Rahu transit in Taurus/Vrushabha from 17th March 2022 to 28th November 2023
The following are their transit effects as per your Rasi, i.e. the Indian moon sign. Given here are the general effects as given in the classical Vedic astrology sastras. However they can vary quite a bit based on your individual horoscope.
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To see the transit results of Rahu from your Janma Nakshatra click here
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Rahu’s transit from Rasi or your Moon sign.
Aries / Mesha – Transit of Rahu in the 1st house from Natal Moon.
During this period, Rahu will move through your first house from the Moon. This mostly denotes several negative effects in your life. This position of Rahu signifies loss of financial resources or wastage of money on unnecessary expenditure. You may have to be extra careful to avoid trouble from enemies. Moreover, you are also likely to be humiliated and some unseen problems might crop up in your field of activity. Be careful of an ill-willed person and avoid suspicious activities like indulging in black magic etc. Health would require your constant attention. You may even develop some unknown ailment, which might take more than usual time to recover. The health of your parents would also require attention during this period. The physical suffering is likely to cause much worry for you mentally. You may feel worried constantly and may suffer from deep mental misery. You may even become nervous, mentally troubled and restless during this particular phase.
Taurus / Vrushabha – Transit of Rahu in the 12th house from Natal moon.
During this period, Rahu will move through your twelfth house from the Moon. This denotes trouble for you. There could be loss in business and in your professional field. Your projects and endeavours may not bring in the desired result. You may even face difficulty in completing your previous tasks on time. You would need to hold on to your courage and confidence as these may also be shaken due to these hurdles at work. Take note of all your expenses and practice stinginess, as you are likely to embrace indebtedness. You may even lose your landed property during this phase. The possibility of a change in your residence cannot be denied during this phase. Avoid any kind of litigations to avoid defamation and humiliation in the society. Maintain a good rapport with your near and dear ones as they may also oppose you when you least expect it. Yours and your spouse’s health could be a matter of concern during this time. You are likely to develop some peculiar ailments, which would require proper diagnosis. Take care of your limbs and your mental health. You are also susceptible to develop insomnia during this particular time.
Gemini / Mithuna – Transit of Rahu in the 11th house from Natal Moon.
During this period, Rahu will move through your eleventh house from the Moon. This brings in good times for you. This period could be regarded as particularly favourable for matters related to your finances. You may expect the inflow of money, some of which could be sudden, from several sources including foreign travel, sea voyage and business relating to the waterways. You may even acquire some landed property and buy some jewelry during this particular time. Domestic life would be good. You are likely to enjoy exotic dishes at home. Your ailing spouse would recover from diseases and would be glowing with health. If you have children of marriageable age, you may plan their marriage with suitable person during this time. Ailing children, if any, would travel the road of fast recovery during this period. This could be regarded as a socially good time as well, as you would be able to command more respect and honour in the society. Your interest in religious and spiritual field would increase and you may also get providential help from these disciplines.
Cancer / Karka – Transit of Rahu in the 10th house from Natal Moon.
During this period, Rahu will move through your tenth house from the Moon. This brings in mixed results for you. Hence, if you see a great time during the first half of this period you may have to experience some negative results in the second half of this phase. Finances should be in a good shape as you are likely to gain in your field of work. You may expect a cooperative atmosphere at work, as you are likely to establish cordial relations with your superiors. You may even expect some gain from your cordial relationship with people of distinction. You are also likely to get new opportunities in your work front, which would give you higher responsibilities and more rights. Finances would require your focused attention or else you may lose some of them. Health could be a matter of concern during this particular time. You are likely to develop sleep disorders, which could also be a result of your constant worries. Health of your parents would require attention as well. If you are also going through the phase of your maraka dasha you must avoid any life-risking task during this period. Some of you may also have to perform funeral rites of your parents, which could be the result of karma dasha. Mentally you may not feel fine and your decision-making.
Leo / Simha – Transit of Rahu in the 9th house from Natal Moon.
During this period, Rahu will move through your ninth house from the natal Moon. This mostly signifies loss of wealth and your involvement in malicious activities. Most of you are likely to invest your hard earned money in lottery, whereas, you are likely to lose money in speculation and unnecessary expenses. Hold on tight to your finances, as you may have to embrace poverty during this particular phase. You are also likely to get involved in some sinful activities, which is unacceptable in your religion. You are also likely to break the code of your religious conduct and practice black magic. Your professional life is likely to go on a bumpy ride with several ups and downs. Avoid any kind of arguments with your siblings. Handle your friends and acquaintances carefully to avoid being forsaken by them. Moreover, due to your cosmic graph, this could be a trying time for your parents and siblings. Avoid bad company to keep yourself away from more trouble particularly during this time. Health would also require your attention as you may suffer from a few minor ailments at this time.
Virgo / Kanya – Transit of Rahu in the 8th house from Natal Moon.
During this period, Rahu will move through your eighth house from the Moon. This mostly denotes physical ailments for you. This is the time when you must give top priority to your health. This period may make you suffer from diseases of the reproductive organs, small pox, and various sexually transmitted diseases. Do not take any health related complications for granted as it might prove to be life risking for you. You may also suffer from mental anxiety and unnecessary fear from everything. Those who are also going through the maraka period in your Janma Rashi must avoid taking risks with their lives. Keep away from corruption and malpractices as you may end up with the judiciary. You may also have to face humiliation and defamation during this particular phase. Utmost care should be taken for the success of all your endeavours as your enemies or ill wishers may conspire against you. Secure your landed property and jewellery, as you are likely to lose some during this phase. Be calculative enough to avoid any losses in your business, trade or profession.
Libra / Tula – Transit of Rahu in the 7th house from Natal Moon.
Transit of Rahu in the 7th house from your natal Moon. During this period, Rahu will move through your seventh house from the Moon. This brings in fatigue and worry for you. This is the time when you need to keep away from any kind of property related litigations and trade, as you are likely to lose your property at this time. However, some of you may even gain profit or suddenly progress in your field of trade. At home, avoid any kind of argument with your spouse as this might lead to quarrels. Try and maintain a cordial relationship with your friends and relatives to avoid being deserted by them. You are susceptible to getting involved in an illicit affair with a person of the opposite sex. Avoid this kind of relationship during this time as this might end up ruining your name in the society. Pay attention to your health as you may catch some venereal diseases. You may also develop some bile and wind related diseases. The health of your spouse may also cause worry during this particular time. Keep an eye on your behaviour and avoid any kind of arguments with your enemies. You also tend to get involved in unnecessary litigations during this time. Keep away from all kinds of litigations to avoid humiliation and defamation. Some of you may also have to go to a distant place, which could also prove to be troublesome for you.
Scorpio / Vruschika – Transit of Rahu in the 6th house from your natal Moon.
During this period, Rahu will move through your sixth house from the Moon. This brings in wealth from various sources for you. You may expect smooth sailing on your work front during this time. If you are into trade or business, agriculture or poultry farming you may expect a considerable profit in your respective fields of work. You may even expect some monetary gain from your opponents during this time. Chances are that you would also be benefited by your maternal uncle. Health would require your attention as you may develop some chronic diseases. However, if attended on time, you can be cured of all your ailments and regain your sound health. Socially you would be in a great shape. Your respect and honour in the society would see an upward move during this time. You are also likely to meet someone interesting from the opposite sex who would possibly belong to some other region. You may expect to feel excited and challenged intellectually while being with this person. Your enemies would be submissive and you would gain over them.
Sagittarius / Dhanu – Transit of Rahu in the 5th house from Natal Moon.
During this period, Rahu will move through your fifth house from the natal Moon. This signifies grief, especially due to matters related to your children. Financially this may not be regarded as a good time for you. Hold tight to your finances, as it is likely to be spent on unnecessary purchases. Health of your parents and spouse may become a cause of concern, as they are susceptible to developing diseases. Matters related to your children may worry you more during this particular phase which is termed as the period of Putra Dosha meaning sorrow related to your son. Attend to any health problem of your children that may come up during this time. Some of you may even find your children going astray or developing some serious ailments. Mentally you may suffer from increased agony and confusion. Your decision-making skill may go haywire making you get carried away to make the wrong decision. However, some of you may experience some unusual ups and downs where you may even get unexpected financially gain.
Makara / Capricorn – Transit of Rahu in the 4th house from Natal Moon.
During this period, Rahu will move through your fourth house from the Moon. This would see you going through a troubled time. You will have to be extra careful in matters related to your landed property as this journey of Rahu denotes loss of the same. You may also have to change your place of residence at this time. It would be a good idea to avoid any kind of property related litigations during this phase. Your health may require some extra care, as you are susceptible to developing diseases during this time. Take good care of your spouse and children’s health as well. Mentally you may remain worried and unenthusiastic about everything around. Your mother’s health could also become a matter of concern for you, as she is likely to develop bodily pain and mental unrest. Moreover, you may also have to mourn over the loss of a relative or friend. You may have to consciously put effort to keep negative thinking at bay, as you are likely to develop an urge to do unlawful deeds during this particular time. Avoid travelling during this time. Travel of any kind may lead to an accident where you may lose your vehicle or your valuables. At home, you would have to make that extra effort to keep the atmosphere conducive for peaceful living. Beware of your enemies during this time, as they are likely to add some more trouble in your life. However, some of you may even expect some reconciliation with your foes.
Aquarius / Kumbha – Transit of Rahu in the 3rd house from Natal Moon.
During this period, Rahu will move through your third house from the Moon. This brings along considerable good times along. Financially this period is expected to be very good. You may expect to gain money from various known and unknown sources and you may even get financial benefits from your enemies. If employed you may expect a raise in your salary and those who are involved in trade may also expect added profit during this particular time. Progress at work could also be expected. Your projects, even the ones that were postponed for some reasons, would be completed successfully. You may also expect cooperation from your colleagues and seniors at work. Your efficiency at work and in your field of learning would be noticed as well. Health should remain fine and you would face any problem with much courage and vitality. Socially also, this could be regarded as a good time. You may even expect a raise in your social status and in your fame in the society. Comfort would define your life at home. You are most likely to enjoy a soothing atmosphere at home. This time could also prove to be great as it also brings in opportunities to satisfy your taste buds. You would indulge in exotic culinary delights at home as well as outside. You would also get the cooperation of your siblings in accomplishing your work. If you ever wished for sensual pleasure with people of the opposite sex, you are most likely to get the same as well. If married, you may also expect fast recovery of your ailing spouse or children.
Pisces / Meena – Transit of Rahu in the 2nd house from natal moon.
During this period, Rahu will move through your second house from the Moon. This signifies a troubled time financially, physically and socially for you. During this period, keep an eye on your expenditures and beware of thieves or any unforeseen expenses. Take care of your health and your food habits particularly at this time of the year. Avoid indulging in unknown food or untimely eating as you may develop stomach disorders very easily. Your eyes may also need your extra care. Health of your spouse may also become a cause of concern for most of you during this time. This is the time when you must stay away from all the litigations or issues related to the judiciary; chances are, you may even lose in such cases especially during this particular time. Avoid any kind of arguments and confusions with your near and dear ones as well. This time may also see you go through a rough phase with your spouse. Stay away from any kind of situations where you smell foul play, as this or some scandals related to a person of the opposite sex may damage your image in the society.