v. 3. 6.
(With the words) ‘ray’, he created Aditya; with ‘advance’, right; with ‘following’, the sky; with ‘union’, the atmosphere; with ‘propping’, the earth; with ‘prop’, the rain; with blowing forward’, the day; with ‘blowing after’, the night; with eager’, the Vasus; with ‘intelligence’, the Rudras; with ‘brilliant’, the Adityas; with ‘force’, the Pitrs; with ‘thread’, offspring; with ‘enduring the battle’, cattle; with ‘wealthy’, plants. ‘Thou art the victorious, with ready stone [1]; for Indra thee Quicken Indra’, (with these words) he fastened the thunderbolt on his right side, for victory. He created offspring without expiration; on them he bestowed expiration (with the words) ‘Thou art the overlord’; inspiration (with the word) ‘Restrainer’; the eye (with) ‘the gliding’; the ear (with) ‘the bestower of strength’. Now these offspring, though having expiration and inspiration, hearing and seeing, did not couple; upon them he bestowed copulation (with the words) ‘Thou art the Trivrt’. These offspring though coupling [2] were not propagated; he made them propagate (with the words) ‘Thou art the mounter, thou art the descender’. These offspring being propagated did not find support; he made them find support in these worlds (with the words) ‘Thou art the wealthy, thou art the brilliant, thou art the gainer of good’, verily he makes offspring when propagated find support in these worlds, he with his body mounts the atmosphere, with his expiration he finds support in yonder world, of expiration and inspiration he is not liable to be deprived who knows thus.
v. 3. 7.
By the ‘sitters on the vault’ the gods went to the world of heaven; that is why the ‘sitters on the vault’ have their name. In that he puts down the ‘sitters on the vault’, the sacrificer thus goes by the ‘sitters on the vault’ to the world of heaven; the vault is the world of heaven; for him for whom these are put down there is no misfortune (ná-ákam); the ‘sitters on the vault’ are the home of the sacrificer; in that he puts down the ‘sitters on the vault’, the sacrificer thus makes himself a home. The ‘sitters on the vault’ are the collected brilliance of the Prstha (Stotras); in that he puts down the ‘sitters on the vault’ [1], verily he wins the brilliance of the Prsthas. He puts down the five crested; verily becoming Apsarases they wait on him in yonder world; verily also they are the bodyguards of the sacrificer. He should think of whomever he hates as he puts (them) down; verily he cuts him off for these deities; swiftly he goes to ruin. He puts (them) above the ‘sitters on the vault’; that is as when having taken a wife one seats her in the house [2]; he puts the highest on the west, pointing east; therefore the wife attends on the west, facing east. He puts as the highest the naturally perforated and the earless (bricks); the naturally perforated is breath, the earless is life; verily he places breath and life as the highest of the breaths; therefore are breath and life the highest of the breaths. No brick higher (than these) should he put down; if he were to put another brick higher, he would obstruct the breath and life of cattle [3] and of the sacrificer; there fore no other brick should be put down higher. He puts down the naturally perforated brick; the naturally perforated brick is yonder (sky); verily he puts down yonder (sky). He makes the horse sniff it; verily be places breath in it; again the horse is connected with Prajapati; verily by Prajapati he piles the fire. It is naturally perforated, to let out the breaths, and also to light up the world of heaven. The earless is the triumph of the gods; in that he puts down the earless, he triumphs with the triumph of the gods; to the north he puts it down; therefore to the north of the fire is action carried on; (the verse) has the word ‘wind’, for kindling.
v. 3. 8.
He puts down the metre bricks; the metres are cattle; verily he wins cattle; the good thing of the gods, cattle, are the metres; verily he wins the good thing, cattle. Yajñasena Caitriyayana taught this layer; by this he won cattle; in that he puts it down, he wins cattle. He puts down the Gayatris on the east; the Gayatri is brilliance; verily at the beginning he places brilliance [1]; they contain the word ‘head’; verily he makes him the head of his equals. He puts down the Tristubhs; the Tristubh is power; verily he places power in the middle He puts down the Jagatis; cattle are connected with the Jagati; verily he wins cattle. He puts down the Anustubhs; the Anustubh is breath; (verily it serves) to let the breaths out. Brhatis, Usnihs, Panktis, Aksarapanktis, these various metres he puts down; cattle are various, the metres are cattle [2]; verily he wins various cattle; variety is seen in his house for whom these are put down, and who knows them thus. He puts down an Atichandas; all the metres are the Atichandas; verily he piles it with all the metres. The Atichandas is the highest of the metres; in that he puts down an Atichandas, be makes him the highest of his equals. He puts down two-footed (bricks); the sacrificer has two feet; (verily they serve) for support.
v. 3. 9.
For all the gods is the fire piled up; if he were not to put (them) down in unison, the gods would divert his fire; in that he puts (them) down in unison, verily he piles them in unison with himself; he is not deprived of his fire; moreover, just as man is held together by his sinews, so is the fire held together by these (bricks). By the fire the gods went to the world of heaven; they became yonder Krttikas; he for whom these are put down goes to the world of heaven, attains brilliance, and becomes a resplendent thing. He puts down the circular bricks; the circular bricks are these worlds; the citadels of the gods are these worlds; verily he enters the citadels of the gods; he is not ruined who has piled up the fire. He puts down the all-light (bricks); verily by them he makes these worlds full of light; verily also they support the breaths of the sacrificer; they are the deities of heaven; verily grasping them he goes to the world of heaven.
v. 3. 10.
He puts down the rain-winning (bricks); verily he wins the rain. If he were to put (them) down in one place, it would rain for one season; he puts down after carrying them round in order; therefore it rains all the seasons. ‘Thou art the bringer of the east wind’, he says; that is the form of rain; verily by its form he wins rain. With the Samyanis the gods went (sám ayus) to these worlds; that is why the Samyanis have their name; in that he puts down the Samyanis, just as one goes in the waters with a ship, so [1] the sacrificer with them goes to these worlds. The Samyanis are the ship of the fire; in that he puts down the Samyanis, verily he puts down a boat for the fire; moreover, when these have been put down, if the waters strive to drag away his fire, verily it remains unmoved. He puts down the Aditya bricks; it is the Adityas who repel from prosperity him who being fit for prosperity does not obtain prosperity; verily the Adityas [2] make him attain prosperity. It is yonder Aditya who takes away the brilliance of him who having piled up a fire does not display splendour; in that he puts down the Aditya bricks, yonder sun confers radiance upon him; just as yonder sun is radiant, so he is radiant among men. He puts down ghee bricks; the ghee is the home dear to Agni; verily he unites him with his dear home [3], and also with brilliance. He places (them) after carrying (them) round; verily he confers upon him brilliance not to be removed. Prajapati piled up the fire, he lost his glory, he saw these bestowers of glory, he put them down; verily with them he conferred glory upon himself; five he puts down; man is fivefold; verily he confers glory on the whole extent of man.
v. 3. 11.
The gods and the Asuras were in conflict; the gods were the fewer, the Asuras the more; the gods saw these bricks, they put them down; ‘Thou art the furtherer’, (with these words) they became multiplied with the trees, the plants; (with) ‘Thou art the maker of wide room’, they conquered this (earth); (with) ‘Thou art the eastern’, they conquered the eastern quarter; (with) ‘Thou art the zenith’, they conquered yonder (sky); (with) ‘Thou art the sitter on the atmosphere; sit on the atmosphere’, they conquered the atmosphere; then the gods prospered [1], the Asuras were defeated. He for whom those are put down becomes greater, conquers these worlds, and prospers himself; his foe is defeated. ‘Thou art the sitter on the waters; thou art the sitter on the hawk’, he says; that is the form of Agni; verily by his form he wins Agni. ‘In the wealth of earth I place thee’, he says; verily with these (bricks) he makes these worlds wealthy. He puts down the life-giving (bricks); verily he bestows life upon him [2]. ‘O Agni, thy highest name, the heart’, he says; that is the home dear to Agni; verily he obtains his dear home. ‘Come, let us join together’, he says; verily with him to aid he encircles him. ‘Be thou, O Agni, among those of the five races.’ The fire of the five layers is the fire of the five races; therefore he speaks thus. He puts down the seasonal (bricks); the seasonal (bricks) are the abode dear to the seasons; verily he wins the abode dear to the seasons. ‘The firm one’, he says; the firm one is the year; verily he obtains the abode dear to the year.
The Horse Sacrifice (continued)
v. 3. 12.
The eye of Prajapati swelled, that fell away, that became a horse; because it swelled (áçvayat), that is the reason why the horse (áçva) has its name. By the horse sacrifice the gods replaced it. He who sacrifices with the horse sacrifice makes Prajapati whole; verily he becomes whole; this is the atonement for everything, and the cure for everything. All evil by it the gods overcame; by it also the gods overcame (the sins of) Brahman- slaying; all evil [1] he overcomes, he overcomes Brahman-slaying who sacrifices with the horse sacrifice, and he who knows it thus. It was the left eye of Prajapati that swelled; therefore they cut off from the horse on the left side, on the right from other animals. The mat is of reeds; the horse has its birthplace in the waters, the reed is born in the waters; verily he establishes it in its own birthplace. The Stoma is the fourfold one; the bee tore the thigh of the horse, the gods made it whole with the fourfold Stoma; in that there is the fourfold Stoma, (it is) to make whole the horse.