13. Venus in Libra produces a rich man with shining money and merchandise; a self-controlled person owning variegated garlands and garments; one who travels much and earns his wealth with an effort;
14. A man who gains glory by wonhipping gods and Brahmanas; a learned hero, the refuge of good men; one who is resolute in difficult actions and in all things characterized by cleverness.
15. Venus in the eighth sign (Scorpio) produces a cruel, hateful, and un-righteous (adharma) man; one who is destroyed by his enemies and marries beneath his caste; a rogue of much wickednes; among other men’s wives;
16. a man without righteousness (dharma) who is rejected by his own brothers and despised because of his character and his servitude; one fond of injury who suffers many debts, curses, and pains; a braggard filled with diseases of the genitals.
17. Venus in Sagittarius produces a man who knows about lost treasure and obtains a reputation in the world; one endowed with the profits of good dharma, kama, and artha; a man dear to the world who is handsome and fond of ornaments;
18. A noble person (or, an Aryan) having a broad, erect, and exalted body; one honored among good men and respected for his good conduct; a man who has married a well behaved wife and is fortunate; the best man, a poet or the mahattara of the king’s ministers (nrpamatyamahattara).
19. Venus in the tenth sign (Capricorn) produces a man afflicted by many pains, fears, and toils; one who employs slander, greed, lies, and deceit, and whose behavior is corrupted by effeminacy;
20. A man served by old women, a wanderer who suffers in actions undertaken for the sake of others (?); one who is sick with a cough and has a weak body; a man confused mentally and fatigued physically.
21. Venus in Aquarius produces a man tormented by anxieties, diseases, and miseries; one attached to fruitless activities; a man obstructed by his elders and his sons;
22. a person bereft of righteousness (dharma) and shame among women; one fond of gambling and devoted to drink; a person who does without such things as baths, eating (upabhoga), and performing sacrifices (?) (aharana), but who indulges in acts of servitude to other men’s wives.
23. Venus in Pisces produces a noble man who rejoices in purity and knowledge; a handsome man abounding in acts involving speech and intelligence; one resorted to by the king and honored by good people;
24. A man endowed with good qualities such as politeness and generosity; a man of great wealth whose enemies are destroyed; one whose actions are renowned and distinguished in the world; the best person, the supporter of a family of saintly (sadhu) women.
1. Mars in Aries produces a violent and fierce hero who performs deeds of great daring; a glorious and courageous man who cannot be assailed; a generous pennon impatient of insult;
2. One who has many cattle, goats, and sheep, and much gold and grain, and a large throng of wives, sons, and servants; a king, or a noble person proud in battle, or the chief of an army, city, town, or tribe.
3. Mars in Taurus produces a man who forms enmities with his relatives and causes violence in his family; one who knows singing, but says many stupid things; a man who eats much, and has little wealth and few sons;
4. One who sets his heart on sexual intercourse with other men’s wives; a man who destroys the vows of saintly ladies (sadhvi) and takes their money; one who is hateful in the world and whose dress and manners are conceited; a man who is untrustworthy and untruthful, and who lacks steadfastness and righteousness (dharma).
5. Mars in Gemini produces a man who often dwells in foreign countries; one who knows the rules relating to various crafts, weapons, and arts; a very learned man who is clever in poetry;
6. A handsome and well mannered person who can bear fatigue and pain; a steadfast man devoted to righteousness (dharma); one who favors the advantage of friends and of good men; a person clever in many activities.
7. Mars in Cancer produces a poor man whose body is racked by defects and diseases; one who gains and loses money again and again; a man who dwells in the house of another;
8. One who desires the dice, clothes, and food of others in his youth, and is soft and intent on taking other men’s meals; but then, afterwards, earns his money by toil through activities connected with water.
9. Mars in Leo produces a handsome man of great strength; a very fierce hero impatient of insult; a man who assails others and keeps no hoard;
10. One who lives in the woods and forests or with herds of cattle; a man fond of flesh who slays carnivorous animals, deer, and snakes; one without children whose wife dies before he does; a man diligent in his actions, but bereft of the profits of his righteousness (dharma).
11. Mars in Virgo produces a rich man honored among good men, gentle,and of little valor; a person fond of prattling who knows about sexual intercourse and singing; one who has many expenses;
12. A man terrified with anxiety about his acquisitions of money; one who sacrifices and keeps one side bowed to the (sacrificial) fire (as he circumambulates it); a teacher of smrti and sruti, a man of many skills; a handsome person fond of bathing and anointing himself.