The Preparation of the Ground for the Fire
v. 2. 1.
Headed by Visnu the gods won finally these worlds by the metres; in that he strides the strides of Visnu, the sacrificer becoming Visnu wins finally these worlds. ‘Thou art the step of Visnu, overcoming hostility’, he says; the earth is connected with the Gayatri, the atmosphere with the Tristubh, the sky with the Jagati, the quarters with the Anustubh; verily he wins in order these worlds with the metres. Prajapati created Agni; he being created went away from him [1]; he followed him with this (verse), ‘He hath cried’; with it he won the home dear to Agni; in that he repeats this (verse), he wins thereby the home dear to Agni. Now he who steps the strides of Visnu is apt as he goes away to be burnt up; he turns with four (verses); the. metres are four, Agni’s dear body is the metres; verily he turns round on his dear body [2]; he turns round from left to right; verily he turns round on his own strength; therefore the right side of the body is the stronger; verily also does he turn with the turning of the sun. Varuna seized Çunahçepa Ajigarti, he saw this verse addressed to Varuna, by it he freed himself from the noose of Varuna; Varuna seizes him who takes the fire-pan; ‘From us the highest knot, O Varuna’, he says; verily thereby he frees himself from Varuna’s noose [3]. ‘I have drawn thee’, he says, for he draws him. ‘Be thou firm and motionless’, he says, for support. ‘Let all the folk desire thee’, he says; verily with the folk he unites him. ‘In him establish the kingdom’, he says; verily in him he makes the kingdom to abide. If he desire of a man, ‘May he be a ruler’, he should think of him with his mind; verily he becomes a ruler [4]. ‘In greatness he hath risen erect in the van of the dawns’, he says; verily he makes him the first of his peers. ‘Emerging from the darkness’, he says; verily he smites away darkness from him. ‘He hath come with the light’, he says; verily he bestows light upon him. He places him with four (verses); the metres are four; verily with the metres (he places him); with an Atichandas as the last; the Atichandas is the highest of metres; verily he makes him the highest of his peers; it contains [5] the word ‘sit’ (sad); verily he makes him attain reality (sat-tvám). With (the hymn) of Vatsapri he reverences (him); by that did Vatsapri Bhalandana win the home dear to Agni; verily by it he wins the home dear to Agni. It has eleven (verses); verily in eleven places he bestows strength on the sacrificer. By the Stoma the gods prospered in this world, by the metres in yonder world; the hymn of Vatsapri is the type of the Stoma; in that he pays reverence with (the hymn) of Vatsapri [6], he wins with it this world; in that he strides the steps of Visnu, he wins by them yonder world. On the first day he strides forth, on the next day he pays reverence; therefore the minds of some creatures are set on energy, those of others on rest; therefore the active lords it over him who takes his ease therefore the active fixes upon a man who takes his ease. He clenches his fist, he restrains his speech, for support.
v. 2. 2.
‘O lord of food, accord us food’, he says; the lord of food is Agni; verily he grants him food. ‘Uninjurious, impetuous’, he says; he means in fact ‘free from disease’. ‘Do thou further the donor, bestow strength on our bipeds, our quadrupeds’, he says; verily he invokes this blessing. ‘May the All-gods bear thee up’, he says; the All-gods are the breaths [1]; verily with the breaths he raises him. ‘O Agni, with their thoughts’, he says; with the purpose for which he raises him, he verily unites him. He places (him) with four (verses); the metres are four; verily with the metres (he places him); with an Atichandas as the last; the Atichandas is the highest of the metres; verily he makes him the highest of his peers; it contains the word ‘sit’ (sad); verily he makes him attain reality (sat-tvám). ‘Come forward, O Agni, rich in light’ [2], he says; verily he bestows light upon him. With his body he injures him whom he injures; ‘Harm not our offspring with thy body’, he says; verily for his offspring he makes him gentle. The Raksases infest that sacrifice where the axle creaks; ‘He hath cried’, he repeats, to smite away the Raksases. They bear (him) with a cart; verily he confers honour upon him; therefore he that has a cart and he that has a chariot are of guests [3] the most honoured: honour is his who knows thus. ‘With kindling-wood serve Agni’, (with these words) he puts a kindling-stick, made wet with ghee, upon him when put in place; that is as when hospitality with melted butter is offered to a guest on arrival; (he puts it on) with a Gayatri for a Brahman, for the Brahman is connected with the Gayatri, with a Tristubh for a Rajanya, for the Rajanya is connected with the Tristubh. He casts the ash into the waters; Agni’s place of birth is in the waters; verily he makes him attain his own place of birth; with three (verses) he casts (it); Agni is threefold [4]; verily he makes Agni attain support through all his extent. Now he casts away Agni who puts the ash into the waters; he places it (in the pan) with (verses) containing the word ‘light’; verily he bestows light upon him; with two (he places it), for support. He throws away offspring and cattle who puts the ash in the waters; ‘Return with strength’, ‘With wealth’, (with these words) he comes back; verily he bestows upon himself offspring and cattle. ‘May the Adityas [5], the Rudras, the Vasus kindle thee again’, he says; these deities first kindled him; verily by them he kindles him. ‘Hearken’, ‘Be thou’, (with these words) he pays reverence; verily he awakens him; therefore after sleeping creatures awake. In his place he pays reverence, and therefore cattle returning go to their place.
v. 2. 3.
Yama holds the overlordship of the whole extent of earth; he who without asking from Yama a place of it for divine sacrifice piles up the fire is piling it for Yama. ‘Go hence’, (with these words) he makes him fix (on the place); verily having asked from Yama a place of it for divine sacrifice, he piles the fire for himself. Seeking they could not find so much as an arrow point of it which was not covered with death; the gods saw this Yajus, ‘Go hence’; in that he makes him fix with this [1], he piles the fire on a place freed from death. He throws up (the earth); verily he smites away any impurity in it; he sprinkles water on, for atonement. He puts down sand; that is the form of Agni Vaiçvanara; verily by his form he wins Vaiçvanara. He puts down salt; salt is the nourishment and the propagating; verily he piles the fire in nourishment, in propagation, and also in concord; for the salt is the concord [2] of cattle. Sky and earth were together; separating they said, ‘Let us share together what is worthy of sacrifice’. What of yonder (sky) was worthy of sacrifice, it placed in this (earth), that became salt; what of this (earth) was worthy of sacrifice, it placed in yonder (sky) and that is yonder black in the moon; when he puts down the salt he should think of yonder (black); verily he piles the fire in that of sky and earth which is worthy of sacrifice. ‘This is that Agni’ is Viçvamitra’s [3] hymn; by that Viçvamitra won the abode dear to Agni; verily by it he wins the abode dear to Agni. By the metres the gods went to the world of heaven; he places four (bricks) pointing east the metres are four; verily by the metres the sacrificer goes to the world of heaven. As they went to the world of heaven, the quarters were confused; they put down two in front, facing the same way, and two [4] behind, facing the same way; by them they made firm the quarters. In that he places two in front, facing the same way, and two behind, facing the same way, (it serves) to make firm the quarters; again, the metres are cattle; verily he makes cattle available for him. He places eight (bricks); the Gayatri has eight syllables, Agni is connected with the Gayatri; verily he piles Agni in his full extent. He places eight; the Gayatri has eight syllables; the Gayatri knows in truth the world of heaven; (verily it serves) to reveal the world of heaven [5]. He places thirteen world-fillers; they make twenty-one, the twenty-onefold Stoma is a support, the Garhapatya is a support, verily he finds support in the support of the twenty-onefold (Stoma), the Garhapatya; he who knows thus finds support in the fire which he has piled. He who first piles (the fire) should pile in five layers; the sacrifice is fivefold, cattle are fivefold; verily he wins the sacrifice and cattle. He who piles for a second time should pile in three layers; these worlds are three; verily he finds support [6] in these worlds. He who piles for a third time should pile in one layer; the world of heaven is in one place; verily he goes to the world of heaven by the single (layer). He makes (them) firm with mortar; therefore the bone is covered with meat; he who knows thus does not become diseased of skin. There are five layers, he makes firm with five (sets of) dust; they make up ten, the Viraj has ten syllables, the Viraj is food; verily he finds support in the Viraj, in proper food.
v. 2. 4.
The Agni that was before and the one in the fire-pan are at variance; ‘Be united’, with four (verses) he unites them together; the metres are four, Agni’s dear body is the metres; verily with his dear body he puts them in order. ‘Be united, he says; therefore the kingly power unites with the holy power; in that after uniting (them) he separates (them), therefore the holy power separates from the kingly power. With the seasons [1] they consecrate him; with the seasons likewise he must be set free; ‘As a mother her son, the earth Agni of the dust’, he says; verily having consecrated him with the seasons, with the season he sets him free. With (a verse) addressed to Vaiçvanara, he takes the sling; verily he makes it ready. For Nirrti there are three (bricks) black, dried by a chaff fire; chaff is the portion of Nirrti, black is the form of Nirrti; verily by her own form he propitiates Nirrti. They go to this quarter; this [2] is the quarter of Nirrti; verily in her own quarter he propitiates Nirrti. He places (it) in a self-made hole or a cleft; that is the abode of Nirrti; verily he propitiates Nirrti in her own abode. He places (them) over against the sling, the noose is connected with Nirrti; verily he frees him straightway from the noose of Nirrti. He places three, man is threefold in arrangement; verily he removes by sacrifice Nirrti from the whole extent of man. He places them going away (from the place of sacrifice); verily he drives away Nirrti from him [3]. They return without looking round, to conceal Nirrti. Having purified, they pay reverence, for purity. To the Garhapatya they pay reverence; verily having wandered in the world of Nirrti, they return, purified, to the world of the gods. They pay reverence with one (verse); verily in one place they bestow strength on the sacrificer. ‘Abode and collector of riches’, he says; rich are offspring and cattle; verily he unites him with offspring and cattle.