1. FLYING, with falcons, may your chariot, Asvins, most gracious, bringing friendly
help, come hither,-
Your chariot, swifter than the mind of mortal, fleet as the wind, three-seated O ye Mighty.
2. Come to us with your chariot triple seated, three-wheeled, of triple form, that rolleth lightly.
Fill full our cows, give mettle to our horses, and make each hero son grow strong, O Asvins.
3. With your well-rolling car, descending swiftly, hear this the press-stone’s song, ye Wonder-Workers.
How then have ancient sages said, O Asvins, that ye most swiftly come to stay affliction?
4. O Asvins, let your falcons bear you hither, yoked to your chariot, swift, with flying pinions,
Which, ever active, like the airy eagles, carry you, O Nasatyas, to the banquet.
5. The youthful Daughter of the Sun, delighting in you, ascended there your chariot, Heroes.
Borne on their swift wings let your beauteous horses, your birds of ruddy hue, convey you near us.
6. Ye raised up Vandana, strong WonderWorkers! with great might, and with power ye rescued Rebha.
From out the sea ye saved the son of Tugra, and gave his youth again unto Cyavana.
7. To Atri, cast down to the fire that scorched him, ye gave, O Asvins, strengthening tbod and favour.
Accepting his fair praises with approval, ye gave his eyes again to blinded Kanva.
8. For ancient Sayti in his sore affliction ye caused his cow to swell with milk, O Asvins.
The quail from her great misery ye delivered, and a new leg for Vispala provided.
9. A white horse, Asvins, ye bestowed on Pedu, a serpent-slaying steed sent down by Indra,
Loud-neighing, conquering the foe, highmettled, firm-limbed and vigorous, winning thousand treasures.
10. Such as ye are, O nobly horn, O Heroes, we in our trouble call on you for succour.
Accepting these our songs, for our wellbeing come to us on your chariot treasure-laden.
11. Come unto us combined in love, Nasatyas come with the fresh swift vigour of the falcon.
Bearing oblations I invoke you, Asvins, at the first break of everlasting morning.
HYMN CXIX. Asvins.
1. HITHER, that I may live, I call unto the feast your wondrous car, thought-swift, borne on by rapid steeds.
With thousand banners, hundred treasures, pouring gifts, promptly obedient, bestowing ample room.
2. Even as it moveth near my hymn is lifted up, and all the regions come together to sing praise.
I sweeten the oblations; now the helpers come. Urjani hath, O Asvins, mounted on your car.
3. When striving man with man for glory they have met, brisk, measurcIess, eager for victory in fight,
Then verily your car is seen upon the slope when ye, O Asvins, bring some choice boon to the prince.
4. Ye came to Bhujyu while he struggled in the flood, with flying birds, self-yoked, ye bore him to his sires.
Ye went to the far-distant home, O Mighty Ones; and famed is your great aid to Divodisa given.
5. Asvins, the car which you had yoked for glorious show your own two voices urged directed to its goal.
Then she who came for friendship, Maid of noble birth, elected you as Husbands, you to be her Lords.
6. Rebha ye saved from tyranny; for Atri’s sake ye quenched with cold the fiery pit that compassed him.
Ye made the cow of Sayu stream refreshing milk, and Vandana was holpen to extended life.
7. Doers of marvels, skilful workers, ye restored Vandana, like a car, worn out with length of days.
From earth ye brought the sage to life in wondrous mode; be your great deeds done here for him who honours you.
8. Ye went to him who mourned in a far distant place, him who was left forlorn by treachery of his sire.
Rich with the light ofheaven was then the help ye gave, and marvellous your succour when ye stood by him.
9. To you in praise of sweetness sang the honey-bee: Ausija calleth you in Soma’s rapturous joy.
Ye drew unto yourselves the spirit of Dadhyac, and then the horse’s head uttered his words to you.
10. A horse did ye provide for Pedu, excellent, white, O ye Asvins, conqueror of combatants,
Invincible in war by arrows, seeking heaven worthy of fame, like Indra, vanquisher of men.
HYMN CXX. Asvins.
1. ASVINS, what praise may win your grace? Who may be pleasing to you both?
How shall the ignorant worship you?
2. Here let the ignorant ask the means of you who know-for none beside you knoweth aught –
Not of a spiritless mortal man.
.Such as ye: are, all-wise, we call you. Ye wise, declare to us this day accepted prayer.
Loving you well your servant lauds you.
4. Simply, ye Mighty Ones, I ask the Gods of that wondrous oblation hallowed by the mystic word.
Save us from what is stronger, fiercer than ourselves.
5. Forth go the hymn that shone in Ghosa Bhrgu’s like, the song wherewith the son of Pajra worships you,
Like some wise minister.
6. Hear ye the song of him who hastens speedily. O Asvins, I am he who sang your praise.
Hither, ye Lords of Splendour, hither turn your eyes.
7. For ye were ever nigh to deal forth ample wealth, to give the wealth that ye had gathered up.
As such, ye Vasus, guard us well, and keep us safely from the wicked wolf.
8. Give us not up to any man who hateth us, nor let our milch-cows stray, whose udders give us food,
Far from our homes without their calves.
9. May they who love you gain you for their Friends. Prepare ye us for opulence with strengthening food,
Prepare us for the food that floweth from our cows
10. 1 have obtained the horseless car of Asvins rich in sacrifice,
And I am well content therewith.
11. May it convey me evermore: may the light chariot pass from men
To men unto the Soma draught.
12 It holdeth slumber in contempt. and the rich who enjoyeth not:
Both vanish quickly and are lost.