Queen Elizabeth 2, who was coronated in February 1952, Elizabeth became head of the Commonwealth and queen regnant of several independent Commonwealth countries – the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Ceylon. She is the longest-lived and longest-reigning British monarch, as well as the world’s longest-serving female head of state, oldest living monarch, longest-reigning current monarch, and the oldest and longest-serving current head of state. In her horoscopethe lagna lord and 2nd lord of wealth Saturn is in a parivartana rajayoga with the 4th lord of popularity and 11th lord of gains Mars (who is exalted) and this is a great yga for wealth. Her 10th lord of profession Venus who is also the 5th lord of seat of power in strong in the 2nd house, her 7th lord Moon is powerful in its own house and her 8th lord of inheritance Sun is exalted in the 4th house. Jupiter also becomes powerful in lagna by getting neechabhanga Rajayoga.