Nine Navamshas of Libra / Tula
First Navamshas
In the first navamsha of Libra (Libra) the native is a narcissist, secretive, innovative and famous; fair complexion with large eyes and long face.
Second Navamsha
In the second navamsha of Libra (Scorpio) the native remains lost in thoughts; is unattractive with bushy eyebrows, big jaw, round eyes and slim waist.
Third Navamsha
In the third navamsha of Libra (Sagittarius) the native is glorious, lean, thin and fair; has symmetrical teeth, large eyes, long arms, sharp nose, smooth finger tips and toes; face like that of a horse.
Fourth Navamsha
In the fourth navamsha of Libra ‘(Capricorn) the native is coward, unhappy, gentle, thin and dark; has small arms and shoulders, prominent and wide jaw, small nose and watery eyes (like a deer’s).
Fifth Navamsha
In the fifth navamsha of Libra (Aquarius) the native is sober, affectionate, and simple hearted; has slim waist, flat nose, dry hair and sincere eyes.
Sixth Navamsha
In the sixth navamsha of Libra (Pisces) the native is diplomatic, famous and learned, tall and fair; has large eyes and smooth nails.
Seventh Navamsha
In the seventh nayamsha of Libra (Aries) the native is wise, learned, aggressive, greedy, charming, short and plump with pink complexion and narrow forehead.
Eighth Navamsha
In the eighth navamsha of Libra (Taurus) the native is luxurious, peaceful, mentally balanced, tall and well built; has dark complexion, thick eyebrows, narrow forehead and a high neck.
Ninth Navamsha
In the ninth navamsha of Libra (Gemini) the native is expert, proficient in arts, happy, kind and variegated; is fair, attractive and has beautiful eyes.