In the horoscope of India’s badminton star P V Sindhu, who has won the world championship, and 2 Olympic medals, the most important factor for her success in sports is the combination of her 3rd lord of sports Venus with the 6th lord of competition and sports Sun in the auspicious 4th house which also rules popularity and masses. Apart from that her bhagyadhipati 9th lord Mars, who is also the 2nd lord of wealth, is in the 6th house and the auspicious 4th lord Mercury is in the 3rd house. Another great boon is the lagna and 10th lord of profession Jupiter in in bhagyasthana 9th house and the labhadhipati 11th lord Saturn… the lord of gains and good news is in lagna. The most powerful Rajayoga is the Parivartana Rajayoga between her third lord of sports and hands Venus with the 4th lord lord of masses and popularity Mercury. Rahu in the laabhasthan is also a great boon giver. 2016 August Olympics she won Silvar medal during her Rahu mahadasa and Rahu antardasa. She became world champion during here Rahu/Saturn/Saturn dasa. She won the Olympic bronze medal in 2121 during her Rahu/ Saturn/ Rahu period – becoming the 1st ever Indian woman to win 2 medals in 2 Olympics.