P Chidambaram, former finance minister during the Congress government, has been charged by CBI with corruption in the INX Media case and is under arrest.
In his horoscope the powerful combination of 10th lord of profession Mars lagnalord Saturn and exalted Rahu in the 5th house of power and this definitely gave him the high post. The two prime reasons for his corrupt dealings are….firstly the 6th lord Moon which is connected with crime is aspecting his 10th lord and Moon is also in Rahu/Ketu axis. Secondly…His Jupiter which is his 2nd lord of wealth and 11th lord of gains is in the dusthana 8th house which is the house of secret dealings. Since 5th is Putrasthana and Jupiter is Putrakaraka hence his son is also involved. His current dasa of Saturn/Venus is a bad one as Venus is in the 6th house connected with imprisonment.