The Victim for Agni and Soma
i. 3. 1.
a. On the impulse of the god Savity, with the arms of the Açvins, with the hands of Pusan, I take thee; thou art the spade, thou art the woman.
b. The Raksas is encompassed, the evil spirits are encompassed, here do I cut off the neck of the Raksas.
c. He who hates us and whom we hate, here do I cut off his neck.
d. To sky thee, to atmosphere thee, to earth thee!
e. Pure be the world where the Pitrs sit.
f. Thou art barley (yava); bar (yavaya) from us foes, bar evil spirits.
g. Thou art the seat of the Pitrs.
h. Support the sky, fill the atmosphere, make firm the earth.
i. May Dyutana Maruta set thee up according to the established law of Mitra and Varuna.
k. Thee that art winner of Brahmans, winner of nobles, winner of fair offspring, winner of increase of wealth, I close in.
l. Strengthen the Brahmans, strengthen the nobles, strengthen offspring, strengthen increase of wealth.
m. With ghee, O sky and earth, be filled.
n. Thou art the seat of Indra, the shade of all folk.
o. May these our songs, O lover of song, Encompass thee on all sides, Strengthening thee whose life is strong;
May they be dear delights.
p. Thou art the string of Indra; thou art the fixed point of Indra.
q. Thou art of Indra.
r. To Indra thee!
i. 3. 2.
a. I dig those which slay the Raksas, which slay the spell, which are of Visnu.
b. Here do I cast out the spell which an equal or an unequal hath buried against us.
c. Here do I overthrow him who equal or unequal is ill-disposed to us.
d. The spell is overcome by the Gayatri metre.
e. What is here? Good. Let it be ours.
f .Thou art Viraj, slaying our rivals; thou art Samraj, slaying our foes; thou art Svaraj, slaying the enemy; thou art Viçvaraj, slayer of all destructive things [1].
g. I sprinkle those which slay the Raksas, which slay the spell, and which are of Visnu.
h. I pour down those which slay the Raksas, which slay the spell, and which are of Visnu.
i. Thou art barley (yava); bar (yavaya) from us foes, bar evil spirits.
k. I bestrew those which slay the Raksas, which slay the spell, and which are of Visnu.
l. I pour the libation over those which slay the Raksas, which slay the spell, and which are of Visnu.
m. I lay down the two Which slay the Raksas, which slay the spell, and which are of Visnu.
n. I surround the two which slay the Raksas, which slay the spell, and which are of Visnu.
o. I bestrew the two which slay the Raksas, which slay the spell, and which are of Visnu.
p. The two which slay the Raksas, which slay the spell, and which are of Visnu.
q. Thou art great, with a great pressing stone; call forth to Indra with a great voice.
i. 3. 3.
a. Thou I art the expanding, the carrier.
b. Thou art the bearer which carrieth the offering.
c. Thou art the savoury, the wise.
d. Thou art Tutha, the all-knower.
e. Thou art Uçij, the wise.
f. Thou art Anghari, Bamhhari.
g. Thou art the seeker of aid, the worshipper.
h. Thou art the bright, the Marjaliya.
i. Thou art the king, Kyçanu.
k. Thou art the purifying, around which men must sit.
1. Thou art the impetuous, the cloudy.
m. Thou art the untouched, the preparer of the offering.
n. Thou art be whose home is right, whose light is the heaven.
o. Thou art be whose light is the Brahman, whose home is the heaven.
p. Thou art the goat with one foot.
q. Thou art the dragon of the deep.
r. With thy dread countenance guard me, Agni; content me; hurt me not.
i. 3. 4.
a. Thou, O Soma, art the giver of wide protection from hostility, brought about by ourselves or by others; hail!
b. May the active one gladly partake of the ghee.
c. May Agni here make room for us; May he go before us cleaving the foe; Joyously may he conquer our foes;
May he win booty in the contest for booty.
d. Step widely, O Visnu; Give us broad space for dwelling in; Drink the ghee, thou whose birthplace is in the ghee; Lengthen (the years) of the lord of the sacrifice.
e. Soma goeth, who knoweth the way; He approacheth the place of the gods, To sit on the birthplace of Order .
f. Thou art the seat of Aditi.
g. Do thou sit on the seat of Aditi.
h. This, god Savitr, is the Soma of you (gods); guard it; let it escape you not.
i. So, O Soma, god to the gods, hast thou gone, and I here man to man, with offspring, with increase of wealth.
k. Honour to the gods I Homage to the Pitrs!
l. Here (may) I (be free) from Varuna’s noose; may I gaze on the heaven, on the light that is for all men,
m. Agni, lord of vows, thou art the vow-lord of vows.
n. May my body that bath been in thee be here in me; may thy body that hath been in me be there in thee.
o. Be aright the vows, O vow-lord, of both of us votaries.
i. 3. 5.
a. I have passed by some, I have not approached others.
b. I have found thee nearer than the farther, farther than the near.
c. So I welcome thee, that art of Visnu, for the sacrifice to the gods.
d. Let the god Savitr anoint thee with honey.
e. O plant, guard it.
f. O axe, harm it not.
g. With thy top graze not the sky, with thy middle harm not the atmosphere, with earth be united.
h. O tree, grow with a hundred shoots; may we grow with a thousand shoots.
i. Thou, whom this sharp axe hath brought forward for great good fortune, uncut, with wealth of heroes, (give us) riches.