HYMN CLXXXVII. Agni 1. To Agni send I forth my song, to him the Bull of all the folk: So may he bear us past our foes. 2. Who from the distance far away shines brilliantly across the wastes:... Read more
HYMN CLXV. Visvedevas. 1. GODS, whatsoe’er the Dove came hither seeking, sent to us as the envoy of Destruction, For that let us sing hymns and make atonement. Well be it with our quad... Read more
HYMN CLIII. Indra. 1. SWAYING about, the Active Ones came nigh to Indra at his birth, And shared his great heroic might. 2. Based upon strength and victory and power, O Indra is thy birth: T... Read more
HYMN CXLIII. Asvins. 1. YE made that Atri, worn with eld, free as a horse to win the goal. When ye restored to youth and strength Kaksivan like a car renewed, 2. Ye freed that Atri like a ho... Read more
HYMN CXXXIII. Indra. 1. SING strength to Indra that shall set his chariot in the foremost place. Giver of room in closest fight, slayer of foes in shock of war, be thou our great encourager.... Read more
HYMN CXXV. Vak. 1. I TRAVEL with the Rudras and the Vasus, with the Adityas and All-Gods I wander. I hold aloft both Varuna and Mitra, Indra and Agni, and the Pair of Asvins. 2. I cherish an... Read more
HYMN CXVIII. Agni. 1. AGNI, refulgent among men thou slayest the devouring fiend, Bright Ruler in thine own abode. 2. Thou springest up when worshipped well the drops of butter are thy joy W... Read more
Translator Ralph T.H. Griffith THE TENTH BOOK – Page 4 HYMN CXI. Indra. 1. BRING forth your sacred song ye prudent singers, even as are the thoughts of human beings. Let us draw Indra... Read more
HYMN CIV. Indra. 1. Soma hath flowed for thee, Invoked of mat Speed to our sacrifice with both thy Coursers. To thee have streameld the songs or mighty singers, imploring, Indra, drink of ou... Read more