i. 6. 11.
He who knows the seventeenfold Prajapati as connected with the sacrifice rests secure through the sacrifice, and falls not away from the sacrifice. ‘Do thou proclaim’ has four syllables; ‘Be it proclaimed’ has four syllables; ‘Utter’ has two syllables; ‘We that do utter’ has five syllables; the Vasat has two syllables; this is the seventeenfold Prajapati as connected with the sacrifice; he who knows thus rests secure through the sacrifice and does not fall away from the sacrifice. He who knows the beginning, the support, the end of the sacrifice [1] reaches the end with a secure and uninjured sacrifice. ‘Do thou proclaim’; ‘Be it proclaimed’; ‘Utter’;
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a. Indra for you we invoke On all sides from other men; Be he ours only.
b. Indra men call in reverence That he may cause their prayers to be accomplished; Hero, men overpowering, delighting in strength, Do thou confer upon us a stall full of kine.
c. O Çatakratu, the strength of thine That is in the five folks, That do I choose of thee.
d.To thee hath been assigned for mighty power, For ever, in the slaying of Vrtra, All lordship, and all strength, O thou that art worthy of sacrifice In the overcoming of man, by the gods, O Indra [1].
e. In whom the seven Vasavas rest As it were firm rooted, The Rsi of farthest hearing, The glowing pot is the guest of Indra.
f. In the raw thou didst produce the cooked, And madest the sun to mount in the sky;
Like the glowing pot heat ye the Saman With good prayers, delightful to the lover of song.
g. Indra the singers aloud, Indra with praises the praisers, Indra the songs have praised.
h. The singers sing thee [2]; The praisers hymn thy praise; The Brahmans raise thee, 0 Çatakratu, like a pole.
i. Let us offer our praise to him who delivereth from trouble, Swiftest to give, celebrating his loving kindness;
O Indra, accept this oblation; May the desires of the sacrificer be fulfilled.
k. That to which Dhisana impelled me have I produced;
l. shall praise Indra before the decisive day; Him that goeth as with a ship Both parties invoke that there he may rescue us. l First lord of sacrifices [3], Freeing from trouble, the best of those worthy of offering,
Son of the waters, the impeller, O ye Açvins; Do ye confer power and strength on this one.
m. Smite away our foes, O Indra; Cast down the warriors; Make him low Who is hostile to us.
n. O Indra, thou wast born for rule, for prosperous strength Of the people, O strong one;Thou didst smite away the unfriendly folk, And madest wide room for the gods.
o. Like a dread beast, evil, roaming the mountains, He hath come from the furthest place [4]; Sharpening thy lance, thy sharp edge, O Indra, Smite the foes, drive away the enemy.
p. Drive away the foe, the enemy, Smash the jaws of Vrtra; In rage do thou avert the anger
Of him who is hostile to us.
q. The guardian Indra, the helper Indra, The hero ready to hear at every call, Indra,
I invoke the strong one, invoked of many, Indra; May Indra in his bounty bestow on us prosperity.
r. May we not [5], O strong one, in this distress, Be handed over to evil, O lord of the ways;
Guard us with true protection; May we be dear to you among the princes.
s. The Anus have wrought a chariot for thy steed; Tvastr a glorious bolt, O thou invoked of many;
The Brahmans magnifying Indra with their praises Have strengthened him for the slaying of the serpent.
t. What time the strong sang praise to the strong, O Indra, the stones and Aditi in unison,
Without steeds or chariots were the fellies Which, sped by Indra, rolled against the Dasyus.