45. The return of the person away from his home or his rival would be in as many days as would be signified by the number of houses intervening between Ascendant and the house in which Moon is placed (there being no other planet between these two houses). Benefics in 2nd, lath, 1st and 5th would prove auspicious. Not Moon but a benefic in 1st would prove good.
46. Let us find out the number of letters that have come out of the lips of the querist. That number may be multiplied by 6 and 1 may be added to the product. The sum so arrived at may be divided by 7. The effects to be declared about the person who has gone away from his home would be as follows as the remainder is from 1 to 7: 1. The traveller is anxious to return. 2. He is now half way. 3 He is coming back soon. 4. He is coming back with gains. 5. He is sick. 6. He is in distress. 7. He is making efforts to come back. If the lord of the 2nd house be not in retrograde motion the traveller should be said to be quite safe.
47. Let us note the figure of the Yatra Lagna i.e. Ascendant at which the person originally started on his journey, These figures be multiplied by the number indicated by the degrees intervening between Prasna Lagna and the position of Moon. The product be then divided by 30. The quotient would indicate the exact time in days, Ghaties etc. at which the person away from home would return.
48. If there be a strong malefic in Prasna Lagna, the querist would win. If there be a malefic in 7th house, the querist would loose and put to loss. If there be a benefic in Ascendant the querist would lose. He would win if there be a benefic in 7th house. The result would be reversed if we take into account the aspects of benefics and malefics on Ascendant and 7th house. If Ascendant be aspected by benefics the result wou:d be favourable to the querist. The aspect of malefics on Ascendant would bring out unfavourable results for the querist. Similarly aspects of benefic on 7th house would be unfavourable and of the malefics favourable for him.
49. The six houses bzgnining from 3rd house from Prasna Lagna relate to the citizens of the town. If benefics be posited in these houses they indicate success to the town. The six houses beginning from 9th belong to sthayi class. Benefics placed in these houses bring success to that party. If all the bellefics occupy 1st, 10th, 7th and 9th houses, the sthayi becomes powerful and capable of destroying the enemy.
50. If Mars and Saturn be placed in 9th house there would be complete defeat for the sthayi people. If all the malefics be posited in 10th, 11th and 12th houses, there would be defeat for the sthayi people. If three benefics viz , Venus, Mercury and Jupiter be in Ascendant, they would bring about success for the sthayi class. If Sun, Saturn Moon, Rahu and Mars be all in 7th house, they would also bring about success to the sthayi people.
51. If out of five planets mentioned in the last portion previous sloka, three or more occupy Ascendant they would cause defeat and loss to the sthayi people. If they be benefics, it indicates good for these people. If these planets be placed in 10th and 4th houses, a compromise would be reached between the two parties. The same result would follow when Ascendant be in a male sign or benefic be posited in 1st, 11th and 12 the houses. If malefics be posited in quadrants in dual signs, there would be declaration of war.
52. If there be a query about success or defeat, and Ascendant be Aries Taurus, Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Scorpio or Aquarius success may be predicted for the querist. This result would become more definite when a strong benefic occupies or aspects Ascendant.
53. If at the time of query about the theft of an article Prasna Lagna and Navamsa fall in a fixed sign, it should be predicted that the article has been stolen by some relation of the querist who is in the same house or living nearby and not by an out-sider and that the article is hidden at some place in the house or near it.
If Ascendant and Navamsa fall in a moveable sign it should be said thnt the article has been stolen by a person not related to the querist but known to him and it has been taken away to a. distant place. If Ascendant and Navamsa fall in a dual sign, the prediction should be that the theft has been committed by an outsider not unknown to the querist and has been kept at a place which is neither far nor near. The direction of the place where the stolen property has been kept would be signified by the position of Moon i.e. if Moon be in Ascendant it would be east; if in 10th it would be south; if in 7th it would be west and if in 4th it would be north.
54. If at the time of query, Ascendant receives aspect from Sun and Moon, the thief would be a re!ntion of the querist. If the lords of Ascendant and 7th house be in Ascendant the thief would be a member of the family of the querist. If the lord of 7th be posited in 12th or 3rd house, the thief would be a paid servant living near by. If at the time of the query the querist stretches out his hand the thief should be said to be a person not connected with his family. If he keeps his hands down, the thief would be one belonging to the family of the querist.
55. If at the time of query Ascendant falls in a moveable sign, the name of the thief would be made up of two letters; if Ascendant he in a fixed sign, the name would be of four letters and if Ascendant be in a dual sign, the name would contain three letters. If the lord of 7th be posited in its own or exaltation sign, the thief would be an expert one. The age, caste, birth etc. of the thiefwould be similar to that declared for the lord of Ascendant.
56. The stolen article would be recovered if any of the following combination exists in the query chart: 1) Full Moon with adequate strength be in Ascendant aspected by Jupiter and Venus. 2) Ascendant falls in a Sheershodaya sign with a benefic posited in it. 3) 3rd, 2nd nnd 1 Ith houses from Prasna Lagna are occupied by benefics. 4) Benefics are posited in 4th, 7th and 10th houses.
57. Gains of wealth are given by the lord of 11th and the lord of ascendant is the beneficiary there would be abundant gains of wealth if the lords of Ascendant and 11th be together and receive aspect of Moon. The direction from which gains may be expected would depend on the strongest planet posited in a quadrant or the direction signified by the sign of Ascendant. The form, appearance etc. may be ascertained through the Drekkana in which Ascendant falls at the time of the query.