57. Venus of wives or affectionate women; Mars of his half-brother or contemporaries; Mercury of those who know the science of houses or of gods; and Saturn of slaves or subjects.
58. If Libra (is significant, he is thinking of) those who are experts in buying and selling merchandise; because of the Sun, one should know (that he is thinking of) fools or tailors; because of the Moon, of those who live by dealing in jewels; because of Jupiter, of the heads of guilds (sresthi) or the best of merchants;
59. because of Venus, of those who deal in pearls, gems, and jewels; because of Mars, of goldsmiths; because of Mercury, of artisans and dealers in alloys; and because of Saturn, of ugly men who work in metal (loha) and stone.
60. If Scorpio (is significant, he is thinking of) swarms of such things as scorpions and snakes; if the Sun (is there), one should say (that he is thinking of) huge carnivorous beasts or boa-constrictors; because of the Moon, of “animals” which live in holes; because of Jupiter, of such things as cows, mongooses, and partridges;61. because of Venus, of edible animals or those born of females; because of Mars, of serpents or scorpions; because of Mercury, of ants, Bhutas, Asuras, or flies; and because of Saturn, of worms.
62. If Sagittarius (is significant, he is thinking of) horses, men, or gods; because of the Sun, one should find (that he is thinking of) other (“animals”) or elephants; because of the Moon, of Brahmanas who delight in ceremonies; because of Jupiter, of wise Brahmanas or horses;63. because of Venus, one should know that he is thinking of cows and horses; because of Mars, of those (who thrive on) thievery, disease, and war, or of dancers; because of Mercury, of experts in arrows, missiles, and sacrifices; and because of Saturn, of very dull people.
64. If Capricorn (is significant, he is thinking of) deer, crocodiles, or Brahmanas; because of the Sun, know (that he is thinking of) fish and so on, boars, or lions; because of the Moon, of fish, cattle, or Brahmanas; because of Jupiter, of all sorts of vultures, asses, and camels;
65. because of Venus, of edible “animals” or cattle; because of Mercury, of birds or fish; because of Mars, of gods, kings, or generals (nayaka) ; and because of Saturn, of the category (yoni) of horses and jackals.Capricorn.
66. If Aquarius is in the ascendant, one should say (that he is thinking of) slaves or idiots; because of the Sun, of men who have the meaning of the doctrines (tantra); because of the Moon, of cutters of reeds and lotuses; because of Jupiter, of those whose faces are tranquil, broad, and feminine;
67. because of Venus, of women who live by dancing and acting; if Mars (is there), they say (that he is thinking of) severely harmful men; if Mercury, of fops who indulge in sexual intercourse and gambling; and if Saturn, of ascetic women.
68. If Pisces (is significant, he is thinking of) fish, whales, tortoises, or conches; if the Sun (is there), one should know (that he is thinking of) Grahas, crocodiles, or serpents; if the Moon, of women, Siddhas, or ascetics; because of Jupiter, of (kings) on expeditions or of gods;
69. because of Venus, of assemblies of the best men and the gods; because of Mars, of harsh men or water-Raksases; because of Mercury, of builders of boats and rafts; and because of Saturn, of fishermen or those who live on fish.
70. If Jupiter is aspected by Venus and Mercury, one should know (that he is thinking of) the abodes of multitudes of men; one should know that he is thinking of assemblies of men by the aspects of the lords of the signs on the (various) signs.
71. If Aries (is significant), one should know (that he is thinking of) houses for soldier, goats, and cattle; if Taurus, (of houses) full of herds of cows; if the third sign (Gemini), of villages resounding with assemblies of Brahmana; if the fourth sign (Cancer), of temples of the gods;
72. if Leo, they say (that he is thinking of) fortresses (durga) or walled cities (nagara); if the sixth sign (Virgo), of shelters for the gods or assembly-halls; if Libra, of markets, cities (pura), or emporia (pattana); if the eighth sign (Scorpio), of prisons for robbers;
73. if Sagittarius, (of houses) for those who delight in sacrifices and sacred studies; if Capricorn, of places for those who depend on wages; if Aquarius, one should say (that he is thinking of) the dwellings of evil people; and if Pisces, of the houses of those who possess great treasures.
74. Of this sort are the “animals” sprung from the signs and from the signs’ navamsas in the category (yoni) of “animals”; the dvadasamsas of the sign in the ascendant are said (to be effective) through the planets’ occupying them or conjoining with them (through aspect).
75. As this rule involving the seven planets with their natures and the natures of their houses has been declared with regard to “animals”, so are (the rule) with regard to minerals and the rule regarding the working and use of plants obtained by (similar) combinations.In the Yavanajataka: the categories of “animal”, vegetal, and mineral.
1. Hence the wise (astrologer), controlling his inner self, first enumerates properly the classes of minerals and so forth; having studied the verses (rg) of the sages, he desires (to fathom) the boundless ocean of variations in thoughts.
2. Having added together (the numbers) of the Sun’s (sign) and of the ascendant-sign and having added one, he divides the sum (a) by seven; from the remainder he obtains the multiplier of the (corresponding) planet, and he multiplies the sum (a) by the multiplier (indicated by) the remainder.
3. (The multipliers) are: 14 for Mars, 5 for the Sun, 21 for the Moon, 9 for Mercury, 8 for Jupiter, 3 for Venus, and 11 for Saturn.
4. If (the planet) is in a cardine, one divides (the multiplier) by the navamsas in the cardine; if in its house, by (those in) its varga; and if in its base-triplicity, by (those in) its triplicity;
5. … The rule which has been described is to be performed thus with the remainders of the divisions of the multipliers by the aforesaid divisors.
6. Some (astrologers) desire that a planet in its own varga in a cardine should cause the fruition of such things as thoughts; if a planet is in a cardine in its own house or in the sign of its exaltation it indicates (the influence of) the qualities of that varga.
7. If any mineral, etc., is received without a quarrel, it is to be known as having been produced with the characteristics of both the sign and the planet; with respect to minerals and so forth the ascertainment of this has been declared by means of the planets as they are in the series of signs,
8. Thus has been described this whole rule for knowing the appearance of the thought of a man who is meditating. After this I will establish the rule regarding thoughts of lost things for the sake of glory and power in the world.
In the Yavanajataka: the rule regarding thoughts.