1. This twelve-fold number in conjunction with the signs is to be spoken of with respect to the places beginning with the ascendant; but, with respect to the limbs of the native’s body, the first Hors in the ascendant is to be mentioned as beginning with the head.
2. One should know that the right and left (sides of the body) correspond to the triads (of Decanates) in the two halves of the zodiac. The tongue is from the Sun and the Moon being in their houses in the zodiac; from Mercury the nostrils;
3. the cheeks are from Venus; the eyes from Mars; the ears from Jupiter; and the top of the head from Saturn.
4. These are reversed when the planets are in the sixth or eighth place and are injured by malefic planets or if the lord of the place is injured. When they art: malefic planets, they cause injury to the body in that limb which (normally) they cause to be flawless.
5. The parts of the body to the left and to the right (are affected) by the varga beginning with the ascendant, which have risen or which have not risen, proceeding backwards and forwards (respectively) with respect to the constant motion of the zodiac.
6. The (three series of) Horas begin (respectively) with the head, the neck, and the hips, and end with the mouth, the navel, and the feet. There are five pairs pertaining to (each series) of Drekkanas; they are arranged, each (group of five pairs) in one (series of Drekkanas).
7. The first division of limbs is: two ears, two eyes, two nostrils, two cheeks, and two jaws; the second: two shoulders, two arms, the heart and belly, two sides, and two armpits;
8. (and the third) : the anus and penis, two testicles, two thighs, two knees, and two legs. Whatever is established as pertaining to the body. is to be described by means of the influences of the Drekkanas which have their own qualities.
9. With respect to the limbs of the body, malefic planets cause changes produced by diseases, wounds, and blows, but benefic planets cause beauty, purity, health, and the appearance of their own characteristics.
1. The qualities of such things as the Horas, which are halves of signs, are diverse and have many natures, forms, colors, and characteristics; of the unique creator of the world.
2. There are always an essence, position, characteristics, and form similar to its internal form and characteristics; like a mirror and its image, this is produced not in its own substance, but in the world of men.
3. There are twenty-four halves of the signs, or Horas, belonging, by their favour, to the Sun and the Moon; I shall describe those which are favourable because of their positions, essences, and forms, and which are influential in the nativities of men.
4. The Sun rules the first Hora in the odd signs and the second in the even; the Moon rules the rest. If the lord of the Hora is in a cardine, there is an influence from its position and aspect.
5. The man born under the influence of the first Hora in Aries has large red eyes, and the tip of his nose is like a parrot’s; he is fierce, thick-set, and tall; fond of his wife; and a rich hero or the leader of thieves.
6. One born in the second Hors in Aries is a gracious man with a light complexion, a broad, thick body, and sharp, terrible toes and fingers; a clever and intelligent person who is rich in wives and has kind, wide eyes.
7. A man born in the first Hora of Taurus is black and has wide eyes, forehead, and chest and a body of stout bones; he is a bold and handsome lover who is subject to sexual intercourse and drinking and who speaks little.
8. They say one born under the influence of the second Hora in Taurus has broad and extensive prosperity, wealth, wives, and fame; his body is erect, wide, and of medium height, and he has beautiful hair, hips set wide apart, and eyes like a bull’s
9. One born in the first Hora in the third sign (Gemini) has sweet, wide eyes, a thin body of medium height, handsome thighs, shoulders, and breast, and soft hair and feet; he is an eloquent and intelligent hero rich in sexual intercourse and love.
10. A man born in the second Hora in the third sign (Gemini) is an intelligent lover with sweet, wide eyes, an eloquent hero who speaks gently and clearly; he has beautiful, good teeth and a beautiful, symmetrical body.
11. One born in the first Hora in the fourth sign (Cancer) has an erect body and a handsome head; he is a bold and black man with a thin voice, a fickle and ungrateful rogue, a wretched man the limbs in whose body are broken.
12. He who is born in the second Hora in Cancer is a black man who walks like a horse and has vile mouth, eyes, and teeth and little hair; a slender person with thick sides, a rich but low-born rogue who is addicted to wandering.
13. One born in the first Hora in Leo has a dishonest nature and performs deeds of firmness and strength; he is a bold man hard to assail and irritable; the corners of his eyes are red and his body is heavy, broad. and proud; but he is happy at the end (of his life).
14. A man born under the influence of the second Hora in Leo desires women, spices, drinks, clothing, and food, and possesses stolen property; his friendship is firm and he moves his arms and so forth; his limbs and back are hard, and he has few subjects.