be learned; if by Jupiter, he will be a king, if by Venus, he will be equal to a king; if by Saturn, he will be a thief; and if by the Sun, he will be poor. The Moon in Taurus (Vrishabha), aspected, by Mars and other planets in order-will make the person born (l) poor, (2) thievish, (3) respected by other men, (4) a king, (5) wealthy and (6) a servant respectively.
S/oka 7 : If the Moon occupy Mithuna and be aspected by Mars and other planets, the person concerned will be (1) transacting business in iron instruments, (2) a king, (3) learned, (4) fearless, (5) a weaver and (6) poor respectively. The Moon in Katakti if aspected by Mars and other planets will make the person born respectively (1) a warrior, (2) learned, (3) a wise man, (4) a king, (5) a dealer in iron, copper, etc., and (6) a sufferer from eye-disease.
Sloka 8 : If the Moon occupies Simha and is aspected by Mars and other pJanets, the person born will be (1) a king, (2) an astrologer, (3) wealthy, (4) a king, (5) a barber aod (6) a king respectively. If at a birth the Moon be in Kanya and be aspected by Mars and other planets; the person born will be (1) clever, (2) a king, (3) head of an army, (4) skillful in all matters, (5) a landlord, and (6) a king respectively.
Sloka 9 : The effect of the Moon in Tula being aspected by Mars and other planets will in their order make the perscn born (1) a rogue, (2) a king, (3) a man working in gold (gold-smith), (4) trader, (5) a tale-bearer and (6) wicked respectivyly. If the Moon be in Vrischika and is aspected by Mars and other planets taken in order, the person born will be (1) a king, (2) a father of twins, (3) a king, (4) a washerman; (5) one defective of some limb and (6) moneyless respectively.
Shtrujivi and are two other readings for in the fourth quarter of the Sloka.
Sloka 10 : If, at the time of birth, the Moon occupies Dhanus and be aspected by Mars, tlle person concerned will be a cheat; if aspected by Mercury, he will protect will be a cheat; if aspected by Jupiter, he will be a ruler of the earth; if by Venus, he will be a support to many people; if by Saturn, he will be a rogue and if by the Sun, he will be an arrogant fellow. If at the time of birth the Moon occupies Makara and is apected by Mars and other planets in their order, the person born will be (1) a king, (2 a king, (3) a king, (4) a learned or wise man, (5) wealthy, and (6) poor respectively.
Sloka 11 : If at the time of birth the Moon occupies Kumbha and is aespected by Mars and other planets taken in order, the person concerned will be (1) addicted to other people’s wives, (2) a king, (3) lord of men, (4) one fond of women not his own, (5) best of kings and (6) respected by men, respectively. If the Moon occupies Meena and is aspected by Mars and other planets taken in order, the person born will be (1) a sinner, (2) witty, (3) a king, (4) a learned man, (5) one intent on doing what is sinful and (6) a sinner respectively.Sloka I2 : If at a person’s birth the Moon occupy a Navamsa of Mars and be aspected by the Sun, the person will be a watchman of a city if the Moon in the above position be aspected by Maps, he will be fond of killing; if by Mercury, he will be skilled in close fighting; if by Jupiter, he will be a king; if by Venus, he will be rich; and if by Saturn, he will promote quarrels. If at the time of birth, the Moon be in a Navamsa of Venus and be a pected by the Sun, the person concerned will be a fool; if by Mars, he will be addicted to other people’s wives; if by Mercury, he will be a good poet; if by Jupiter, he will be the author of good literary works; if by Venus, he will be intent on having all comforts; if by Satrun, he will unite with other people’s wives.
Sloka 13 : lf at the time of birth the Moon occupy a Navamsa of Mercury and be aspected by the Sun, the person concerned will be an actor; if by Mars, he will be a thief; if by Mercury, he will be the chief of poets; if by Jupiter, he will b a minister; if by Venus, he will be skilled in music; and if by Saturn, he will be skilled In mechanical arts. If at the time of birth, the Moon occupies his own Navamsa and be aspected by the Sun, the person concerned will be lean; if by Mars, he will be avaricious; if by Mercury, he will be practising penance; if by Jupiter, he will become an important personage; if by Venus, he will be a servant under a woman; and if by Saturn, he will be devoted to his duties.
Sloka 14 : If at the time of birth, the Moon be in a Navamsa of Simha and be aspected by the Sun, the person concerned will be of an angry temperament; if by Mars, he will be a friend of the king; if by Mercury, he will become the lord of a hidden treasure; if by Jupiter, he will become a great lord; if by Venus, he will be childless; and if by Saturn, he will do cruel acts. If at the time of birth the Moon be in a Navamsa of Jupiter and be aspected by the Sun, he will be a man of reputed valour; if by Mars, be will be versed in fighting; if Mercury, he will be witty; if by Jupiter, he will be a minister; if by Venus, he will be without lust; and if by Saturn, he will be virtuously disposed.
Sloka 15 : If at the time of birth the Moon should occupy a Navamsa of Saturn and be aspected by the Sun, the person concerned will have a very limited number of children; if by Mars, he will lead a miserable life even though wealthy: if by Mercury, he will be haughty; if by Jupiter, he will be devoted to his duty; if by Venus, he will be fond of wicked women; and if by Saturn, he will be irascible. In the same manner should be predicted the effects resulting from the Sun in the several Navamsas being aspected by the Moon and other planets.
Sloka 16 : What has been declared here (in Slokas 12-15) as Amsaphala due to the Moon being posited in the Amsas of the Sun and other planets should be understood to be the effects derived from the Navamsa division. The effects that have been declared as resulting from the Moon in the several signs being aspected by the various planets should be applicable in the case of the Dwadasamsas also.
Sloka 17 : The good effects described above will be full, middling and little according as the Moon occupies a Vargottama, his own Navamsa or the Navamsa of another planer. In the case of bad effects; it will be the reverse. Again, if the lord of the Navamsa occupied by the Moon be strong, the effects described for the Moon in the several signs and aspected by the several planets will be nullified, and only those effects due to the Moon occupying the particular Navamsa subject to the particular planetary aspect will come to pass.
Thus ends the 18th Adhyaya on “Conjunctions of two planets” in the work Phaladeepika composed by Mantreswara.