13. When Ascendant is Gemini, Capricorn, Taurus or Leo, the child would cry loudly after the birth. His cries would be of subdued nature when Ascendant be Virgo or Aquarius. There would be no cries at all if Ascendant falls in other signs. The birth would take place on an bare ground if Ascendant falls in any of the following signs viz. Gemini, Taurus, Capricorn, Aquarius, Scorpio or Aries.
14. The two front legs of the cot in the delivery room are represented by 3rd and 12th houses. 3rd represents the right leg and 12th the left leg. The hind legs are represented by 6th and 9th houses-the 6th representing the right and 9th the left leg. 4th and 5th houses represent the right side of the intral portion of the cot and 10th and 11th houses the left side. The portions of the cot would be defective if there be malefics in houses representing them.
15. The planets posited in quadrants according to their strength indicate the door of the delivery room. When there be more then one planet in quadrants the door should be found by the the strongest amongst them. If there be no planet, the position of the door is to be ascertained by the sign occupied by Ascendant. The head and other parts of the cot would be in the direction indicated by Ascendant. The strongest planet aspecting Ascendant would indicate the clothes, worn, food taken etc.
16. This Sloka deals with particulars of the lamp in the delivery room. Moon determines the oil in the lamp, Sun indicates whether the lamp is of a moveable nature or fixed one. Ascendant tells us about the wick in the lamp. The lamp would be moveable if Sun occupies a moveable sign. The lamp would be of fixed type if Sun occupies a fixed sign. The sign occupied by Sun would also indicate the position of the lamp on or near the cot.
17. If Sun be posited in a dual sign, the lamp would be placed at the position indicated by the sign and it would be flickering. Moons Drekkana 1st, 2nd or 3rd, or Moons fullness or otherwise, would indicate the quantity of oil in the lamp. We can also ascertain the portion of the wick that has been learnt from the condition of Moon mentioned above.
18-19. If Moon be in Ascendant, 6th or 8th house, the lamp would be without oil at the time of birth. If Moon be in 2nd house or Saturn be in 10th house, the lamp would contain oil.
From Sun is ascertained the position of the lamp. If Sun be between Ascendant and Moon, the lamp would contain ghee. It would contain oil if there be Saturn between Ascendant and Moon.
20-21. There would be a number of lamps in the delivery room at the time of birth if a strong Sun be aspected by Saturn and Mars. If the above disposition be not present and instead, there be a strong planet in 12th house there would be light from hay fire.
22. Which metal would be in prominence may be ascertained from the strength of Sun etc. Copper, Chandrakanta mani (Moonstone) gold, alloy of metals, silver, pearls, iron would be in prominence if Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and Venus are respectively strong in the chart (birth or query chart). If Sun or Moon be strong, the child would possess the nature and qualities of his father and mother respectively. If Sun be strong at birth, the, qualities of the child born would be in accordance with planet in whose Trimsamsa Sun be posited.
23. The natives appearance would correspond to the lord of rising Navamsa, or it would be according to planet which is most powerful at birth. His Complexion would be in accordance with the lord of Navamsa, occupied by Moon.
24. Mars and Saturn be posited in Ascendant of a person, there would be abortion or miscarriage to his wife. If the native of the chart be a female she would herself suffer from abortion. Abortion would also take place if Moon aspects or is associated with the above two planets.
25. Planets which are significators for father and mother during day-birth or night-birth give full effect, if the birth occurs at the beginning of the day or the night as the case may be. The effect would be moderate if birth takes place in the middle portion while it would be very light if the birth takes place at the close of the day or night. This rule applies in effects good or bad produced by two pairs of significators planets as well.
26. Various parts of the human body are represented by 36 dccanates into which the Zodiac is divided. If any particular decanate be occupied by a benefic planet, there would be a mole, in the corresponding part of the body. If any decanate is occupied by a malefic, there would be an ulcer or wound is the corresponding part of the body, If four planets, including Mercury, be posited in any Part or drekkana of the Kalapurusha there would be a mole or like in that part. Similar result would accrue if a sign or house be occupied by Sun-Moon, jointly.