Salutations to thee that hast assigned the duties of the respective modes of life. Salutations to thee that deservest to, be praised in sounds, that art of the form of sorrow, and that art of the form of deep and confused noise. Salutations to thee that hast eyes both white and tawny, as also dark and red. Salutations to thee that hast conquered thy vital breaths, that art of the form of weapons, that rivest all things, and that art exceedingly lean. Salutations to thee that always discoursest of Religion, Pleasure, Profit, and Emancipation. Salutations to thee that art a Sankhya, that art the foremost of Sankhyas, and that art the introducer of the Sankhya-Yoga.[1414] Salutations to thee that hast a car and that art without a car (for thy journeys).[1415] Salutations to thee that hast the intersections of four roads for thy car; to thee that hast the skin of a black deer for thy upper garments, and that hast a snake for thy sacred thread. Salutations to thee that art Isana, that art of body as hard as thunderbolt, and that art of green locks. Salutations to thee that art of three eyes, that art the lord of Amvika, that art Manifest, and that art Unmanifest.[1416] Salutations to thee that art Desire, that art the Giver of all desires, that art the Killer of all desires, and that art the discriminator between the gratified and the ungratified. Salutations to thee that art all things, the Giver of all things, and the Destroyer of all things. Salutations to thee that art the hues which appear in the evening sky. Salutations to thee that art of mighty strength, that art of mighty arms, that art a mighty Being, and that art of great effulgence.
Salutations to thee that lookest like a mighty mass of clouds, and that art the embodiment of eternity! Salutations to thee that art of well-developed body, that art of emaciated limbs, that bearest matted locks on thy head, and that art clad in barks of trees and skins of animals. Salutations to thee that hast matted locks as effulgent as the Sun or the Fire, and that hast barks and skins for thy attire. Salutations to thee that art possessed of the effulgence of a thousand Suns, and that art ever engaged in penances. Salutations to thee that art the excitement of Fever and that art endued with matted locks drenched with the waters of the Ganges characterised by hundreds of eddies. Salutations to thee that repeatedly revolvest the Moon, the Yugas, and the clouds.[1417] Thou art food, thou art he who eats that food, thou art the giver of food, thou art the grower of food, and thou art the creator of food. Salutations to thee that cookest food and that eatest cooked food, and that art both wind and fire! O lord of all the lords of the gods, thou art the four orders of living creatures, viz., the viviparous, the oviparous, the filth-born, and plants. Thou art the Creator of the mobile and immobile universe, and thou art their Destroyer! O foremost of all persons conversant with Brahma, they that are conversant with Brahma regard thee as Brahma! The utterers of Brahma say that thou art the Supreme source of Mind, and the Refuge upon which Space, Wind, and Light rest.
Thou art the Richs and the Samans, and the syllable Om. O foremost of all deities, those utterers of Brahma that sing the Samans constantly sing thee when they utter the syllables Hayi-Hayi, Huva-Hayi, and Huva-Hoyi.[1418] Thou art made up of the Yajuses, of the Richs, and of the offerings poured on the sacrificial fire. The hymns contained in the Vedas and the Upanishads adore thee![1419] Thou art the Brahmanas and the Kshatriyas, the Vaisyas, and the Sudras, and the other castes formed by intermixture. Thou art those masses of clouds that appear in the sky; thou art Lightning; and thou art the roar of thunder. Thou art the year, thou art the seasons, thou art the month, and thou art the fortnight. Thou art Yuga, thou art the time represented by a twinkle of the eye, thou art Kashtha, thou art the Constellations, thou art the Planets, thou art Kala. Thou art the tops of all trees, thou art the highest summits of all mountains. Thou art the tiger among the lower animals, thou art Garuda among birds, and thou art Ananta among snakes. Thou art the ocean of milk among all oceans and thou art the bow among instruments for hurling weapons. Thou art the thunder among weapons, and thou art Truth among vows. Thou art Aversion and thou art Desire: thou art attachment and thou art stupefaction (of judgment): thou art Forgiveness and thou art Unforgiveness. Thou art Exertion, and thou art Patience: thou art Cupidity: thou art Lust and thou art Wrath: thou art Victory and thou art Defeat.
Thou art armed with mace, and thou art armed with shaft: thou art armed with the bow, and thou bearest the Khattanga and the Jharjhara in thy hands. Thou art he who cuttest down and piercest and smitest. Thou art he who leads (all creatures) and he who gives them pain and grief. Thou art Righteousness which is marked by ten virtues; thou art Wealth or Profit of every kind; and thou art Pleasure. Thou art Ganga, thou art the Oceans, thou art the Rivers, thou art the lakes, and thou art the tanks. Thou art the thin creepers, thou art the thicker creeping plants, thou art all kinds of grass, and thou art the deciduous herbs. Thou art all the lower animals and thou art the birds. Thou art the origin of all objects and acts, and thou art that season which yields fruits and flowers. Thou art the beginning and thou art the end of the Vedas; thou art the Gayatri, and thou art Om. Thou art Green, thou art Red, thou art Blue, thou art Dark, thou art of Bloody hue, thou art of the colour of the Sun, thou art Tawny, thou art Brown, and thou art Dark blue.[1420] Thou art without colour, thou art of the best colour, thou art the maker of colours, and thou art without comparison. Thou art of the name of Gold, and thou art fond of Gold. Thou art Indra, thou art Yama, thou art the Giver of boons, thou art the Lord of wealth, and thou art Agni. Thou art the Eclipse, thou art the Fire called Chitrabhanu, thou art Rahu, and thou art the Sun. Thou art the fire upon which sacrificial butter is poured. Thou art He who pours the butter. Thou art He in honour of whom the butter is poured, thou art the butter itself that is poured, and thou art the puissant Lord of all.
Thou art those sections of the Brahmans that are called Trisuparna, thou art all the Vedas; and thou art the sections called Satarudriya in the Yajuses. Thou art the holiest of holies, and the auspicious of all auspicious things. Thou animatest the inanimate body. Thou art the Chit that dwellest in the human form. Invested with attributes, thou becomest subject to Destruction. Thou art Jiva, that is He who is never subject to destruction when uninvested with attributes. Thou art full yet thou becomest liable to decay and death in the form of the body which is Jiva’s accompaniment. Thou art the breath of life, and thou art Sattwa, thou art Rajas, thou art Tamas, and thou art not subject to error. Thou art the breaths called Prana, Apana, Samana, Udana, and Vyana. Thou art the opening of the eye and shutting of the eye. Thou art the act of Sneezing and thou art the act of Yawning. Thou art of red eyes which are ever turned inwards. Thou art of large mouth and large stomach.[1421] The bristles on thy body are like needles. The beard is green. Thy hair is turned upwards. Thou art swifter than the swiftest. Thou art conversant with the principles of music both vocal and instrumental, and fond of both vocal and instrumental music.[1422] Thou art a fish roving in the waters, and thou art a fish entangled in the net. Thou art full, thou art fond of sports, and thou art of the form of all quarrels and disputes. Thou art Time, thou art bad time, thou art time that is premature, and thou art time that is over-mature.[1423] Thou art the killing, thou art the razor (that kills), and thou art that which is killed. Thou art the auxiliary and thou art the adversary, and thou art the destroyer of both auxiliaries and adversaries.
Thou art the time when clouds appear, thou art of large teeth, and thou art Samvartaka and Valahaka.[1424] Thou art manifest in the form of splendour. Thou art concealed in consequence of being invested with Maya (or illusion). Thou art He who connects creatures with the fruits of their acts. Thou hast a bell in thy hand. Thou playest with all mobile and immobile things (as with thy toys). Thou art the cause of all causes. Thou art a Brahma (in the form of Pranava), thou art Swaha; thou art the bearer of the Danda, thy head is bald, and thou art he who has his words, deeds and thoughts under control.[1425] Thou art the four Yugas, thou art the four Vedas, thou art He from whom the four (Sacrificial) fires have flowed.[1426] Thou art the Director of all the duties of the four modes of life. Thou art the maker of the four Orders. Thou art always fond of dice. Thou art cunning. Thou art the chief of the spirits distributed into ganas (clans), and their ruler. Thou art adorned with red garlands and attired in robes that are red. Thou sleepest on the mountain-breast, and thou art fond of the red hue. Thou art the artisan; thou art the foremost of artists; and it is thou from whom all arts have flowed. Thou art the tearer of the eyes of Bhaga; thou art Fierce, and thou art He who destroyed the teeth of Pushan.[1427] Thou art Swaha, thou art Swadha, thou art Vashat, thou art Salutation’s form, and thou art the words Namas-Namas uttered by all worshippers.