Tenth and 11th lords together in labhasthana 11th house, lagna lord moon in lagna, Exalted Sun with Saturn in the 10th house of profession and Jupiter mercury in the 9th house are the great yogas which made him a rich and world famous writer.
For a while he was also Member of the House of Lords and Member of Parliament
While name fame and wealth are there, 2nd lord of speech and money Sun with neecha Saturn and neecha Mercury in the bhagyasthana 9th house made him commit frauds and a lier and sent him to prison for 3 years.
The books written by Jeffrey Archer are:
Kane and Abel, The Prodigal Daughter, Shall We Tell the President, Only Time Will Tell, The Sins of the Father, Best Kept Secret, Be Careful What You Wish For, Mightier Than the Sword, Cometh The Hour, This Was a Man, Nothing Ventured, Not a Penny More, Not a Penny Less, First Among Equals, A Matter of Honour, As the Crow Flies, Honour Among Thieves, The Fourth Estate, The Eleventh Commandment, Sons of Fortune, False Impression, The Gospel According to Judas by Benjamin Iscariot, A Prisoner of Birth, Paths of Glory, Heads You Win.
Short stories/collections
A Quiver Full of Arrows, A Twist in the Tale, Fools, Knaves, and Heroes: Great Political Short Stories Editor, Introduction, Twelve Red Herrings, Twelve Red Herrings, To Cut a Long Story Short, Cat O’Nine Tales, And Thereby Hangs a Tale, The Jeffrey Archer Short Story Challenge Collection, It Can’t Be October Already, Tell Tale, Four Warned,
Beyond Reasonable Doubt, Exclusive, The Accused,
Prison diaries, Hell — Belmarsh, Purgatory — Wayland, Heaven — North Sea Camp
For children
The First Miracle, By Royal Appointment, Willy Visits the Square World, Willy and the Killer Kipper.