The Part of the Sacrificer in the New and Full Moon Sacrifices.
i. 6. 1.
a. By the Yajus I pour on theeOffspring, life, and wealth.Instigated by Brhaspati may the sacrificer here come to no harm.
b. Thou art butter, thou art truth, thou art the overseer of truth, thou art the oblation of Vaiçvanara, of the All-gods, with pure strength, of true might; thou art power, overpowering; overpower hostility, overpower those who practise hostility; overpower enmity, overpower those who practise emnity; thou art of a thousandfold strength; do thou quicken me; thou art of butter the butter; thou art of truth the truth; thou hast true life [1]; thou hast true strength; with truth I besprinkle thee; may I share thee that art such.
c. For a prop, a support, of the five winds I take thee.
d. For a prop, a support, of the five seasons I take thee.
e. For a prop, a support, of the five quarters I take thee.
f. For a prop, a support, of the five five-peoples I take thee.
g. For a prop, a support, of the pot with five holes I take thee.
h. For the brilliance of the Brahman, for a prop, a support, I take thee.
i. For the might of the ruling class, for a prop, a support, I take thee [2].
k. For the people, for a prop, a support I take thee.
l. For excellence of strength I take thee.
m. For wealth of offspring I take thee.
n. For increase of wealth I take thee.
o. For splendour I take thee.
p. The earth ours, the oblation the gods, the benedictions the sacrificers’; for the divinities of the gods I take thee.
q For desire I take thee.
i. 6. 2.
a. Thou art secure; may I be secure among my equals, wise, a guardian, a granter of wealth.
b. Thou art dread; may I be dread among my equals, dread, a guardian, a granter of wealth.
c. Thou art overcoming; may I be overcoming among my equals, overcoming, a guardian, a granter of wealth.
d. I yoke thee with the divine Brahman,To bear this oblation, O wise one;Kindling thee, may we live long with good children,With good heroes, bearing thee tribute.
e. Whatever, O Agni, in this sacrifice of mine may be spoiled [1],Whatever of the butter, O Visnu, may be spilt,
Therewith do I smite the rival who is hard to slay;I place him on the lap of destruction.
f. Bhur, Bhuvah, Suvar!
g. O Agni, do thou strengthen the sacrificer; weaken him who plotteth evil.,
h. O Agni, kindled by the gods, kindled by Manu, with sweet tongue,I touch the head of thee, the immortal, O Hotr, for increase of wealth, good offspring, strength.
i. Thou art mind, derived from Prajapati; with mind in true existence do thou enter me.
k. Thou art speech, derived from Indra, destroying the foe [2]; do thou enter me with speech, with power (indriyena).
l. Of the seasons spring I delight; delighted may it delight me.
m. Of the seasons summer I delight; delighted may it delight me.
n. Of the seasons the rains I delight; delighted may they delight me.
o. Of the seasons the autumn I delight; delighted may it delight me.
p. Of the seasons the winter and the cool I delight; delighted may they two delight me.
q. By sacrifice to the gods, Agni and Soma, may I be possessed of sight.
r. By sacrifice to the god Agni, may I be an eater of food [3].
s. Thou art a deceiver; may I be undeceived, may I deceive N. N.
t. By sacrifice to the gods, Agni and Soma, may I be a slayer of foes.
u. By sacrifice to the gods, Indra and Agni, may I be powerful and an eater of food.
v. By sacrifice to the god Indra, may I be powerful.
w. By sacrifice tothe god Mahendra, may I attain superiority and greatness.
x. By sacrifice to the god Agni Svistakrt, may I attain security through the sacrifice, enjoying long life.
i. 6. 3.
a. May I Agni protect me from evil sacrifice, Savitr from evil report.
b. Him who near or afar plots evil against me, with this may I conquer.
c. O thou of fair rain colour, comeTo this blessed home,Approach me in devotion.
d. Touch the heads.
e. O Ida, come hither; O Aditi, come hither; O Sarasvati, come hither.
f. Thou art delight, thou art delighting, thou art fair.
g. O thou in whom joy is taken, may I attain joy from thee; O thou who art invoked, may I obtain invocation [1] from thee.
h. May the prayer of the sacrificer be fulfilled for me.
i. With untroubled mind may I have strength for this.
k. May the sacrifice mount the sky, may the sacrifice reach the sky.
l. The path that leadeth to the gods, along it may the sacrifice go to the gods.
m. On us may Indra bestow power; Us may wealth and sacrifices attend Ours be blessings; To us be she dear, victorious, bountiful.
n. Thou art joy, give joy to us; thou art enjoyed by us [2], may I attain joy from thee.
o. Mind, light, rejoice in the sacrifice May he unite this scattered sacrifice; May Brhaspati extend this for us.
May the All-gods rejoice here.
p. Swell, O ruddy one.
q. May (my act) as I give be not destroyed; may (my act) as I work not perish.
r. Thou art the portion of Prajapati, full of strength and milk.
s. Protect my expiration and inspiration; protect my breathing together and cross-breathing; protect my out-breathing and cross-breathing.
t. Thou art imperishable, for imperishableness thee; mayst thou not perish for me, yonder, in yonder world.
i. 6. 4.
a. By sacrifice to the divine straw, may I be possessed of children.
b. By sacrifice to the god Naraçansa, may I be possessed of cattle.
c. By sacrifice to the god Agni Svistakrt, may I attain security through the sacrifice, having long life.
d. May I be victorious through the victory of Agni.
e.. May I be victorious through the victory of Soma.
f. May I be victorious through the victory of Agni.
g. May I be victorious through the victory of Agni and Soma.
h. May I be victorious through the victory of Indra and Agni.
i. May I be victorious through the victory of Indra [1].
k. May I be victorious through the victory of Mahendra.
l. May I be victorious through the victory of Agni Svistakrt.
m. With the impulse of strength, With elevation he hath seized me; then Indra hath made my enemies
Humble with depression.
n. The gods have increased my prayer Which is elevation and depression; Then do ye, O Indra and Agni,
Scatter my foes on every side.
o. Hither these blessings have come, fain for milking, Possessing Indra [2], may we win, May we milk offspring and food.
p. With the red steed may Agni convey thee to the god; with the tawny ones may Indra convey thee to the god; with Etaça may Sarya convey thee to the god.
q. I unyoke thy head ropes, thy reins, Thy yokings, thy harness; Bestow upon us wealth and what is good;
Proclaim us sharers among the gods.
r. By sacrifice to the god Visnu, by the sacrifice, may I attain health and wealth, and security.
s. By sacrifice to the god Soma [3], possessing good seed, may I impregnate seed.
t. By sacrifice to the god Tvastr, may I prosper the form of cattle.
u. The wives of the gods, Agni lord of the house, are the pair of the sacrifice; by sacrifice to these deities, may I be propagated with a pair.
v. Thou art the bundle, thou art gain, may I gain.
w. Thou art action, thou art making, may I make.
x. Thou art winning, thou art the winner, may I win.
y. May the bundle bestow increase of wealth, Rich in ghee, rich in houses, A thousandfold, strong.