HYMN CVI. Visvedevas.
1. CALL we for aid on Indra, Mitra, Varuna and Agni and the Marut host and Aditi.
Even as a chariot from a difficult ravine, bountiful Vasus, rescue us from all distress.
2. Come ye Adityas for our full prosperity, in conquests of the foe, ye Gods, bring joy to us.
Even as a chariot from a difficult ravine, bountiful Vasus, rescue us from all distress.
3. May the most glorious Fathers aid us, and the two Goddesses, Mothers of the Gods, who strengthen Law.
Even as a chariot from a difficult ravine, bountiful Vasus, rescue us from all distress.
4. To mighty Narasamsa, strengthening his might, to Pusan, ruler over men, we pray with hymns.
Even as a chariot from a difficult ravine, bountiful Vasus, rescue us from all distress.
5. Brhaspati, make us evermore an easy path: we crave what boon thou hast for men in rest and stir.
Like as a chariot from a difficult ravine, bountiful Vasus, rescue us from all distress.
6. Sunk in the pit the Rsi Kutsa called, to aid, Indra the Vrtra-slayer, Lord of power and might.
Even as a chariot from a difficult ravine, bountiful Vasus, rescue us from all distress.
7. May Aditi the Goddess guard us with the Gods: may the protecting God keep us with ceaseless care.
This prayer of ours may Varuna grant, and Mitra, and Aditi and Sindhu, Earth and Heaven.
HYMN CVII. Visvedevas.
1. THE sacrifice obtains the Gods’ acceptance: be graciously inclined to us, Adityas.
Hitherward let your favour be directed, and be our best deliverer from trouble.
2. By praise-songs of Angirases exalted, may!he Gods come to us with their protection.
May Indra with his powers, Maruts with Maruts, Aditi with Adityas grant us shelter.
3. This laud of ours may Varuna and Indra, Aryaman Agni, Savitar find pleasant.
This prayer’ of ours may Varuna grant, and Mitra, and Aditi and Sindhu, Earth and Heaven.
HYMN CVIII. Indra-Agni.
1. ON that most wondrous car of yours, O Indra and Agni, which looks round on all things living,
Take ye your stand and come to us together, and drink libations of the flowing Soma.
2. As vast as all this world is in its compass, deep as it is, with its far-stretching surface,
So let this Soma be, Indra and Agni, made for your drinking till your soul be sated.
3. For ye have won a blessed name together: yea, with one aim ye strove, O Vrtra-slayers.
So Indra-Agni, seated here together, pour in, ye Mighty Ones, the mighty Soma.
4. Both stand adorned, when fires are duly kindled, spreading the sacred grass, with lifted ladles.
Drawn by strong Soma juice poured forth around us, come, Indra-Agni, and display your favour.
5. The brave deeds ye have done, Indra and Agni, the forms ye have displayed and mighty exploits,
The ancient and auspicious bonds of friendship,-for sake of these drink of the flowing Soma.
6. As first I said when choosing you, in battle we must contend with Asuras for this Soma.
So came ye unto this my true conviction, and drank libations of the flowing Soma.
7. If in your dwelling, or with prince or Brahman, ye, Indra-Agni, Holy Ones, rejoice you,
Even frorn thence, ye mighty Lords, come hither, and drink libation of the flowing Soma.
8. If with, the Yadus, Turvasas, ye sojourn, with Druhyus, Anus, Purus, Indra-Agni!
Even from thence, ye mighty Lords, come hither, and drink libations of the flowing Soma.
9. Whether, O Indra-Agni, ye be dwelling in lowest earth, in central, or in highest.
Even from thence, ye mighty Lords, come hither, and drink libations of the flowing Soma.
10. Whether, O Indra-Agni, ye be dwelling in highest earth, in central, or in lowest,
Even from thence, ye mighty Lords, come hither, and drink libations of the flowing Soma.
11. Whether ye be in heaven, O Indra-Agni, on earth, on mountains, in the herbs, or waters,
Even from thence, ye mighty Lords, come hither, and drink libations of the flowing Soma.
12. If, when the Sun to the mid-heaven hath mounted, ye take delight in food, O Indra-Agni,
Even from thence, ye mighty Lords, come hither, and drink libations of the flowing Soma.
13. Thus having drunk your fill of our libation, win us all kinds of wealth, Indra and Agni.
This prayer of ours may Varuna grant, and Mitra, and Aditi and Sindhu, Earth and Heaven.
HYMN CIX. Indra-Agni.
1. LONGING for weal I looked around, in spirit, for kinsmen, Indra-Agni, or for brothers.
No providence but yours alone is with me so have I wrought for you this hymn for succour.
2. For I have heard that ye give wealth more freely than worthless son-in-law or spouse’s brother.
So offering to you this draught of Soma, I make you this new hymn, Indra and Agni,
3. Let us not break the cords: with this petition we strive to gain the powers of our forefathers.
For Indra-Agni the strong drops are joyful-, for here in the bowl’s lap are both the press-stones.
4. For you the bowl divine, Indra and Agni, presses the Soma gladly to delight you.
With hands auspicious and fair arms, ye Asvins, haste, sprinkle it with sweetness in the waters.
You, I have heard, were mightiest, Indra-Agni, when Vrtra fell and when the spoil was parted.
Sit at this sacrifice, ye ever active, on the strewn grass, and with the juice delight you.
6. Surpassing all men where they shout for battle, ye Twain exceed the earth and heaven in greatness.
Greater are ye than rivers and than mountains, O Indra-Agni, and all things beside them.
7. Bring wealth and give it, ye whose arms wield thunder: Indra and Agni, with your powers protect us.
Now of a truth these be the very sunbeams wherewith our fathers were of old united.
8. Give, ye who shatter forts, whose hands wield thunder: Indra and Agni, save us in our battles.
This prayer of ours may Varuna grant, and Mitra, and Aditi and Sindhu, Earth and Heaven.
HYMN CX. Rbhus.
1. THE holy work I wrought before is wrought again: my sweetest hymn is sung to celebrate your praise.
Here, O ye Rbhus, is this sea for all the Gods: sate you with Soma offered with the hallowing word.
2. When, seeking your enjoyment onward from afar, ye, certain of my kinsmen, wandered on your way,
Sons of Sudhanvan, after your long journeying, ye came unto the home of liberal Savitar.
3. Savitar therefore gave you immortality, because ye came proclaiming him whom naught can hide;
And this the drinking-chalice of the Asura, which till that time was one, ye made to be fourfold.
4. When they had served with zeal at sacrifice as priests, they, mortal as they were, gained immortality.
The Rbhus, children of Sudhanvan, bright as suns, were in a year’s course made associate with prayers.
5. The Rbhus, with a rod measured, as ’twere a field, the single sacrificial chalice. wide of mouth,
Lauded of all who saw, praying for what is best, desiring glorious fame among Immortal Gods.
6. As oil in ladles, we through knowledge will present unto the Heroes of the firmament our hymn,-
The Rbhus who came near with this great Father’s speed, and rose to heaven’s high sphere to cat the strengthening food.
7. Rbhu to us is Indra freshest in his might, Rbhu with powers and wealth is giver of rich gifts.
Gods, through your favour may we on the happy day quell the attacks of those who pour no offerings forth.
8. Out of a skin, O Rbhus, once ye formed a cow, and brought the mother close unto her calf again.
Sons of Sudhanvan, Heroes, with surpassing skill ye made your aged Parents youthful as before.
9 Help us with strength where spoil is won, O Indra: joined with the gbhus give us varied bounty.
This prayer of ours may Varuna grant, and Mitra, and Aditi and Sindhu, Earth and Heaven.
HYMN CXI. Rbhus.
1. WORKING with skill they wrought the lightly rolling car: they wrought the Bays who bear Indra and bring great gifts.
The Rbhus for their Parents made life young again; and fashioned for the calf a mother by its side.
2. For sacrifice make for us active vital power for skill and wisdom food with noble progeny.
Grant to our company this power most excellent, that with a family all-heroic we may dwell.
3. Do ye, O Rbhus, make prosperity for us, prosperity for car, ye Heroes, and for steed.
Grant us prosperity victorious evermore,
conquering foes in battle, strangers or akin.
4. Indra, the Rbhus’ Lord, I invocate for aid, the Rbhus, Vajas, Maruts to the Soma draught.
Varuna, Mitra, both, yea, and the Asvins Twain: let them speed us to wealth, wisdom, and victory.
5. May Rbhu send prosperity for battle, may Vaja conquering in the fight protect us.
This prayer of ours may Varuna grant, and Mitra, and Aditi and Sindhu, Earth and Heaven.