60. The entrance of Mars (into its exaltation) takes place in the twenty-eighth degree in the sign of its exaltation. They say that the sign opposite the exaltation and the degree having the same number (in that sign as the exaltation has in its sign) is the dejection.
61. They say that the thirty degrees in (each of) the four cardines from the ascendent are called the spikes. In every sign the navamsha belonging to that sign is named by the Greeks the vargottama (“highest in rank”).
62. The mulatrikonas (“base-triplicities”) of Mars, the Moon, the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn are, in order, Aries, Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Aquarius.
63. The human signs together with Leo and Scorpio are said by the Greeks to rise head-first; Pisces rises both ways; and the rest always rise backwards.
64. Excepting the second, sixth, eleventh, and twelfth signs from that in which it is, a planet always aspects the rest; their aspect is good when it is in good signs.
65. The influence of the aspect is complete in opposition, less by a fourth in the two “squares” (the fourth and eighth places), a half in the two trines, and a fourth in the third and tenth signs.
66. With the revolution of the three (signs in a triplicity), the groups (of signs) beginning with the first (triplicity) are said to be in the directions beginning with East in order; in these the lords of the directions are the Sun and Venus, Mars, the Moon and Saturn, and Jupiter and Mercury.
67. When the signs are without planets, one tells from their power the arrangement of the door and the directions with respect to things which are lost, have been put down, or have disappeared, and with-respect to actions, childbirth, sleeping, or sexual intercourse.
68. The measure of the rising-times of the first and last signs is demonstrated with certainty to be two muhiirtas each; know that the measure of the rising-times (of the rest of the signs) in the two halves of the zodiac, taken (respec-tively) in direct and reverse order, is (two muhurtas) with a fifth (of that measure) added (successively to each).
69. Knowing that the signs are thus measured as being short, medium, or long, they consider the lengths of journeys as being similar to the divisions of the zodiac (and the limbs of the zodiacal man).
70. One finds that the ascendent or the sign occupied by the Moon is the body, the second place the family; the third they say is the brother, and the fourth relations.
71. The fifth place is called sons, the sixth they name the place of enemies; the seventh is the wife, and wise men say that the eighth is the place of death.
72. One establishes the ninth as the place of righteousness, and they say the tenth is work; the eleventh is the gaining of wealth, the twelfth its loss.
73. Whatever significances there are in any signs which are in the places beginning with the ascendent in order, these (significances), because of the positional, temporal, or other strengths of the signs, take on the natures of the significances in the places.
74. When the benefit planets have entered into (the places) which are called “body” and so forth, they cause these (aspects of life associated with the places) to flourish; but when the malefic planets are there or (the benefits) oppressed in bad places, they harm them.
75. Taking into consideration the good fortunes or bad fortunes of their places, which involve such things as the situations of the lords of the places and of the places themselves, the natures of the signs, and their powerful, medium, or weak aspects, one arrives at the death of men (after tracing out the rest of their lives).
76. A planet in its sign of exaltation gives a four-fold result; one in its mulatrikona half of that; one in its own house a full result; one in the house of a friend a half; one in the house of an enemy a third; and one in its dejection a fourth.
77. Planets in their enemies’ houses, in the signs of their dejections, overcome (in planetary conflicts), on bad “paths”, or entering into the Sun destroy the good results and increase the bad ones.
78. The semicircle from the ascendent (through the sixth place) which is to come (above the horizon), they say, is strong, that which has risen (above the horizon) is weak. The cardines are the strongest of these (places), and they state that among them the strength of the ascendent is foremost.
79. The human signs are best in the ascendent, the quadruped signs in the mid-heaven; the water signs are strong in the hypogee, the insect sign in the descendent, and the signs of two forms in the mid-heaven.
80. The human signs are strong at the beginning of the day, the quadruped and the insect signs at mid-day, Leo at the end of the day, and the water signs at night; all the signs are said to be strong in the cardines.
81. The first four signs, Sagittarius, and Capricorn are strong at night, but the experts say that the second group of four signs together with Aquarius and Pisces are diurnal.
82. Those signs-ascendent and so on-are strong which are joined with their lords, the planets whose exaltations they are, ,Jupiter, or Mercury, or which are aspected by these (planets), if they are not aspected by other planets which are in the second or eleventh place.
83. Saturn, Jupiter, and the Sun are strong in the day-time, Mars, Venus, and the Moon at night; Mercury is strong either by day or at night. The benefits are strong in the bright paksa (from new moon to full moon), the others in the dark (from full moon to new).
84. Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, and Venus are strong to the North (of the equator), Saturn and the Moon to the South, and Mercury in both. All the planets are strong in their own vargas, when they have overcome their enemies, and when they are brilliant.