58-60. All the cherished desires of the querist would be fulfilled if the lords of 10th and Ascendant possess adequate strength and Moon with similar strength be related to the stronger between the above two planets. To assertain the time limit for the fulfilment of desires the longitude of Sun may be deducted from the longitude of Moon.
Then we may find out the star indicated by the remainder and add 1 star to this and the number in days assigned to that particular star in the statement given below for the 27 stars reckoned from Aswini. Another method of finding out the time limit is as follows. The longitude of Ascendant may be deducted from the longitude of 10th house. If the longitude of 10th be smaller, 12 signs may be added to it. The remainder should b- converted into degrees and be trebled. The result should be divided by 60. The remainder would indicate the number of days for the accomplishment of the object in case Ascendant be in a moveable sign. If Ascendant be in a fixed sign, the number got above should be doubled. If in a dual sign, the number should be trebled.
61. Another method of calculating the time is as follows: The number of Navamsas that have risen in Ascendan would denote the period required, the unit of time taken being Ayana that year Kshana, Second Dina Day, Ritu Season Masa Month, Paksha fortnight and Abda year, according as the lord of Navamsa in question happens to be Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn respectively. That is, if Leo be the rising Navamsa, that time indicated would be four Ayanas and odd or a period between 24 and 30 months and soon. Or, it would be as many units as measured by the number of Navamsas traversed by the lord of rising Navamsa from Ascendant Navamsa, the unit taken being the one appropriate to the planet owning the rising Navamsa.
1. If at the time of query, Ascendant falls in the Hora of Sun, the querist would not enjoy happiness in his childhood. Later by his own efforts he would get a lift in life and become wealthy. If Ascendant falls in the Hora of Moon, the querist would be happy in his childhood and face difficulties in his later life.
2. If the lord of Hora in which Ascendant falls at the time of query, be associated with a malefic and a retrograde planet, the eyes and face of the querist would not be good looking. He would have an ugly face with deformed teeth, tongue, lips etc. if Sun and Moon together or Moon saparately be under the influence of two malefics.
3. The figure signified by the sign occupied by the Lord of Drekkana (Decanade) in which Ascendant falls at the time of query, would indicate the number of brothers the querist would have. If this lord of Drekkana be associated with or aspected by benefic, the brothers would be longlived, otherwise their longevity would be poor. The relationship amongst the brothers would depend on the nature of planet or planets associated with above mentioned lord of Drekkana.
4. If the lord of drekkana be associated with male benefic planets, the querist would be having brothers, if the planet be male, sister. If Ascendant falls in a male sign, brothers would be born after him, if it falls in a female sign sisters would be born. If the lord of Ascendant and the lord of Drekkana in which Ascendant falls be friends, there would be happiness in respect of brothers and sisters. If the Lord of the Drekkana be in 6th or 8th house, from the Lord of Ascendant brothers and sisters would suffer from injuries on account of their own deeds.
5. If the lord of Drekkana in which Ascendant falls at the time of query be in 6th or 8th house and associated with a malefic, the querist would die as a result of falling stone or tree If he survives, he would be hated by his relations. If the above lord of Drekknna be associated with a waning Moon and a malefic, the body of the querist would be fully hairy or he may suffer from some disrase of the ear or may have some trouble in his back.
6. If the said lord of Drekkana be posited in 8th house with Sun and Mars who have adequate strength, the native would die through lightening or sun-stroke. If the said lord be associated with Venus and Jupiter, the native would meet his death by poisoning. If the Drekkana lord be in 6th, there would be a mark or spot in the hands of the native.
7. Similar conclusions may be arrived at with regard to the natives, or querists family, brothers, relations etc., through the malefics occupying the corresponding decanatcs. It is through the 22nd decanate reckoned from the rising one or through its lord that the death of the person concerned and its nature should be determined.
8. The birth of male issue and his happiness or prosperity should be predicted if Saptamsa in which Ascendant falls at the time of birth or query be an odd one and be occupied by or aspected by benefics. The same would be combination for a female issue if Saptamsa of Ascendant falls in an even sign. There would be no issue if the rising Saptamsa be under malefic influence. This is what the wise men say.
9. The native or querist would have the good fortune to get a beautiful girl with very fine qualities as his life partner, if the lord of Navnmsa in which Ascendant falls at the time of birth or query, occupies the Rasi, Hora, Drekkana, Saptamsa, Navamsa of its own or if it be associated with or aspected by benefic planets with adequate strength and without any malefic influence.
10. Of the lord of Navamsa in which Ascendant falls at the time of the birth or query be a. benefic one and posited in a quadrant, the marriage of the native or quetist would take place at the age of 16 (we should say at an early age). If the lord of such Navamsa be in a trine the marriage would take place at the age of 25. If Navamsa of Ascendant or Navamsa of 7th house be associated with a malefic planet, the native or querist would not enjoy marital happiness.
11. The native or the querist would have the same good fortune and prosperity as his father, if at birth or at the time of query the lord of Dwadasamsa in which Ascendant falls, occupies Ascendant. If such lord of Dwadasamsa be in 6th, 8th or 12th house, the native and his parents would not enjoy bodily happiness. If the lord of such Dwadasamsa be posited in llth, the native would get and enjoy the hidden wealth of his parents. It would not be so if such planet be in its debilitation sign, eclipsed or malefic.
12. If the lord of the Trimsamsa in which Ascendant falls at the time of birth or query, be a malefic planet, eclipsed or in its sign of debilitation, the native would have misunderstanding with his relations. If such lord of Trimsamsa be in the 6th, 8th or 12th house, the native may earn the displeasure of the King/Government. If such planet be associated with a benefic the native would enjoy happiness in every way.
13-14. Information about the following matters is ascertained from various planets as under: Sun-Ownself, vitality, influence, father, etc. Moon-Leanings of the heart, mind, understanding, royal favour, mother, wealth. Mars-Own courage, mother, characteristic qualities, lands and happiness. Mercury-Intelligence, speech, religious act, scientific knowledge, and good or bad bringing up. Jupiter-Own lands, wealth, clothes physical development children, fame, horses etc. Venus-Ones kept women, wife, sexual power, conveyance, enjoyment and marriage.
Saturn-Longevity, livelihood, distress and adversity. Predictions should be made by a well-versed astrologer after carefully and intelligently assessing the strength of respective planets, and several effects they are capable of producing which have been described above. However, it should be kept in mind that Saturn is capable of giving bad results when strong, as compared to other planets.
15-20. In these slokas the author gives a description of his family tree. There lived a famous scholar named Satee Ram who was born in the most respected Gangarha family. He was like Moon of the ocean. He commanded the respect of the Brahmins and the King. Even the great nobles of the time touched his feet out of reverence for him. Satee Ram had a son named Jyoteeraya who was famous for his good qualities and rose to high status and was recognised for his knowledge and was respected by learned men.
Jyoteeraya had a son named Kripa Ram who was learned like his ancestors and was respected by both the rich and the poor. He was capable of solving intricate problems posed by the scholars. Kripa Ram had a son named Jaspati Sharma who was also very learned in shastras. He was inclined towards righteous action and was devoted to God Shiva and Goddess Durga. Jaspati Sharma had four sons. The eldest of these sons was Ameer Chandra who died in the life time of his father. The son younger to him was Vazir Chandra who was second to none in fame and was a leader amongst the learned men. Vazir Chandras next younger brother was Musaddi Ram who was greatly devoted to Lord Vishnu. The youngest of the brothers was Shri Rama Dayalu who lived in Amritsar. He was a devotee of Shiva, a staunch Advatin and foremost amongst scholars. He composed this work Sanketanidhi-a treasure of indications in Vikram Samvat, 1917 (1860 A.D.)
This auspicious work consisting of nine Sanketas is dedicated with all humility to all who are magnanimous enough not to expose the fault of others and who are inclined to the service of God and so it should be read by those who are modest and humble.
21. Thus comes a successful end of the last Sanketa of the work Sanketanidhi, a work composed by Shri Rama Dayalu for the benefit of Ghasi Ram son of Vazir Chandra.