SU. 4.– pupe bandharogadi: If evil planets are found in the Paka and Bhoga signs, the person will suffer from imprisonment Chains. diseases and other mental and physical troubles.
SU. 5.-Swarksheasya thasminnopajeevasya. If the evil planets in the two Rasis happen to be in their own houses or are very close to Guru, then the evil results foretold in Sutra 4 will not happen.
SU. 6.-Bhagrahayogoktam sarvamasmin. The results in these Dasas will have to be foretold, by the strength of the planets and by the sources of strength and weakness of the Paka and Bhoga Rasis.
NOTES These hints are to be taken not only here but throughout the whole work. Suppose there are evil planets in debilitation or without nearness to Guru. 1. These two Rasis have exalted evil planets. .2. There are beneficial planets with malefics. 3. There are pure benefics. 4. Benefics in exaltation. 5. Benefics in debilitation. In all such cases the results will certainly be and must be different. The strength of the Rasis must also be carefully considered. Then again, in the Rasi extending over 30 degrees the strength and weakness of the Rasi will not be uniform.
There is a radical difference between the general astrologers and Jaimini Maharishi. All the astrological works have their foundations laid in the writings of the Maharishis. They alone were able to see the differences in planetary globes, their influences on each other and the wonderful ways by which they indicated the results of the karma to the credit of the person at the time of his birth. Jaimini gives great prominence to the planet who has advanced the largest number of degrees in a Rasi and calls him Atmakaraka. The Navamsa he occupies plays a prominent place in the delineation of characteristics and results: But in the Deepradi Avasthas, the planet who is in the last Navamsa of a Rasi gets Peeda Avastha or the state of humiliation. No great prominence is attached to him and on the other hand he becomes weak and powerless. Difference of opinion among the various authors are found in large numbers.
Take medicine, philosophy, religion, war, law, speculation and even the so-called most exact science, mathematics. Here one plus one becomes two and one and one both minus becomes two. We give a separate value for plus and minus. To reach a place there may be one thousand and one ways. The differences in all these will have to be carefully considered and reconciled. Approaching from different places and directions and experiments and experiences, two or more persons may reach the same destination or results. A simple illustration will convince us about the truth of these observations. A, B and C are each worth one lakh of rupees. By whatever means they have acquired that wealth, the result is the same, and the money power of one lakh lies with each of them. Take half a dozen warriors of exactly equal physical and mental capacities.
Each may have taken different food, born in different conditions, and brought up under different circumstances but the results are one and the same. Similarly in astrological sciences. Different Maharishis pursued different methods and found out the identical results though those results were produced from apparently different causes. The solar, planetary and stellar radiations are working: through the various degrees of the zodiacal signs in mysterious ways. .
SU. 7.-Pitrulabhapranithoyam. These results have to be carefully predicted from Lagna or the 7th, whichever is the stronger of the two. For males preference should be given to Lagna and for females the 7th should be preferred provided it is strong.
SU. 8.- Pralhame prakprathyakt vamz. If the Dasa commences with a movable sign or Chandra Rasi, then the order of the Rasi Dasas will be regular in a horoscope.
SU. 9.-Diwiteeye ravitah. If the Dasa commences in the fixed sign or Sthira Rasi, then the 6th and 7th, etc., from it will be the successive
NOTES These are called Padakrama Dasas. Pada as we know already means the number of a Rasi, again counted from the Lagna or any other Bhava. Ravi 6, Ra 2, Va 4 = 24 inverted, 42, divided by 12, we have the balance of 6, and hence the 6th, the 6th from it and the 6th from it and so on.
SU. 10.-Pruthakramena th.riteeye chatushtayadi. If the Dasa Rasi commences in a common sign, then the successive Rasi Dasas will be determined by the Kendra, Panapara and Apoklima Rasis from it.
SU. 11.–Swakendrasthadyah swamino navamsanam. . . Those who are in Kendras, Pariaparas and Apoklimas from the Karaka become the lords of the Navamsa Dasas.
NOTES Here we have to take the planets first in Kendras according to their strength, then those who are in Panapara and last those who are in Apoklimas.
SU. 12.-Pitruchatushtayavaishambalastayah sthitah. – .. Those Rasis which are in Kendras from Lagna furnish the first Dasa.
NOTES . Suppose there are many, then that ; sign which becomes strong by the various combinations and aspects explained in the previous sutras becomes the first Rasi Dasa. The Dasa years are 9 for each of the Rasis.
SU.: 13.- ~Sa.tallabhayoravirrtate. The Karaka will be moving between : the Lagna and the 7th.
NOTES We have to find him from Lagna or the 7th whichever is stronger, and count backwards or forwards as the Rasi he occupies is even or odd. Then he gives the Dasa years as are counted from Lagna or the 7th, taking the Dasa always by the larger number he obtains. . .This is the extent of Karaka Dasa in years. For other planets, count the number from them to the Karaka, in the forward or backward reckoning and ascribe such number of years to the planets.
SU. 14.–Swamibalaphalani cha prugvnth. The results of all these will be determined, as detailed in the previous sutras, by the examination of the sources of strength and weakness to the planets, to the lords of the Dasas and to the Rasis.
NOTES Jaimini has given various sources of strength and weakness to the planets in general, to the Rasis or signs and to the lords of the Dasas. He advises his readers to take these into careful consideration and having regard to times, circumstances and places. predict the results, so that they may turn out correct and to the point. .
SU. 15.-Sthuladarsa vaishamyasrayo mandukastrikutah. – As the Manduka or frog jumps from place to place, the two systems of Dasas named by Jaimini in the previous sutras, viz., Kendra, Panapara and Apoklima, and the movable, fixed and double bodied signs, also jump from house to house and hence he calls them Manduka Dasas.
NOTES , As per instructions given in the previous chapters the Dasas both for planets and Rasis jump from Kendras to Panaparas and from the latter to Apoklimas. Similarly they jump from Charas to Sthiras and from Sthiras to Dwiswabhavas. They also jump in Shoola Dasas.
SU. 16.-Niryanalabhadi shooladasa phale. In predicting results the 7th from the Niryanashoola Dasa should be taken into first account.
NOTES Shoola Dasas are marked as death inflicting. Take the 7th from the most powerful of these Niryana Rasis and begin to make predictions from it. . This Niryanashoola is of many kinds. Rudrashoola, Maheswarashoola and Brahmashoola.
SU. 17. – Purushe samah samanyatah. If the Arambha or commencing. Dasa falls in Purusha Rasi or masculine sign, then the subsequent Rasi Dasas will be counted regularly and each Dasa gets 9 years only. .
NOTES If the commencing Dasa falls in a feminine sign, then the subsequent Dasas have to be counted from the 7th sign from it. In masculine horoscopes the Arambha Dasa commences from Lagna. In feminine horoscopes commences from the 7th.
SU. 18.-Siddha ududaye.. Dasas counted from the constellations at birth have to be learned and taken from Parasara, Gargi, Vyasa and other well-known writers.
NOTES Jaimini says he has not given them in his work because they can be learnt from other works and the Dasa periods will be as they are given there. We have 27 constellations and they have to be counted from Krittika. Years Krittika-Ravi Dasa – 6 Rohini–Chandra Dasa – 10 Mrigasira-Kuja – 7 Aridra-Rahu – 18 Punarvasu-Guru – 16 Pushyami–Sani ” – 19 Aslesha-Budha – 17 Makha–Ketu – 7 Pubba-Sukra – 20 Then from star Uttara repeat the same planetary Dasa with the same number of years. These are called Udu Dasas, from Udu meaning a constellation or star. Jaimini has made no reference before to constellations. He mentions them only in this sutra. Thus each planet gets 3 stars, with the same number of years. He uses the word Siddha meaning ready from other works well known in the world.
SU. 19. -Jagattasthushorardham yognrdhe. . The extent of Yogardhadasa will be half of the two Dasas combined from the Chara and Sthira Rasis.
NOTES The Yogardhadasa will have to be stronger of the two Rasis, Lagna and the Saptama or the 7th.