The Hora
The Shastra which deals with the subject of Hora (day and night) is known as Hora Shastra.
Hora should always be analysed to determine a person’s appearance, nature and prosperity.
In even signs the first hora is owned by the Moon and the second hora belongs to the Sun. In odd signs this would be opposite.
Comments : this will be further clarified by the following table :
Rashi | 0-15 degrees
(Owner) |
15-30 degrees
(Owner) |
Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Moon Sun Moon Sun Moon Sun Moon Sun Moon Sun Moon |
Sun Moon Sun Moon Sun Moon Sun Moon Sun Moon Sun
The Moon’s hora is owned by Pitras and the Sun’s hora by Devas.
Comments :
- Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra has given a very important clue here to determine the Loka or the world from which a soul has come to this world. Since Hindus have strong faith in reincarnation (which now has been sanctioned by serious research scientists, the world over), they have strong desire to know that to which world they belong. So here is the clue from Maharshi Parashara; the person born in the Moon’s hora belongs to the Pitra or forefathers’s world which means that he is someone from the family itself Hindus take it very normally and even gladly and willingly declare that this child is my grandfather since he very closely resembles in appearance and nature with him. Again the Pitras signify. soberness, loving and caring nature, harmlessness and the Moon being a natural benefic represents Pitras.
- Similarly the nativ born in Sun’s hora is assumed to be from the Deva loka or the world of the gods. Now as we know that most of the Hindu gods are difficult to be pleased and easy to be annoyed. Deva or the Devata also signifies divinity, spirituality, enlightenment, glory, ego, ambitions and power. Hindus believe that someone who has broken the conduct code of Deva loka (Yoga-bhrishta), has to again come to this mortal world as a part of the punishment. Since Sun is a natural malefic also, the birth in Sun’s hora justifies Maharshi Parashara’s view point.
Hora lagna is important to determine the comforts and prosperity of a native.