The reductions suggested should be done to arrive at the Shodhya Pind of Śani’s Ashtak Varg. This should be multiplied by the number of dots in Randhr Bhava and be divided by 27.The quotient will represent the longevity of the native in years. From the remainder, one can work our the months, days, Ghatikas etc.
Should there be Dasha Chidra at the time so arrived, death is certain. The Rāśis, which have no dots in Śani’s Ashtak Varg are productive of destruction.The Shodhya Pind mentioned in S.69 should be divided by 12. When Candr transits the Rāśi represented by the remainder, death of the native will take place.
A diagram should be made by putting the various benefic dots together in their respective Rāśis (i.e. Sarvashta Varg Kundali) and ascertaining from the rising degree the bad, good and neutral (i.e. not bad, but not good) one should know the results of the Dashas and suggest suitable time for journey, marriage etc.
The effects of various kinds may be known through the Sarvashtak Varg etc. Otherwise, it is not possible to ascertain good and bad of the effects.
The Rāśis, which have 30, or more dots are capable of giving good results, while the ones having 25-30 dots are medium in effects. The Rāśis, or Bhavas with very little number of dots will yield very harmful results. All other Rāśis are good and auspicious acts should be performed (when related Grahas travel in such Rāśis).
One should choose such Rāśis, which have more benefic dots for auspicious acts. Should Lagn have more dots than Vyaya Bhava, one will enjoy life and be wealthy. If it is otherwise, penury will doubtlessly result. Up to 30 his life will have medium good, afterwards it will be indeed good.
The wise Jyotishi should assess the effects of the Bhavas from Lagn through Vyaya Bhava. The more the benefic dots, it is good. If the dots are less, it will only inflict afflictions.Barring Ari, Randhr and Vyaya Bhava, the results for other Bhavas should be deducted in the above manner.
From Meen to Mithun, it is called first Khanda (or division), while the second Khanda starts form Vrischik and ends with Kumbh. From Kark to Tula, it is the third Khanda. These Khandas are to be kept separately, as functions relating to age will have to be effected at appropriate times.
Whichever Khanda has more benefic dots will give auspicious results, while the one with least number of dots will give inauspicious results. Only after noting this, the Dasha results should be declared. (If a Dasha lord is in a Khanda with maximum dots, good results follow)
The Khanda with more malefics will give malefic results, while the one with benefics will give benefic results. If both malefics and benefics are these, mixed results will be felt. Only after examining the 3 Khandas the Dasha results should be declared.
The total number of dots from Lagn to the Rāśi occupied by Śani should be added together and multiplied by 7 and divided by 27. The remainder reveals the year, which will cause grief and sickness to the native.The same procedure should be applied for the positions, as under: 1. from Śani to Lagn; 2. from Mangal to Lagn; 3. from Lagn to Mangal. In such years, as revealed by the remainders, difficulties, like grief, tiredness and diseases will surely follow.
Add the Navamshas of Śani and Lagn. The year represented by this figure will cause hurt by weapon.
In the way explained above process add the Navamshas of Rahu and Lagn on the one hand and Mangal and Lagn on the other hand. The years indicated thus will cause some accident, wound by weapons, tiredness, grief etc. Thus, Navamsh arrived similarly between an auspicious Grah and Lagn will give good results like, sons, wealth, happiness etc. in particular years without any doubt.
Note in what number of Navamsh the 8th lord is placed. This figure should be multiplied by the benefic dots in Randhr Bhava (Sarvashtak Varg Kundali) and divided by 12. When Sūrya in Gochara touches the Bhava represented by the remainder, the death of the native may take place, or he will be attacked by diseases. Similar results should be guessed from Pitru Sthan and Matru Sthan (Dharm and Bandhu Bhava) for father and mother, respectively.
Add the benefic dots in the 12 Rāśis, commencing from left to right and group them in four, according to the four directions. There will be good from such direction indicated by the group with the maximum number of dots. A benefic in such position will make the effects intensive. One should always avoid such direction with less dots.
Construction of a cattle shed, dealing in lands, agriculture etc., if done in a good Rāśi, will prove beneficial. Any money invested, or deposited in an inauspicious Rāśi will only vanish. (These are to indicate Sūrya’s travel in such Rāśis with more, or less dots in the Ashtak Varg Kundali)
In the direction indicated by the lord of Dhan Bhava, there will be gain of wealth. In Randhr’s lord’s direction, there is bad luck only. The wise Siddhasena dealt with Ashtak Varg in greater length and I have presented this briefly.