The Shodhya Pind of Sūrya’s Ashtak Varg should be multiplied by the number of benefic dots in Randhr Bhava and divided by 12. The death of the native may take place in the month counted from Mesh, or its Kon, as represented by the remainder. If Candr is in transit in a Rāśi, without benefic dots, in her Ashtak Varg, such Nakshatras should be avoided for good events.
When Candr transits the Nakshatras in the 8th from the natal position, or its Konas, she will cause worry, sickness and grief.
The Shodhya Pind should be multiplied by the number of dots in the 4th Bhava from the natal Candr and divided by 27.The remainder represents the asterism, in which Śani’s transit proves unfavourable to the mother. Even the Kon stars may cause the event.
Should there be Dasha Chidra at that time, the event may take place. Should Śani be in the 4th from natal Candr, or give a Drishti to it (from the 7th, or the 10th), at a time before noon, it indicates death of the native, or travel to a distant place.
Note the Navamshas occupied by the lords of the 4th and the 8th from Candr. Sūrya’s transit in a Kon from there indicates mother’s death in that particular month. The same is to be deducted from Lagn of the father. The issues related to one’s mother should be evaluated in the same way, as done for the father.
Brother’s wealth. etc., are to be understood from the Ashtak Varg of Mangal. Should Mangal be weak, one acquires learning with difficulty. In the Ashtak Varg of Budh reductions should be made (as suggested). The Rāśi indicated by the remainder, when transited by Śani will guide about loss of sons, friends and such other events without any doubt.
The numbers of issues one can have should be guessed from the Ashtak Varg of Guru. Note the benefic dots in the 5th from Guru and eliminate the dots contributed by Grahas posited in enemy’s Bhava and in fall. The net dots there after will reveal the number of issues possible. Again, the number of Navamshas passed by Guru, or the lord of Putr Bhava. Note the dots in total in the Ashtak Varg of Guru.
The dots in the Rāśis occupied by malefics should not be considered. The balance left out equals the number of issues, while the dots in the Vyaya, Randhr and Putr Bhava, if occupied by malefics, will indicate the number of children to die.
Putr Bhava from Lagn and the 5th Bhava from Guru should have more than 3 dots in the Ashtak Varg of Guru. Otherwise, one will be issueless. However, if these Bhavas are receiving Drishtis from, or are occupied by their lords, this rule does not apply and the native will have children.
With these guidelines the question of issues can be answered. Should the Kundali be indicative of children being obtained, it will happen accordingly. The rules for destruction of family, i.e. issuelessness, are separately detailed.
Note the benefic dots (in Sarvastha Varg) of Śukr contributed by various Grahas. Then, the Kon reduction should be done (as per rule explained already) and after that Ekadhipathya reduction (for the Grahas owing two Rāśis each except for Sūrya and Candr) should be made.
Time for obtaining lands, wife and wealth should be predicted according to the Rāśis having benefic dots. Wife in particular should be ascertained from Yuvati Bhava with reference to the position of Śukr (at birth).
The Rāśi occupied by the lord of the Navamsh, in which Yuvati’s lord is posited will denote Candr Rāśi of the native’s wife. It may also correspond to the exaltation, or own Bhava of Yuvati’s lord. Some Rishis mention, that the ninth Bhava counted from Candr, or from Lagn may indicate the Janm Rāśi of the wife. The wise should suitably understand the issue.
Should the Janm Rāśi of the wife be other than the ones mentioned above, it is indicative of no progeny. (This is a very important clue to match the horoscopes, when issues are felt to be an essential outcome to follow marriage). The dots in Yuvati and in Dharm Bhava will indicate the number of women one will attain. This is trebled in the case of Rāśi and double in the Navamsh.
One will sexually gain low class women, if Śukr is in a Navamsh of Śani, or in such Rāśi, or in a malefic’s company. The person will violate the marital bonds in regard to sexual union, if Śukr is in a Rāśi of Navamsh of Mangal, or yuti with, or Drishti to Mangal. Should Yuvati Bhava in Navamsh be that of Śani, or Mangal (i.e. Kark, Simh, Vrishabh, or Tula rising in the Navamsh Kundali) the native’s wife will be a prostitute, or at least an adulteress.
This is doubtless. One will be displaced through a woman, if Candr occupies Yuvati, or Vyaya Bhava, at the same time in the Amsh of a malefic Grah, while Śukr is yuti with a malefic.
The female of the native will be representative of the Navamsh occupied by Śukr, in complexion, appearance and disposition, or the Navamsh occupied by the lord, or the 9th, or the 7th will also give such clues. One should assess the strength and weakness of such positions and predict about the wife of the native.
The Ashtak Varg of Śani should be prepared by inserting the auspicious dots in all the 12 Rāśis. Add the dots in the Rāśis between Lagn and Śani on one hand, between Śani and Lagn on the other hand. These two figures will reveal the age, at which the subject will have diseases and grief. When these two are totalled, it indicates the possible year of death.