v. 7. 9.
a. In me I take first Agni,
For increase of wealth, for good offspring with noble heroes;
In me offspring, in me radiance I place;
May we be unharmed in our body with good heroes.
b. The immortal Agni who hath entered
Into us mortals within the heart, O fathers,
May we enclose him in ourselves;
May he not abandon us and go afar.
If the Adhvaryu without taking the fire in himself were to pile it, he would pile his own fire also [1] for the sacrificer. Now cattle depend upon the fire; cattle would be likely to depart from him. ‘In me I take first Agni’, he says; verily in himself he supports his own fire, cattle depart not from him.
b The theologians say, ‘Since clay and water are not food for Agni, then why is he piled with clay and water?’ In that he joins with water [2] and all the deities are the waters, verily he unites him with the waters. In that he piles with clay and Agni Vaiçvanara is this earth, verily he piles Agni with Agni.
c. The theologians say, ‘Since the fire is piled with clay and water, then why is it called the fire?’ In that he piles with the metres and the metres are fires, therefore is it called fire. Moreover Agni Vaiçvanara is this (earth); in that [3] he piles with clay, therefore is it called the fire.
d. He puts down golden bricks; gold is light; verily be confers light upon him; again gold is brilliance; verily he confers radiance upon himself. He, who piles (the fire) with faces on all sides, eats food in all his offspring, conquers all the quarters. In the east he puts down a Gayatri, a Tristubh on the south, a Jagati on the west, an Anustubh on the north, a Pankti in the middle; this is the fire with faces on all sides: he, who knowing thus piles it, eats food in all his offspring, conquers all the quarters; verily also he weaves quarter in quarter; therefore quarter is woven in quarter.
v. 7. 10.
Prajapati created the fire; it created ran away east from him; he cast the horse at it, it turned to the south; he cast the ram at it, it turned to the west; he cast the bull at it, it turned to the north; he cast the goat at it, it ran upwards. He cast the man at it. In that he puts down the heads of animals, he piles it [1], winning it on every side. The heads of animals are bricks, breath supporting, full of sight; in that he puts down the heads of animals, the sacrificer breathes with them in yonder world; verily also these worlds shine forth for him by them. He puts them down after smearing with mud, for purity. The fire is an animal, animals are food, the heads of animals are this fire; if he desire of a man, ‘May his food be less’ [2], he should put down for him the heads of animals more closely together; his food becomes less; if he desire of a man, ‘May his food be similar (to what he has now)’, he should put them down for him at a mean distance; verily his food becomes the same; if he desire of a man, ‘May his food become more’, he should put them down separating them at the ends of the pile; verily at the ends also he wins food for him; his food becomes more.
The Horse Sacrifice (continued)
v. 7. 11.
Flies with the teeth, frogs with the grinders; the cater with the gnawer; strength with the digester; the wild with the knee-cap; clay with the gums; Avaka grass with pieces of gravel; with the Avakas gravel; with the hump the tongue; with the shouter the palate, Sarasvati with the tongue tip.
v. 7. 12.
Strength with the jaws; the waters with the mouth; the Adityas with the hair; support with the lower lip; the existent with the upper; the clearness with what is between; by the gloss the external (radiance); by the knob the thundering; by the eyes Surya and Agni; by the two pupils the two lightnings; the lightning-stroke by the brain; might by the marrow parts.
v. 7. 13.
Tortoises with the hooves; with the flesh of the hooves francolin
partridges; the Saman with the dewclaws; speed with the legs; health
with the two knees; strength with the two Kuhas; fear with the two
movers; the secret with the two sides; the Açvins with the two shoulders
Aditi with the head; Nirrti with the bald head.
v. 7. 14.
The yoke-thong with the pits of the legs; the yoke with the
bent part; thought with the neck; sounds with the breaths; with the
gloss skin; with the Parakaça the interior; with hair the flies; Indra with
the hard-working bearing part; Brhaspati with the seat of the birds;
the chariot with the cervical vertebrae.
v. 7. 15.
Indra and Varuna with the two buttocks; Indra and Agni with the flesh below the buttocks; Indra and Brhaspati with the two thighs; Indra and Visnu with the knees; Savitr with the tail; the Gandharvas with the penis; the Apsarases with the testicles; the purifying with the anus; the strainer with the two Potras; the going with the two Sthuras; the going to with the two centres of the loins.
v. 7. 16.
For Indra the breast, for Aditi the flanks, for the quarters the cervical cartilages; the clouds with the heart and its covering; atmosphere with the pericardium; the mist with the flesh of the stomach; Indrani with the lungs; ants with the liver, the hills with the intestines; the ocean with the stomach; Vaiçvanara with the fundament.
v. 7. 17.
For Pusan the rectum; for the blind serpent the large entrails; serpents with the entrails; seasons with the transverse processes; sky with the back; for the Vasus the first vertebra; for the Rudras the second; for the Adityas the third; for the Angirases the fourth; for the Sadhyas the fifth; for the All-gods the sixth.
v. 7. 18.
Force with the neck; Nirrti with the bones; Indra with the hard-working bearing part; for Rudra the moving shoulder; for day and night the second (part); for the half-months the third; for the months the fourth; for the seasons the fifth; for the year the sixth.
v. 7. 19.
Joy with the delighter; love with the two Pratyasas; fear with the two Çitimans; command with the two Praçasas; sun and moon with the two kidney parts; the dark and the light with the two kidneys; the dawning with the form; the setting with the formless.
v. 7. 20.
Day with the flesh; night with the fat; the waters with the juice; ghee with the sap; ice with the fat (vása); hail with the rheum of the eyes; with tears hoar-frost; sky with the form; the Naksatras with the shadow; earth with the hide; the skin with the skin; to it brought up hail! To it slaughtered hail! To it offered hail!
v. 7. 21.
For Agni the first rib; for Sarasvati the second; for Soma the third; for the waters the fourth; for the plants the fifth; for the year the sixth; for the Maruts the seventh; for Brhaspati the eighth; for Mitra the ninth; for Varuna the tenth; for Indra the eleventh for the All-gods the twelfth; for sky and earth the side; for Yama the side bone.
v. 7. 22.
For Vayu the first rib; for Sarasvant the second; for the moon the third; for the Naksatras the fourth; for Savitr the fifth; for Rudra the sixth for the serpents the seventh; for Aryaman the eighth; for Tvastr the ninth for Dhatr the tenth; for Indrani the eleventh; for Aditi the twelfth; for sky and earth the side; for Yama the side bone.
v. 7. 23.
The path with the two parts near the kidneys; continuance with the two sinew parts; parrots with bile; jaundice with the liver; the Haliksnas with the evil wind; Kuçmas with dung; the worms with the contents of the intestines; dogs with the cutting up; serpents with the smell of the blood, birds with the smell of the cooking; ants with the fragments.
v. 7. 24.
With strides the courser hath strode out,
In unison with the All-gods worthy of sacrifice;.
Do thou bear us to the world of good deeds;
May we rejoice in thy strength.
v. 7. 25.
a. Thy back is the sky; thy place earth; thy breath the atmosphere; thy birthplace the ocean.
b. Thine eye the sun; thy breath the wind; thine ear the moon; thy joints the months and the half-months; thy limbs the seasons; thy greatness the year.
v. 7. 26.
Agni was the animal; with it they sacrificed; it won this world where Agni is; this is thy world, thou wilt win it, and so snuff (it).
Vayu was the animal; with it they sacrificed; it won this world where Vayu is; this is thy world, therefrom will I obstruct thee if thou dost not snuff (it).
Aditya was the animal; with it they sacrificed; it won this world where Aditya is; this is thy world, thou wilt win it if thou dost snuff it