In the horoscope of Jeffery (Jeff) Bejos, the owner of Amazon and the richest ma in the world, Lagna and 10th lord of profession Jupiter is very well placed in lagna and in Navamsa also he is in his own house, the 4th and 7th lord Mercury is powerfully placed in the 10th ouse along with the 5th lord Moon frming a rajayoga and in conjunction with 6th lord Sun is forming Budhaditya yoga, 2nd lord of wealth Mars, who is also the bhaggyadhipati 9th lord, is superbly exalted in the 11th house of gains and in conjunction with the 11th lord Saturn is forming a great DDhanayoga, 8th lord Venus in the 12 is a vipareeta rajayoga ad Rahu and Ketu are also exalted.