7. (The second navamsa) in Taurus is ha; in Leo, ja; in Scorpio, i; and in Aquarius, ga. (The third navamsa) in Taurus is tha; in Leo, tha; in Scorpio, da; and in Aquarius, da.
8. (The fourth navamsa) in Taurus is gha; in Leo, da; in Scorpio, jha; and in Aquarius, bha. (The fifth navamsa) in Taurus is iia; in Leo, u; in Scorpio, na; and in Aquarius, ma.
9. (The sixth navamsa) in Taurus is dha; in Leo, r,o.; in Scorpio, dha; and in Aquarius, na. (The seventh navamsa) in Taurus is :a; in Leo, ca; in Scorpio, pa; and in Aquarius, ka.
10. (The eighth navamsa) in Taurus, they say, is ii; in Leo, kha; in Scorpio, pha; and in Aquarius, cha. (The ninth navamsa) in Taurus, they say, is ta; in Leo, ta; in Scorpio, tha; and in Aquarius, tha.
The rule relating to fixed signs.
11. As for the two-natured signs, the first navamsa in Gemini is ja; in Virgo, ba; in Sagittarius, ga; and in Pisces, sa.
12. (The second navamsa) in Gemini is gha; in Virgo, bha; in Sagittarius, jha; and in Pisces, e. (The third navamsa) in Gemini is da; in Virgo, dha; in Sagittarius, da; and in Pisces, dha.
13. (The fourth navamsa) in Gemini is ma; in Virgo, ria; in Sagittarius, ha; and in Pisces, iia. (The fifth navamsa) in Gemini is pa; in Virgo, ca; in Sagittarius, ai; and in Pisces, ka.
14. (The sixth navamsa) in Gemini is na; in Virgo, na; in Sagittarius, ta; and in Pisces, ta. (The seventh navamsa) in Gemini is kha; in Virgo, ya; in Sagittarius, cha; and in Pisces, pha.
15. (The eighth navamsa) in Gemini is ja; in Virgo, o; in Sagittarius, ga; and in Pisces, ha. (The ninth navamsa) in Gemini is tha; in Virgo, da; in Sagittarius, tha; and in Pisces, da.
The rule relating to two-natured signs.
16. The collection of the aksaras of names is of this sort, and is accomplished by the rules which have been given; but some wish that the afore-mentioned rule should be applicable in all the cardines.
17. They multiply separately each cardine-sign by the number of the navamsa in the cardine-point and divide by nine; they know that the aksara is that of the lord of that (indicated) sign in the series of navamsas.
18. Thus one ought to find the names of objects with regard to things which are thought of or desired or lost, with regard to those who are dead or injured, to sexual intercourse with women, or to food, and with regard to the classes of such things as dreams, stars, thoughts, and men.
In the Yavanajataka: the rules relating to names.
1. I shall describe the king who is indicated by the distinctions predicted by his horoscope, who has attained good fortune, who desires victory, who has obtained the pleasures and virtues of a king, and who knows the rules of meditation and concentration.
2. His speech and his intelligence are famed, his courage is noble, his nature inscrutable and firm; he knows policy (naya). He is a strong, sweet, and handsome hero, a pure and non negligent person who performs famous deeds.
3. Clever and generous, he knows patience and how to be kind and to rebuke, and has won over his citizens (paura) and servants by his virtues; controlling his senses, he is devoted to the truth and independent; he honors the gods and Brahmanas, and does not work for pay.
4. The king thus endowed with virtues begins an expedition which will be successful in time; though the essence of his power is the performance of cruel deeds, he is also famed for gentle acts.
5. At the ripening of the (proper) time which is occasioned by the benefit planets, and when the lord of the da& is at its highest strength, and when the lord of its place in the nativity-horoscope is strong, and when the malefic planets are not in the places they occupied at his birth;
6. when the Moon is in the ascendant, an upacaya of the ascendant, or a cardine, in the house of a benefit planet and not in conjunction with the malefic planets, or when it is in the ascendant, sixth, seventh, eighth, or ninth place in an upacaya of the sign it occupied at his birth;
7. and when the benefit planets are strong in the navamsas of the benefits, on an auspicious tithi when the Moon is waxing and the benefit planets are in the cardines – then, even if the Moon is weak, the expedition is accomplished successfully.
8. Setting aside those places which are afflicted by malefic planets or omens, which are bad, or which arc aspected by malefic planets, (one should realize) that those which are occupied by benefits and which rise headfirst cause honour in expeditions.
9. As the Moon traverses in order the group of signs indicating a particular direction, the obstacles to the one who sets forth (in that direction) are to be avoided. An expedition in any direction must be in keeping with the omens, winds, and ayanas, and with the lords of that direction.
10. As the signs which are occupied by the Moon or upcaya to it are movable or fixed; terrible, straightforward, or gentle; or ordinary or harsh, an expedition attains success in accordance with their qualities.