1. As forth to sacrifice we go, a hymn to a hymn let us say,
Who hears us even when afar;
2. Who, from of old, in carnage, when the people gathered, hath preserved
His household for the worshipper.
3. And let men say, Agni is born, e’en he who slayeth Vrtra, he
Who winneth wealth in every fight.
4. Him in whose house an envoy thou lovest to taste his offered gifts,
And strengthenest his sacrifice,
5. Him, Angiras, thou Son of Strength, all men call happy in his God,
His offerings, and his sacred grass.
6. Hitherward shalt thou bring these Gods to our laudation and to taste.
These offered gifts, fair-shining One.
7. When, Agni, on thine embassage thou goest not a sound is heard of steed or straining of thy car.
8. Aided by thee uninjured, strong, one after other, goes he forth:
Agni, the ofterer forward steps.
9. And splendid strength, heroic, high, Agni, thou grantest from the Gods,
Thou God, to him who offers gifts.
1. ACCEPT our loudest-sounding hymn, food most delightful to the Gods,
Pouring our offerings in thy mouth.
2. Now, Agni, will we say to thee, O wisest and best Afigiras,
Our precious, much-availing prayer.
3. Who, Agni, is thy kin, of men? who is thy worthy worshipper?
On whom dependent? who art thou?
4. The kinsman, Agni, of mankind, their well beloved Friend art thou,
A Friend whom friends may supplicate.
5. Bring to us Mitra, Varuna, bring the Gods to mighty sacrifice.
Bring them, O Agni, to thine home.
1. How may the mind draw nigh to please thee, Agni? What hymn of praise shall bring us greatest blessing?
Or who hath gained thy power by sacrifices? or with what mind shall we bring thee oblations?
2. Come hither, Agni; sit thee down as Hotar; be thou who never wast deceived our leader.
May Heaven and Earth, the all-pervading, love thee: worship the Gods to win for us their favour.
3. Burn thou up all the Riksasas, O Agni; ward thou off curses from our sacrifices.
Bring hither with his Bays the Lord of Soma: here is glad welcome for the Bounteous Giver.
4.. Thou Priest with lip and voice that bring us children hast been invoked. Here with the Gods be seated.
Thine is the task of Cleanser and Presenter: waken us, Wealth-bestower and Producer.
5. As with oblations of the priestly Manus thou worshippedst the Gods, a Sage with sages,
So now, O truthfullest Invoker Agni, worship this day with joy-bestowing ladle.
1. How shall we pay oblation unto Agni? What hymn, Godloved, is said to him refulgent?
Who, deathless, true to Law, mid men a herald, bringeth the Gods as best of sacrificers?
2. Bring him with reverence hither, most propitious in sacrifices, true to Law, the herald;
For Agni, when he seeks the Gods for mortals, knows them full well and worships them in spirit.
3. For he is mental power, a man, and perfect; he is the bringer, friend-,like, of the wondrous.
The pious Aryan tribes at sacrifices address them first to him who doeth marvels.
4. May Agni, foe-destroyer, manliest Hero, accept with love our hymns and our devotion.
So may the liberal lords whose strength is strongest, urged by their riches, stir our thoughts with vigour.
5. Thus Agni Jatavedas, true to Order, hath by the priestly Gotamas been lauded.
May he augment in them splendour and vigour: observant, as he lists, he gathers increase.
1. O JATAVEDAS, keen and swift, we Gotamas with sacred song exalt thee for thy glories’ sake.
2. Thee, as thou art, desiring wealth Gotama worships with his song:
We laud thee for thy glories’ sake.
3. As such, like Angiras we call on thee best winner of the spoil:
We laud thee for thy glories’ sake.
4. Thee, best of Vrtra-slayers, thee who shakest off our Dasyu foes:
We laud thee for thy glories’ sake.
5. A pleasant song to Agni we, sons of Rahugana, have sung:
We laud thee for thy glories’ sake.
1. HE in mid-air’s expanse hath golden tresses; a raging serpent, like the rushing tempest:
Purely refulgent, knowing well the morn. ing; like honourable dames, true, active workers.
2. Thy well-winged flashes strengthen in their manner, when the black Bull hath bellowed round about us.
With drops that bless and seem to smile he cometh: the waters fall, the clouds utter their thunder.
3. When he comes streaming with the milk of worship, conducting by directest paths of Order
Aryaman, Mitra, Varuna, Parijman fill the hide full where lies the nether press-stone.
4. O Agni, thou who art the lord of wealth in kine, thou Son of Strength,
Vouchsafe to us, O Jatavetlas, high renown.
5. He, Agni, kindled, good and wise, must be exalted in our song:
Shine, thou of many forms, shine radiantly on us.
6. O Agni, shining of thyself by night and when the morning breaks,
Burn, thou whose teeth are sharp, against the Raksasas.
7. Adorable in all our rites, favour us, Agni, with thine.aid,
When the great hymn is chanted forth.
8. Bring to us ever-conquering wealth, wealth, Agni, worthy of our choice,
In all our frays invincible.
9. Give us, O Agni, through thy grace wealth that supporteth all our life,
Thy favour so that we may live.
10. O Gotama, desiring bliss present thy songs composed with care
To Agni of the pointed flames.
11. May the man fall, O Agni, who near or afar assaileth us:
Do thou increase and prosper us.
12. Keen and swift Agni, thousand-eyed, chaseth the Raksasas afar:
He singeth, herald meet for lauds.