i. 2. 11.
a. May thy every shoot, O god Soma, swell, For Indra who gaineth the chiefest wealth; May Indra swell for thee; Do thou swell for Indra.
b. Make thy comrades to swell with wealth and skill; with good fortune may I accomplish thy pressing, O god Soma.
c. Desired are riches exceedingly for food, for prosperity. Be right to the proclaimers of right. Honour to the sky, honour to the earth!
d. Agni, lord of vows, thou art the vow-lord of vows; this body of mine be in thee [1], that body of thine be in me. Together, O lord of vows, be the vows of us two that keep vows.
e. Thy dread form, O Agni, with that protect us; hail to that form of thine!
f. That form of thine, O Agni, which rests in iron, which rests in silver, which rests in gold, the highest, that dwells in the cleft,
g. (By it) I have driven away harsh speech, (by it) I have driven away angry speech. Hail!
i. 2. 12.
a. Thou I art the abode of riches for me; thou art the resort of the afflicted for me; protect me when in want; protect me when afflicted.
b. May Agni, named Nabhas, know (thee).
c. Agni Angiras, thou who art in this earth, come with the name of Ayus. Whatsoever unapproached, holy name is thine, [1] therewith I take thee up.
d. Agni Angiras, thou who art in the second (the third) earth, come with the name of Ayus. Whatever inviolate, holy name is thine, therewith I take thee up.
e. Thou art a lioness; thou art a buffalo.
f. Extend wide; let the lord of the sacrifice extend wide for thee.
g. Thou art firm.
h. Be pure for the gods; be bright for the gods.
i. May the cry of Indra guard thee in front with the Vasus; may the swift of mind guard thee on the right with the Pitrs; may the wise one guard thee behind with the Rudras; may Viçvakarman guard thee on the left with the Adityas.
k. Thou art a lioness, overcoming rivals; hail! Thou art a lioness, bestowing fair offspring; hail! Thou art a lioness, [2] bestowing increase of wealth; hail! Thou art a lioness, winning (the favour of) the Adityas hail! Thou art a lioness; bring the gods to the pious sacrificer; hail!
l. To beings thee!
m. Thou containest all life, strengthen the earth; thou restest firm, strengthen the atmosphere; thou restest inviolable, strengthen the heaven.
n. Thou art the ashes of Agni; thou art the rubble of Agni.
i. 2. 13.
a. They yoke their minds, and yoke their thoughts, The priests of the mighty wise priest; He alone, who knows the way, ordains their priestly functions; Great is the praise of the god Savitr.
b. With fair voice, O god, do thou address the dwelling.
c. Ye two, famed among the gods, make proclamation among the gods.
d. For us be born a hero of great deeds, On whom we may all depend, Who shall be ruler over many.
e. Over this Visnu strode; Thrice did he set down his foot; (All) is gathered [1] in its dust.
f. So then be ye two rich in food, in cows, In good grass, ye that are famous, for man These two firmaments Visnu held asunder; He holdeth the earth on all sides with pegs.
g. Come ye two then forward, ordaining the offering; bring upward the sacrifice; do not falter; there rest on the height of the earth.
h. From the sky, O Visnu, or from the earth, Or from the great (sky), or from the atmosphere, Fill thy hands with many good things, Give to us [2] from right and from left.
i. I shall proclaim the mighty deeds of Visnu Who meted out the spaces of the earth, Who established the highest abode, Stepping thrice, the far-goer.
k. Thou art the forehead of Visnu; thou art the back of Visvu.
I. Ye two are the corners’ of Visnu’s mouth.
m. Thou art the thread of Visnu.
n. Thou art the fixed point of Visnu.
o. Thou art of Vishu; to Visnu thee!
i. 2. 14.
a. Put forth thy strength like a spreading net; Come like a mighty king with thy retainers; Hurling thy swift net thou shootest arrows; Pierce the Raksases with thy keenest (darts).
b. Swiftly thy whirling flames descend; bring upward Follow them, glowing in thy fury; Thy heat, O Agni, thy winged (flames) with thy tongue, Unfettered, on all sides spread thy firebrands.
c. Send forth thy spies, swiftest in thy motion; Be an unfailing guardian to this folk, From him who afar plans evil [1], from him who near; O Agni let no trouble from thee overwhelm us.
d. Arise, O Agni; spread thyself out; Burn up our foes, O thou of keen dart; Him who hath wrought evil for us, O blazing one, Do thou consume utterly like dry stubble.
e. Arise; drive from us (our foes); Reveal thy heavenly strength, O Agni, Slacken the strung (weapon) of the demon-driven; Crush our foes, kin or not kin.
f. He knows thy [2] loving kindliness, O most youthful one, Who hath given furtherance to this devotion;
All happy days for him, glory, and wealth –Opening the doors of the miser–he hath revealed.’
g. Let him, O Agni, be fortunate and munificent, Who with constant oblation, who with praise, Seeks to delight thee in his life in his house; May all days be happy for him; be that the will.
h. I praise thy loving kindness; loud sounding (thou singest) a reply; Let this song of mine, beloved of thee, sing with thee [3] With good steeds and fair chariots may we adorn thee; Maintain for us the lordly power as the days go by.
i. Here let each serve thee readily, That shinest in the darkness, as the days go by; Happy and joyous may we attend thee That dost surpass the glories of men.’
k. He who with good steeds and rich in gold Approacheth thee, O Agni, with a rich chariot, His protector thou art, the comrade of him Who duly offereth thee glad reception.
l. The great I overcome [4] through kinship and my songs; That hath descended to me from Gotama, my sire;
Pay heed to this song of ours, O Hotr, most youthful, skilful, friend of the house.
m. Sleepless, speedy, propitious, Unwearied, never hostile, unexhausted, May thy guardians, O Agni, taking their places here united, Protect us, O wise one.
n. In Thy guardians, O Agni, who seeing, Guarded from ill the blind Mamateya, He of all wisdom guarded these kindly ones; The foes that were fain to deceive could not [5] deceive.
o. In unison with thee, aided by thee, Under thy leadership, let us gain strength; Fulfil both our desires, O truthful one; Perform it forthwith, O fearless one.
p. With this fuel, O Agni, will we serve thee; Accept the song of praise recited for thee; Burn those that revile, the Raksases; guard us, From the foe, the reviler, O rich in friends, from blame. I touch the steed that slayeth the Raksases; I go for shelter to the friend most spreading; May Agni, enkindled with our offerings, sharpening (his dart) Guard us by day, [6] from harm and by night.
q. With great radiance Agni shineth; All things doth he reveal by his might; He overcometh godless and malign enchantments He sharpeneth his horns to pierce the Raksas.
r. Let the roarings of Agni rise to the heaven, Sharp weapons to slay the Raksas; In the carouse his radiance bursteth forth The godless assailers cannot restrain him.