Sloka 29 : Acquisition of various kinds of wealth and children, severance from enemies, acquisition of cloths, bed ornaments, jewels and wealth, trouble ro elders, and pain owing to enlargement of spleen or excess of bile may mark the Moon’s Bhukti in Mars’ Mahadasa.
Sloka 30 : Illness through poison and water, sight of a venomous serpent, intercourse with another’s wife, separation from or loss of one’s near and dear one’s unpleasant words and mental anguish through wicked people will be the characteristic features of Rahu’s Bhukti in Rahu’s Dasa.Sloka 31 : Advent of happiness, worship of Gods and people of Vedic lore, freedom from diseases, association with charming ladies and discussion of the meanings of sacred texts will mark Jupiter’s Bhukti in Rahu’s Dasa.
Sloka 32 : During Saturn’s interval in Rahu’s Dasa, disease due to the vitiation of wind and bile, wounds in the body, misunderstandings with one’s children, wife or brothers, destruction of servants and loss of position are those that may crop up.
Sloka 33 : Acquisition of children and wealth, meeting of friends, feeling of inferiority complex in an acute from dexterous handling of adornment and skilful arts will mark Mercury’s Bhukti in Rahu’s Dasa.
Sloka 34 : During Ketu’s Bhukti in Rahu’s Dasa, one has to apprehend fever, trouble from fire, weapon and enemies, head-ache, trembling of the body, injury to one’s friends and elders, suffering caused by poison and wounds and quarrel with one’s friends.
Sloka 35 : Acquisition of a wife comforts of the couch, horses, elephants, lands, and phlegmatic and windy disorders, and quarrel with one’s own relations, will mark the Bhukti of Venus in Rahu’s Mahadasa.
Sloka 36 : During the Sun’s Bhukti in Rahu’s Mahadasa, there will be trouble from enemies, in tense pain in the eyes, danger from poison, fire and weapons, and the springing up of fresh troubles. The wife and children will suffer from diseases and there will be great trouble from the king.
Sloka 37 : Loss of the wife, quarrels, mental anguish, agricultural operations, loss of wealth, cattle and children, disaster to friends, and danger from water will mark the Moon’s Bhukti in Rahu’s Mahadasa.
Sloka 38 : During Mars’ interval in Rahu’s Dasa one has to apprehend danger from the sovereign, fire thieves and weapons, or one’s own death through a terrible disease, disturbance to one’s position, heat and eye-troubles.
Sloka 39 : God luck, splendour, high esteem, development of good qualities, acquisition of a good son, honour from the sovereign, coming in contact with one’s preceptor, pious men and realisation of one’s desires are what a person may expect in Jupiter’s Dasa and Bhukti.
Sloka 40 : During Saturn’s Bhukti in Jupiter’s Dasa, association with courtezans, taking to intoxicating drinks and such other evil deeds, reaching highest eminence, sickness to one’s family and cattle heavy expenses, excessive fear, eye-complaints and sickness to children are what a person has to be prepared for.Sloka 41 : When Mercury’s Bhukti is in progress in Jupiter’s Mahadasa, one will come to grief through women, gambling, and drinking, and will suffer from diseases caused by the vitiation of three humours. This is the opinion of some. Others consider that the effect will be solely beneficial by the worship of Gods and Brahmins and by the acquisition of or association with sons, wealth and happiness.
Sloka 42 : During Ketu’s interval in Jupiter’s Mahadasa, one has to suffer from wounds caused by a weapon, There will arise misunderstandings with the servants, mental anguish; trouble to wife and children, danger to life and loss of (or separation from) elders or friends.
Sloka 43 : Acquisition of various materials; cattle corn, clother, utensils, woman, children, food-drink couch (bed) and ornaments, worshipping of Gods and Brahmins and entire devotion to them are to be looked for in Sukra’s interval in Jupiter’s Mahadasa.
Sloka 44 : Victory over one’s enemies, honour from ,the sovereign, acquisition of fame, highest glory, acquisition of men, horses and vehicles, residence in a populous city with all comforts will mark the Sun’s Bhukti in Jupiter’s Mahadasa.
Sloka 45 : Acquisition of many damsels, destruction of enemies, gain of money, profit in agriculture, saleable commodities, high fame and intense devotion in the worship of Gods and Brahmins will mark Moon’s interval in Jupiter’s Mahadasa.
Sloka 46 : Satisfying the relations, addition of wealth from a host of enemies, acquisition of good lands, doing beneficient acts, celebrity of power, a little injury to a preceptor or elder, or a severe hurt to the eye, are what a person may look for in Mars’ interval in Jupiter’s Mahadasa.
Sloka 47 : Distress through relations, excessive mental anguish, sickness, danger from thieves, disease to on’s elders or to youngsters of his family, trouble from the sovereign, misfortune through enemies, and loss of wealth will mark Rahu’s Bhukti in Jupiter’s Mahadasa.
Sloka 48 : Improvement in agriculture, increase servants and buffalos, windy disease; acquisition of much money through a person of the Sudra caste, friendship with an old woman, laziness and sinful action are what Saturn can bring on his own dasa and bhukti.
Sloka 49 : During Mercury’s interval in Saturn’s Dasa a person will have prosperity, happiness, company of females honour from the sovereign, success and company of friends; he will suffer from diseases arising from the there humours. His brothers and children will be troubled with sickness.
Sloka 50 : During Ketu’s interval in Saturn’s Mahadasa, the person becomes liable to disease caused by wind and fire, trouble from enemies, a tendency to quarrel always with his sons and wife, meeting with something inauspicious, and danger from serpents.