The region last spoken of is without any fear (of change for the worse), uncreate (and therefore, in its true nature), without pain of any kind (such as ignorance and delusion), without any agreeable or disagreeable element, beyond the reach of the three attributes (of Sattwa, Rajas, and Tamas), freed from the eight incidents, (viz., the five primal elements, the senses, the: mind, and the intellect), without the three (distinctions between the knower, the known, and act of knowing); freed also from the four attributes (seeing, hearing, thinking, and knowing),[633] without the fourfold causes (of knowledge), without joy and delight and sorrow and disease. Time (in his forms of past, present, and future) arises there for use. Time is not the ruler there. That supreme region is the ruler of Time as also of Heaven. That Reciter who becomes identified with his Soul (by withdrawing everything into it) goes thither. He has, after this, never to feel any sorrow. This region is called Supreme. The other regions (of which I have first spoken) are hell. I have not told thee of all those regions that are called hell. Indeed, in comparison with that foremost of regions all the others are called hell.’
“Yudhishthira said, ‘Thou hadst referred to the dispute between Time, Mrityu, Yama, Ikshvaku, and a Brahmana. It behoveth thee to narrate the story in full.’
“Bhishma said, ‘In connection with this subject that I am discoursing upon, is cited the old history of what transpired between Surya’s son Ikshvaku and a certain Brahmana, and Time and Mrityu. Listen to me as to what occurred, and what was the conversation that took place between them, and the place where it happened. There was a certain Brahmana of great fame and pious behaviour. He was a Reciter. Possessed of great wisdom, he was conversant with the six Angas (of the Vedas). He was of the Kusika race and son of Pippalada.[634] He acquired (by his austerities) spiritual insight into the Angas.[635] Residing at the foot of Himavat, he was devoted to the Vedas. Silently reciting the Gayatri composition, he practised severe austerities for attaining to Brahma. A thousand years passed over his head while he was engaged in the observance of vows and fasts. The goddess (of Gayatri or Savitri) showed herself to him and said, ‘I am gratified with thee.’ Continuing to recite the sacred mantra, the Brahmana remained silent and spoke not a word to the goddess.
The goddess felt compassion for him and became highly gratified. Then that progenitrix of the Vedas applaud that recitation in which the Brahmana had been engaged. After finishing his recitation (for that day) the Brahmana stood up and, bending his head, prostrated himself before the goddess’s feet. The righteous-souled Reciter, addressing the goddess, said, ‘By good luck, O goddess, thou hast been gratified with me and shown thyself to me. If, indeed, thou art gratified with me, the boon I ask is that my heart may take pleasure in act of recitation.’
“Savitri said, ‘What dost thou ask, O regenerate Rishi? What wish of thine shall I accomplish? Tell me, O foremost of Reciters, everything will be as thou wishest.’ Thus addressed by the goddess, the Brahmana, conversant with duties, replied, saying, ‘Let my wish about continuing my recitations go on increasing every moment. Let also, O auspicious goddess, the absorption of my mind into Samadhi be more complete.’ The goddess sweetly said, ‘Let it be as thou wishest.’ Desiring to do good to the Brahmana, the goddess once again addressed him, saying, ‘Thou shalt not have to go to hell, i.e., thither where great Brahmanas go. Thou shalt go into the region of Brahma which is uncreate and free from every fault. I go hence, but that which thou hast asked me shall happen.[636] Go on reciting with restrained soul and rapt attention. The god Dharma will in person come to thee. Time, Mrityu. and Yama also will all approach thy presence. There will be a dispute here between them and thee on a question of morality.’
‘Bhishma continued, ‘Having said these words, the goddess went back to her own abode. The Brahmana. continued engaged in recitation for a thousand celestial years. Restraining wrath, and always controlling self, he passed his time, firmly devoting himself to truth and freed from malice. Upon the completion of his observance by the intelligent Brahmana, Dharma, gratified with him, showed his person unto that regenerate individual.’
‘Dharma said, ‘O regenerate one, behold me who am Dharma. I have come here for seeing thee. Thou hast won the reward of this recitation in which thou hadst been engaged. Listen to ma as to what that reward is. Thou hast won all the regions of felicity which appertain to either gods or men. O good man, thou shalt ascend above all the abodes of the deities. O ascetic, cast off thy vital breaths then, and go unto whatever regions thou pleasest. By casting off thy body thou wilt win many regions of felicity.’
“The Brahmana said, ‘What business have I with those regions of felicity of which thou speakest? O Dharma, go whithersoever thou pleasest. I will not, O puissant lord, cast off this body which is subject to much happiness and misery.’
“Dharma said, ‘Thy body, O foremost of ascetics, should certainly be cast off. Do thou ascend to heaven, O Brahmana! Or, tell us what else should please thee, O sinless one!’
“The Brahmana said, ‘I do not, O puissant lord, wish to reside in heaven itself without this body of mine. Leave me, O Dharma! I have no desire to go to heaven itself without my own body.’
“Dharma said, ‘Without (thus) setting thy heart on thy body, cast it off and be happy Go into regions that are free from the attribute of Passion. Indeed, going thither, thou shalt never have to feel any misery.’
“The Brahmana said, ‘O highly-blessed one, I take great pleasure in recitation. What need have I for those eternal regions of which thou speakest? Indeed, O puissant lord, I do not desire to go to heaven with even this body of mine.’
“Dharma said, ‘If thou dost not wish to cast off thy body, behold, O regenerate one, there is Time, and there is Mrityu, and there is Yama, who are all approaching thee!’
‘Bhishma continued, ‘After Dharma had said this, Vivaswat’s son (Yama), Time, and Mrityu,–the trio (who snatch away all creatures from the earth), approached that Brahmana, O blessed king, and addressed him thus.’
“Yama said, ‘I am Yama. I say unto thee that a high reward awaits thee for these well-performed penances of thine, and for this pious conduct that thou hast observed.’
“Time said, ‘Thou hast won a high reward which is, indeed, commensurate with this course of recitation that thou hast finished. The time is come for thee to ascend to heaven.. I am Time and I have come to thee.’
“Mrityu said, ‘O thou that art conversant with righteousness, know me for Mrityu herself in her proper form. I have come to thee in person, urged by Time, for bearing thee hence, O Brahmana.’
“The Brahmana said, ‘Welcome to Surya’s son, to Time possessed of high soul, to Mrityu, and to Dharma! What shall I accomplish for you all.
“Bhishma continued, ‘In that meeting, the Brahmana gave them water to wash their feet, and the usual articles of the Arghya. Highly gratified, he then addressed them, saying, ‘What shall I do for you all by exerting my own might?’ Just at that time, 01 monarch, (king) Ikshvaku, who had set out on a sojourn to holy waters and shrines, came to that spot where those deities had been assembled together. ‘The royal sage Ikshvaku bowed his head and worshipped them all. That best of kings then enquired after the welfare of all of them. The Brahmana gave the king a seat, as also water to wash his feet, and the usual Arghya. Having next made the usual enquiries of courtesy, he said, ‘Thou art welcome, O great monarch! Tell me all this thy wishes! Let thy noble self tell me what I shall have to accomplish for thee by putting forth my might.’