123. If in a birth chart, 12 th ahouse is void of any planet and benefics occupy quadrants th enatives money would be spent on virtuous deeds under the superviosion of noble persons. Such a native would not be harmed by enemies. Astrologer should follow this rule both in the ase of Janma and Prasna Kundalis.
End of twelfth house.
124-125. The ancient sages hnvc declared that three decanates in then order denote in each of the following houses the different parts of the body:
Houses |
1st decanate |
2nd decanate |
3rd decanate |
Ascendant |
Head |
Neck |
Pelvis |
2&12 |
Two eyes |
Two shoulders |
Genital organs |
2&11 |
Two ears |
Two arms |
Two testicles |
4&10 |
Two nostrils |
Two sides |
Two thighs |
5&9 |
Two cheeks |
Two sides of heart |
Two knees |
6&8 |
Twojaws |
Twosides of the chest |
Two calves |
7 |
Mouth |
Navel |
Twofeet |
If any particular decanate be associated with or aspected
by a benefic, there would be a mole or mark in the part indicated. If any decanate has malefic influence on it, there would be deformity or ulcer in that part.
1-2. The Avasthas or postures of planets are twelve in number: 1) Shayana or lying down, (2) Upaveshana or sitting, (3) Netrapani or with a hand on the eye, (4) Prakasha or shining, (5) Gamana or going, (6) Agama or not going, (7) Aasthanee or attendance in assembly it is also known as (8) Aagama or coming, (9) Bhuji or eating, Nrityalipsa or desire to dance, (11) Kautuka or curiousity, and (12) Nidra (fm) or sleep.
3. To find out the particular Avastha of a planet we have to proceed as follows: Find the planetary number of the planet (Sun 1, Moon 2, Mars 3, Mercury 4, Jupiter 5, Venus 6, Saturn 7, Rahu 8 and Ketu 9); find also the number of star (reckoned from Aswini) occupied by the planet.
Note the product of the two number. Then find out the degree occupied by the planet in the sign and multiply the product already obtained by this number. To this second product add (1) the number of the natal star (reckoned) from Aswini, (2) the number of the particular Ghati at birth counted from the previous sun rise and (3) the number of Ascendant counted from Aries. The resulting sum should be divided by
12. The remainder represents the number of the Avastha counted from Shayana, which the planet is undergoing on the time.
4. The number devoting the particular Avastha of a planet at any required time should be squared. To this should be added the number appropriate for the initial letter of the natives name. The sum should be divided by 12.
5. The Kshepa figures for Sun and other planets are in their order 5,2,2,3,5,3,3,4 and 4. There are three Avasthas-Drishti, Cheshta and Vicheshta of planets (revealing little benefit, very good and nil results) derivable from their position, strength and associations.
6-8. The effects of Sun in various Avasthas are given below: Shayana-Ulcer or wound in anus, pain or some other trouble in chest, fear from father, loss of wealth. Upaveshana-Wicked thoughts in mind and enmity with others. Nefrapani-Plenty of happiness, gain of wealth from the king or government. Prakasha-Liberal minded, honour and happiness. Gamana-Lazy, impure, unhappy, angry, illicit relations with other women. Agama-Attached toother peoples wives, passionate, wicked, defamed. Aasthanee (Sabha)-Member of assemblies, helping others, forgives others easily. Aagama-Weak, harassed and defeated by enemies, wicked, unstable mind, fond of intoxicants. Bhuji or Bhojana-Worried, evil minded, miserable, loss of wealth. Nrityalipsa-Happy, honoured by assembly of nobles. Kautuka-Conquest over enemies, honoured by king or government. Nidra-Bereft of wife and wealth, very lazy.
9-11. The effects of Moon in various Avasthas would be as under: Shayana-Stupid, poor. Upaveshana-Thief, sickly, stupid. Netrapani-Speaks harshly, rogue. Prakasha-Equipped with good qualities, favourite of the king or government, always happy. Gamana-Suffers from eye trouble even if Moon is in Shukla Paksha (waxing). Agamana-Poverty, suffers from diseases of the feet. Aasthanee-Like a king, fond of women. Aagama-Waxing Moon is auspicious but if waning, the native would be sickly. Bhojan-Many kinds of comforts and happiness if Moon be Waxing. Waning Moon gives inauspicious results. Nrityalipsa-Enjoys charming music if the birth be in Shukla Paksha (bright half). It would not be so in the Krishna Paksha (dark half). Kautuka-King of kings, clever, wealthy and fond of all kinds of luxuries, women etc. Nidra-Would command honour and respect if Moon be associated with Jupiter. It would not be so if Moon be with Rahu.