15. One born in the first Hora in the sixth sign (Virgo) is handsome with a youthful body; he speaks well and knows crafts and sacred traditions (sruti); he is a soft-eyed, courteous, and sweet man who is fond of women, singing, music, and sexual intercourse.
16. One born in the second Hora in the sixth sign (Virgo) is a short man with a large head; a wanderer who desires (to know) the sacred traditions (sruti) and is an expert in music, service, writing, and painting; a man dismayed by sacrifices who experiences both decline and increase, but is happy at the end (of his life.)
17. A man born in the first Hora of Libra has a round face and an upturned nose, beautiful, broad, black eyes, and a thick body; he is solid with thick bones; he is a graceful man, dear to his people, who is clever in business and rich.
18. He who is born in the second Hora of the seventh sign (Libra) has much wealth and acts with firmness and courage; he is a black rogue with curly hair and round eyes, and the ends of his feet are split; he is an expert in crafts.
19. One born in the first Hora of the eighth sign (Scorpio) has fierce, yellow eyes with red corners; he is a handsome assailant who commits terrible deeds and is mighty in battle; a wealthy man with a depraved nature who is restless among women.
20. A man born in the second Hora of Scorpio is a bald man whose body is expansive, thick, full-grown, and broad and whose red eyes are wide-open; he serves the king and has many friends; but he has many debts also, and is an assailant.
21. One who is born in the first Hora in Sagittarius has a … face, broad mouth and chest, handsome nose and cheeks, and wide, curving eyes; he is an ascetic who had no guru in his youth.
22. One who is born in the second Hora of the ninth sign (Sagittarius) has eyes as broad as lotuses and long, heavy arms; he is handsome, lucky, happy, and glorious; wise in the meaning of the sciences, and possessing both dharma and artha.
23. A man born in the first Hora in Capricorn is black with an auspicious body, and has eyes like a deer’s and a thin, elevated nose; he is a gentle and well dressed rogue who cats spicy food and is rich in wealth and ornaments; a man invincible among women.
24. One born in the second Hora of Capricorn is black and has eyes with red corners and a tall, thin body; he is lazy, but commits violent and cruel deeds and acts with firmness and courage; he has women friends, but is fickle with regard to sexual intercourse.
25. A man born in the first Hora of Aquarius has red, lotus-like eyes and a complexion that glows like copper; he is a hero whose friends and courage are firm, a lazy person with few sons who thinks of drinking, acts wrongly, and is without virtues.
26. A man born in the second Hora of Aquarius has red eyes which are wounded, obstructed, and torn; he is a weak cripple, black and disconsolate, a lazy, dishonest, and wretched rogue.
27. One born in the first Hora of the last sign (Pisces) is a short man with large brow, broad mouth and chest, and a wide, extensive, and beautiful body; he is a glorious hero clever in business and beloved by women.
28. A man born under the influence of the second Hora in Pisces is firm, intelligent, clever, and generous; his sandal-mark (upanga) and eyes are beautiful and broad, and his nose is elevated; he is dear to the king, lucky with women, eloquent, and auspicious.
29. If the lord of the Hora – either the Sun or the Moon – is strong and aspects or is in a cardine, either at (the time of) conception or at birth, then the Hora has the influence which has been described.
1.The authorities say that every third of a sign is called a Drekkana in the language of the Greeks; I shall describe the thirty-six (of them) as they pertain to nativities because of their own qualities and those of their signs.
2. One born in the first Drekkana of the first sign (Aries) is a generous combatant, fond of quarreling, fierce in battle, blazing, and holding the staff of discipline among his relatives; he experiences declines and rises.
3. He who is born in the second Drekkana is an intelligent person who is fickle with women and good at sexual intercourse; an eloquent and handsome man fond of dancing and singing and possessing women and wealth; a good-looking person who desires to travel and has friends and money.
4. A man born in the third Drekkana is outstanding for his virtues, desires righteousness (dharma), is endowed with strength and courage, knows how to honour his friends, is dear to his people, and serves the king, but he has intercourse with other men’s wives.
5. One born in the first Drekkana of Taurus is fond of drink and food, and likes singing; acting according to the nature of a woman, he is intent on clothes and ornamentation; separated from his wife, he is afflicted with miseries.
6. One born in the second Drekkana is a handsome man with an auspicious body; a consumer who has great wealth and desires sexual intercourse, baths, and ornaments; a strong, intelligent person of a firm nature; a greedy man who is lucky with women in sexual intercourse.
7. A man born in the third Drekkana is unsteady and firm, stern and fearful, a. clever person with few possessions and dirty; he takes riches and afterwards destroys them, and he is tormented by his misfortunes.
8. One born in the first Drekkana of the third sign (Gemini) has a broad and excellent body and is tall; he does his duty and has a wealth of virtues; he is a charming and glorious man who is honored by the king and knows the rules of the fine arts, but a cheat.