The date, time & venue: The regular Poojas will be performed at Chennai, India by our trusted Vedasala Pandits. The date, time and venue of the pooja will be intimated by email and you or your representative are welcome to attend it.
The priests who perform the poojas are South-Indian Vedic pundits. All of them are from traditional priest families of Andhra, Karnataka & Tamilnadu.
If you want the poojas to be performed at your place, it can be arranged by sending the pundits to your place. You need to contact us for this as the price will vary depending on how far they have to travel, the time etc.
The price includes the following:
The Materials used in pooja.
Vastra dana or clothes given to pundits.
Anna dana or lunch given to the pundits as prescribed.
Dakshina or the fees paid to the pundits.
Tamboolam or pan leaves, beetle nut, coconut and fruits given to the pundits.
How long it takes: The Pooja will be performed normally within 3 days of booking the order. Some poojas which are auspicious date or tithi sensitive and may take longer. You can also book a pooja to be performed on a specific date.
What we need from you: We need the following from you:
1. Full Name.
2. Your Sankalpa, ie, the specific wish with which you are getting the Pooja/Homa performed.
3. Your Gotra, ie, the presiding Rishi of your family. This is not compulsory.
4. Your Nakshatra or birth star. If you dont know you can provide your Date, Time & Place of birth to us. This is not compulsory.
What we send: Regretfully because of terrorist attacks etc, as per the new Indian and international laws, Eatables, liquid and powders cannot be sent by courier or by post. This came into effect after the London terrorist attempt. Some priests and temples are still doing it but its illegal and I cannot risk the possibility of any adverse action against my site. What matters really is that you are paying homage to God with faith and His blessings will be with you. We do not take pictures or videos as it disturbs the pandits and the Poojas.
What guarantee: Please note that this is not a medicine or a TV with guarantees. Our job is to do Pooja sincerely and it is Gods wish to grant results. So don’t expect any overnight miracles. It may take time to see results so be patient.
For any special requirements E-mail to: sptata@astrojyoti.com and mark the mail “pooja advise”. Or you can ring Mobile: 91-8978953237, 91-9542095470, 91-7842505152 and contact: Pandit S.P.Tata.
We guarantee that the Poojas you order will be performed as per the genuine Vedic tradition by qualified South-Indian Pundits on the promised date & time.