17. If the lord of 2nd house and Mars, both posited in 2nd house be weak, the wealth of the native would be lost through enemies, fire or the king (government). If Mars be in second house alongwith a malefic, the native would lose his wife on account of blood-poisoning, or by
injury from a weapon.
18. The 3rd house deals with following subjects Arms of the native, his nature, mothers paternal uncle, fathers maternal uncle, maid servants, ear, courage, brothers.
19. If 3rd house be in a benefic sign and be aspected by a benefic, this would lead to the happiness of brothers and gain of wealth. If Saturn be posited in 3rd house and be aspected by Mars, this disposition would cause loss of brothers. If 3rd house be aspacted by Jupiter or Venus, it would cause auspicious results for brothers.
20. If Jupiter be placed in 3rd house in own sign (Sagittarius or Pisces) the brothers ofthe native would enjoy happiness and prosperity. If Saturn be in 3rd house, the native would be fortunate. If Rahu and Saturn be together in 3rd house, the native would suffer from some disease of nails. He would also have in his right hand a sign of injury caused by wood and would suffer from wind trouble.
21. If Mars and Sun be placed in 3rd house, the native would suffer from bone fracture. He would do cruel acts. There would be no such fracture if there be a benefic in 3rd house. The native would have as many brothers as would be Navamsas that have risen in 3rd house and aspected by Mars and Moon.
22. If Sun be posited in own sign (Leo) in 9th house (from where it folly aspects 3rd house), the native would suffer from loss of brothers. If, however, any of them survives, he would become equal to a king. If Moon aspected by malefics, be in 3rd house, the native would be deprived of all his brothers. Sun in 3rd house causes loss of elder brother, Mars causes loss of younger brother and Saturn and Rahu in the same position destroy both elder and younger brothers.
23. If Mars aspected by cruel planets (malefics), be placed in 3rd house, the native would have signs of injury from a weapon in his arm or arms. In this disposition the younger brother of the native would suffer from a disease of the throat caused by Pitta Dosha. If malefics together with their enemies be in 3rd house, the native would suffer from pain in the arms and from paralysis. His wife would be indulging in gambling excessively if Jupiter be in 3rd house.
24. If Saturn be in 7th, Rahu in 9th and Mars in 11th house, loss of brothers should be predicted. The same prediction should be made if Saturn be in 3rd and be aspected by malefics. Mercury, Jupiter and Venus in 3rd house are auspicious for the prosperity of brothers. If malefics be in 3rd house, or if that house be aspected by them, there would be loss of two brothers.
25. If Moon and Saturn be in 9th and third house respectively, or if Rahu alongwith benefics be in 3rd, the native would have to bear the loss of three sisters. With this disposition moles will appear on the two arms or the belly.
26. If Venus be in 3rd house aspected by Rahu, the sister of the native would die as a result of poisoning. If Such Venus be aspected by Saturn, there would be danger from serpents. If malefics be in third house, the hearing capacity of the native would be adversely affected.
27-28. The subjects to be considered from 4th house are – happiness, land. conveyance, a reservoir, tank, well, agricultural land, close friends, mother, chest, dwelling place etc. If 4th house be aspected by or associated with benefics and lord of 4th be posited with strength in 4th, then beneficial results would accrue from it. If a powerful Sun and Mars he posited in 4th, the native suffers from ulcers caused by excess of Pita (bile).
29. If Mars in 4th be aspected by Saturn and Rahu and Moon, mother of the native would be unchaste. Whichever planet be placed in 4th, its qualities-whether good or had, would be attributed to particular relative of the native indicated by that planet.
30. If Venus and Moon be posited in 4th, the native likes water of a tank. If Mercury be there, he would have preference for sweet water. If Jupiter be in the same position the native would like very sweet water and other edibles. If Rahu and Saturn occupy 4th house, the native would get water with a pungent and bitter taste. If Sun and Mars be there, water would be difficult to get.
31. The structure of the house of the native would depend on the planet posited in 4th. If there be more than one planet, the structure would be according to the strongest of them. With Mercury in 4th the house would be artistic, with Moon new, with Jupiter strong and durable, with Sun and Ketu flimsy, with Saturn and Rahu-old, with Venus lovely, with Mars a building affected by fire.
32. If Moon and Venus be in 4th house, the food, the flavour, the metal etc., liked by the person would be dainty food, sweet things and silver. The metals etc. would vary according to planets posited in 4th and would be gold, bell-metal, pearls, copper, decorated with gems, and iron when the occupying planet be Mercury, Sun, Jupiter, Mars or Saturn.
33. If there be query as to the contents in the house of the native, the answer would depend on the planet posited in 4th. This has already been explained in the previous sloka. It Rahu be in 4th house, there would be bones and similar things in the house.
If the query be about a missing article, and at the time of the query, Jupiter be in 4th the missing article would be in the mansion itself. In case of other planets in 4th house, the missing article would be at the places mentioned below: Mars-Fireplaces; Mercury-Places where bricks are stored; Venus and Moon-where there is water; Saturn-At a dirty place; Sun-place outside the house; Rahu-Where animals are kept. If above planets instead of being placed there, aspect 4th house, the answer would be the same.