The Soma Cups
i. 4. 1.
a. I take thee. Thou art the stone which maketh the sacrifice for the gods; make this sacrifice deep, with thy highest edge, (make) the Soma well pressed for Indra, rich in sweetness, in milk, bringing rain.
b. To Indra, slayer of Vrtra, thee! To Indra, conqueror of Vrtra, thee! To Indra, slayer of foes, thee! To Indra with the Adityas, thee! To Indra with the all-gods, thee!
c. Ye are savoury, conquerors of Vrtra, delightful through your gifts, spouses of immortality, Do ye, O goddesses, place this sacrifice among the gods Do ye, invoked, drink the Soma; Invoked by you [1] let Soma drink.
d. With thy light which is in the sky, on the earth, in the broad atmosphere, do thou for this sacrificer spread wealth broadly; be favour able to the giver.
e. Ye Dhisanas, that are strong, be strengthened; gather strength, and give me strength; let me not harm you, harm me not.
f. Forward, backward, upward, downward, let these quarters speed to you; O mother, come forth.
g Thy unerring, watchful name, O Soma, to that of thee, O Soma, to Soma, hail!
1 4. 2.
a. Be pure for the lord of speech, O strong one; male, purified by the arms with the shoots of the male; thou art the god purifier of gods; to those thee whose portion thou art!
b. Thou art he who is appropriated; make our food full of sweetness for us; to all the powers of sky and earth thee!
c. May mind enter thee.
d. Fare along the broad atmosphere.
e. Hail! Thee, of kindly nature, to the sun!
f. To the gods that drink the rays thee
g. This is thy birthplace; to expiration thee!
i. 4. 3.
a. Thou art taken with a support.
b. O bounteous one, restrain (it), protect Soma, guard wealth, win food by sacrifice, I place within thee sky and earth, within thee the broad atmosphere; in unison with the gods, the lower and the higher, O bounteous one, do thou rejoice in the Antaryama (cup).
c. Thou art he who is appropriated; make our food full of sweetness for us; to all the powers of sky and earth thee!
d. May mind enter thee.
e. Fare along the broad atmosphere.
f. Hail! Thee, of kindly nature, to the sun!
g. To the gods that drink the rays thee!
h. This is thy birthplace; to inspiration thee!
i. 4. 4.
a. O Vayu, drinker of the pure, come to us; A thousand are thy teams, O thou that hast all choice boons. For thee this sweet drink hath been drawn, Whereof, O god, thou hast the first drink.
b. Thou art taken with a support; to Vayu thee!
c. O Indra and Vayu, these draughts are ready; Come ye for the libations, For the drops desire you.
d. Thou art taken with a support; to Indra and Vayu thee! This is thy birthplace; to the comrades thee!
i. 4. 5.
a. This Soma is pressed for you, O Mitra and Varuna, Who prosper holy order; Hearken ye now to my supplication.
b. Thou art taken with a support; to Mitra and Varuna thee! This is thy birthplace; to the righteous thee!
i. 4. 6.
a. That I whip of yours which is rich in sweetnessAnd full of mercy, O Açvins, With that touch the sacrifice.
b. Thou art taken with a support; to the Açvins thee! This is thy birthplace; to the sweet thee!
i. 4. 7.
a. Ye that yoke early be unloosedO Açvins, come ye hither, To drink this Soma.
b. Thou art taken with a support; to the Açvins thee! This is thy birthplace; to the Açvins thee!
i. 4. 8.
a. Vena hath stirred those born of Prçni, He enveloped in light, in the expanse of the welkin; Him in the meeting-place of the waters, of the sun, Like a child, the priests tend with their songs.
b. Thou art taken with a support; to Çanda thee! This is thy birthplace; guard the folk.
i. 4. 9.
a. Him, as aforetime, as of old, as always, as now, The prince, who hath his seat on the strew and knoweth the heaven, The favouring, the strong, thou milkest with thy speech, The swift who is victor in those among whom thou dost wax.
b. Thou art taken with a support; to Marka thee! This is thy birth. place; guard offspring.
i. 4. 10.
a. Ye gods that are eleven in the sky, Eleven on the earth, Who sit mightily in the waters, eleven in number,
Do ye accept this saerifice.
b. Thou art taken with a support; thou art the leader, thou art the good leader; quicken the sacrifice, quicken the lord of the sacrifice; guard the pressings; let Visnu guard thee, do thou guard the folk with thy power; this is thy birthplace; to the All-gods thee!
i. 4. 11.
a. Three and thirty in troops the Rudras Frequent the sky and earth, the destructive ones, Eleven seated on the waters;May all of them accept the Soma pressed for the pressing.
b. Thou art taken with a support; thou art the leader, thou art the good leader; quicken the sacrifice, quicken the lord of the sacrifice; guard the pressings; let Visnu guard thee, do thou guard the folk with thy power; this is thy birthplace; to the all-gods thee!
i. 4. 12.
a. Thou art taken with a support. To Indra thee, to him of the Brhat (Saman), The strong, eager for praise.
Thy great strength, O Indra, To that thee! To Visnu thee! This is thy birthplace; to Indra, eager for praise, thee!
i. 4. 13.
a. The head of the sky, the messenger of earth, Vaiçvanara, born for holy order, Agni, The sage, the king, the guest of men, The gods have produced as a cup for their mouths.
b. Thou art taken with a support; to Agni Vaiçvanara thee! Thou art secure, of secure foundation, most secure of the secure, with securest foundation of those which are secure. This is thy birthplace; to Agni
Vaiçvanara thee!