Characteristics of Hora Lagna
Sun’s Hora :
If the ascendant is in the hora of Sun, the native is cunning, wicked, unattractive, sinful, filthy, cruel, devoid of joy and comforts of life and without virtues; serves others; walks briskly; secretive, lustful; flirts others’ wives; criticises noble persons and gods and talks too much.
Moon’s Hora :
The native born in the hora of the Moon is peaceful, virtuous, noble, resolute, yvell dressed, respectful to friends; blessed with gems and jewels, prosperity, good wife and children; chaste; generous; respected, dutiful, self respecting; respected by rulers and is generous to his servants.
If the hora lagna is of the Moon, the native is virtuous and happy. The native born in Sun’s hora is wicked, thin and faces opposition from his own children; financially there are many ups and downs in life. If the lagna is in Sun’s hora and Moon is in its own hora or the lagna is in Moons hor Land Sun is in its own sign then the’ native benefits ina foreign land. But if this combination is not aspected or influenced by benefics then the opposite may happen.
Comments :
- This would certainly depend on so many other factors, such as influence of the benefics on ascendant, ascendant lord and also the presence of other benefics/malefics in the hora lagna.
- If we would blindly apply the above interpretations then we would ‘certainly either’ develop a bias against all those who are born in Suri’s hora or may ourselves start feeling inferiorif we are born in thishora. Similarly we may start thinking too good about ourselves if we are born in Moon’s hora.
- The interpretations such as ‘flirts others wives’ should be understood and liberaliy applied for both the sexes.
- The terms such as rule-rs, kings, gods etc., these should be understood in modern contexts as people in power, bosses or superiors in a office setup etc.
- In the last shloka the interpretation ‘benefits in a foreign land maybe applied liberally as ‘benefits in the places away from home’ and not necessarily in a foreign country.