Notes: According to Jataka Muktavali, the following combinations indicate moles, scars etc. on the body of the native: If Yuvati Bhava from Lagn is occupied by Śukr, or Mangal, or Guru, there will be a scar on the head. Śukr, or Mangal, or Candr in Lagn leaves a mark through fire at the age of 12.
Rahu in Randhr Bhava, while Śukr is in Lagn causes a scar on the left ear. Guru in Lagn and Rahu in Yuvati Bhava leave a scar on the left hand. Śukr in Randhr, or Vyaya Bhava and Guru in Lagn indicate marks on both the hands. If Mangal is in Sahaj, or Ari, or Labh Bhava along with Śukr, there will be a mark on the side close to the left hand. Should Budh, or Śani be in Lagn, while Sūrya is in Karm Bhava a mark on the right side should be noted.
If Mangal, or Budh is in Lagn, while Rahu is in Putr, or Ari, or Dharm Bhava, a mole on genital organ, or anus may be found. Śukr in Putr, or Dharm Bhava, while Yuvati, or Randhr, or Bandhu Bhava is occupied by either Guru, or Budh indicates a mark on the stomach. Should there be Śukr, or Sūrya in Dhan, or Randhr Bhava, while Karm Bhava has Rahu and Śani, declare a scar on the navel.
A mark on the waist may be found, if Karm Bhava is occupied by Guru, while Candr is in Dhan Bhava and Rahu with Śukr is in Sahaj Bhava. On the anus will be found a mark, if Vyaya Bhava has Guru, while Budh is in Sahaj, or Ari, or Dharm Bhava and Candr is in Dharm Bhava.
Should there be Śukr and Rahu in Bandhu Bhava, while Lagn is occupied by Śani and Mangal, there will be a symbol of fish in the palm, or sole, or ankles, (which according to Samudrika Shastr is a Raj Lakshana denoting a king). Hamsh Yog is supposed to give fish symbols in the palm, or sole, see notes under Sloka 8, Ch.16.
The limbs of human body is divided by 36 Dreshkanas. Any particular Dreshkan occupied by a benefic indicates a mole and a malefic an ulcer on the particular part of the physique, see Sloka 26, Ch. II of Sanketa Nidhi.
The 3 Dreshkanas in each Bhava represent limbs, respectively, as under, vide Sanketa Nidhi: a) Lagn: 1. Head 2. Neck 3. Pelvis. b) Dhan and Vyaya Bhava: 1. Right and left eyes 2. Right and left shoulders 3. Genital organs. c) Sahaj and Labh Bhava: 1. Right and left ears 2. Right and left arms. 3. Right and left testicles. d) Bandhu and Karm Bhava: 1. Right and left nostrils 2. Right and left sides (Pasharva)
3. Right and left thighs. e) Putr and Dharm Bhava: 1. Right and left cheeks 2. Right and left side of the heart 3. Right and left knees. f) Ari and Randhr Bhava: 1.Jaws 2. Right and left sides of chest 3. Right and left calves. g) Yuvati Bhava: 1. Mouth 2. Navel 3. Feet (according to some Vyaya Bhava indicates feet).
The above is from Sanketa Nidhi, Ch. IV, Slokas 124 and 125, in which it is stated, that the limb corresponding to the Dreshkan receiving a Drishti from, or yuti with a benefic will have a mole, or mark. And a malefic in such a case causes its deformity, or ulcer on it.
For example, if Rahu is in Labh Bhava in first Dreshkan, denoting right ear, he can cause either deafness, or an ulcer of right ear. The reader is advantageously referred to Slokas 24, 25 and 26, Ch. V of Brihat Jataka and also my English translation of Saravali. Ch. IV for relevant information.
Given below is a brief account regarding moles etc. from Ch. IV of Mukunda Daviagna’s Nashta Jataka (my English translation): Note the Rāśis occupied by Sūrya and Candr. The particular limbs, as represented with reference to Kala Purush, i.e. Mesh etc., will have mole and other marks.
The limb represented by the Rāśi occupied by Sūrya, or Mangal will have reddish marks, while Śani and Rahu leave blue marks. Should Śukr give a Drishti to Rahu, the limb indicated by Rahu’s Rāśi will have moles etc. Assume Rahu is in Mithun opposed to Śukr in Dhanu. Mithun indicates arms of Kala Purush and hence there will be a mole (or scar etc.) on the arms.
More such information may be obtained from Ch. IV of Nashta Jataka. The information, furnished above, regarding moles etc., will be helpful in rectification of natal Lagn in case of doubts.
The Shastras listed various combinations causing instant, or sudden death of the child. Now only important ones are explained (below).
There are three kinds of infant deaths. Firstly the afflictions due to parents; secondly due to Bal Grahas and thirdly due to evil combinations of Grahas.
Notes: Bal Grahas are evil spirits, which affect only children. See Sloka 130, Ch. 15 of Prashn Marga (J.N. BHASIN English rendering). It is also stated in Jataka Parijata, Sloka l, Ch 4, that till the child crosses 12, it is affected by the fate of his mother and father and by Bal Grahas, i.e. evil spirits.
This view is identical with the one mentioned in Slokas 4-6, Ch. 10 of Sarvartha Chintamani. That is why all texts are unanimous, that longevity cannot be definitely decided till the 12th year of age. Now see the following Sloka of the present work.
It is only after a careful assessment of the above, the affliction to the child should be pronounced. It is (however) not possible to decide the longevity till it completes its 12th year of age. The child should be protected (till such age) through Japas and Homas.
Notes: According to C.G. Rajan’s Tamil translation of Parashar Hora. Ch. V, note, that longevity cannot be decided till the native is 24. But Jyotisharnava Navaneetam (a Sanskrit work with Telugu translation) suggests that. up to l2 nothing definite can be said about longevity.
Phala Deepika (Ch. 13, Sloka 3) and Jataka Parijata (Ch. 5, Slokas 1 and 2), which have similar verses also say, that up to 12, longevity cannot be decided. This is because, the child is covered by its mother’s fate in the first four years, by its father’s fate in the next four years and by its Purva Karma thereafter up to 12, as per Mantreswara.
Only after 12, will the child be governed by the effects of the Grahas in its own horoscope, as far as its longevity is concerned Also see Slokas 4-6, Ch. X of Sarvartha Chintamani. The child born, when there is Lagn Sandhi is either born, dead, or short lived (if born). Should such Lagn receive a Drishti from malefics, the said results are sure to follow.
Birth in Gandanta Nakshatr is destructive of the whole family. Should such a child, however, live, then it becomes a king with an army of elephants and horses.