SU. 21.–Rasitaha pranaha. The strength of the Rasis must be properly ascertained.
NOTES Jaimini gives particular strength to Rasis, other Shastras also attach importance to Rasis. He details Karakayogas shortly. He says that much strength need not be attached to Amsa.
SU. 22.-*Rogesayoh swata aikye yoge va madhyam. If the 8th houses from’ Lagna and the 7th are joined by their.: Karakas or if they happen to be themselves Karakas, if the lords of the 8th house from Lagna and the 7th are occupying Kendras, Panaparas or Apoklimas, then the terms of life ascertained from the combinations shown in Sutra 19 will have to be reduced.
* I have not meddled ‘with the ‘ English rendering of this sutra by Prof. B. Suryanarain Rao. I understand it thus: “If the lord of tha 8th from Lagna or the 8th from the 7th is himself Atmakaraka; or are in conjunction with Atmakaraka, the terms of life mentioned in sutra 19 are to be reduced.” The rest is clear from Prof. Rao’s notes. NOTES If the life indicated is long, then convert it into middle, if it is middle, then reduce it to short. and if it is short, then fix death very early. This kind of increase or decrease depends on the particular positions of planets and the Rasis they occupy and these matters should be particularly and carefully studied and the positions of the planets should be properly understood.
SU. 23.-Pitrulabhayoh papamadhyatwe kone k,aksh..yahrasaha. If Lagna and 7th from it lie between evil planets, or if evil planets are in the Trikonas from Lagna arid Saptama, Kakshyahrasa or deductions and additions must be made for terms of life which are obtained by planetary positions.
SU. 24. -Swasminnapyevam. If the Karaka is between the evil planets or evil planets conjoin the Trikonas from him, Kakshyahrasa should be made.
SU. 25.-~rhasminpope neeche-atunge-ashubhasamyukte chn. If the Karaka joins Neecha or does not join the exaltation or if he is not in conjunction with benefics, Kakshyahrasa should be made.
NOTES A house or planet is said to be between malefics when the 2nd and 12th from it are occupied by evil planets. When two evil planets are on both sides of a Lagna or a planet, it forms Kartariyoga and acts prejudicially to the Bhava indicated by the Rasi or the planet.
SU. 26. – Anyadanya tha. If Lagna and Saptama (7th) or if Karaka and the 7th from him are between beneficial planets or if the Trikonas from Janma and Karaka Lagnas are occupied by benefics, if the Karaka happens to be a benefic, if he is in exaltation and not in debilitation or has beneficial conjunction, there should be no Kakshyahrasa made.
SU. 27. -Gurou cha. If Guru happens to be Karaka and has evil planets in 2nd, 12th, 6th and 8th and in the houses forming Trikonas from him or has evil planets with him or he is not in exaltation or joins Neecha Rasi, Kakshyahrasa should be made. And in cases where these combinations are reversed increase must be predicted.
SU. 28.–Purnendusukrayorekarasivriddhihi. If Purna Chandra and Sukra become Karakas and occupy the positions named in the above sutras, they will give an increase of one Rasi Dasa. .
NOTES A certain Rasi Dasa becomes death inflicting but when such a combination is present, this Dasa will pass off and the next Dasa will cause death. This means they will increase the longevity of the person.
SU. 29.-Sanau vipareetham. If Sani becomes Karaka and is found in the places named in the previous sutras, he causes Kakshyahrasa in the earlier Dasa than tha maraka.
NOTES This means he will cut short the life by one Dasa and therefore earlier than the allotted time; when Chandra, Sukra and Sani become powerful in these directions, we need not take other planets into consideration and there will be no decreases.
SU. 30. – Sthiradasayam yathakhandam nidha nam. Three sections for Ayurbhava or longevity have been explained, viz., long, middle and short lives: In the Sthira Dasa suppose the term of – life is settled as middle. If a death-inflicting planet or Dasa comes in the period. of Alpayu, the person will not die, but will suffer sickness and misery at the time.
NOTES For death he must wait for the middle term and the maraka there. Sthira Dasas seem to -prolong life to a certain extent.
SU.. 31.-Tatrarkshaviseshaha: . In the matter of death, note the peculiarity of the Rasi. That is death will happen in the Dasa of the Marana Karaka Rasi. –
NOTES Divide the 12 signs into 3 Khandas or sections and predict the death for short life in the first Khanda, for middle life in the second Khanda, and for long life in the third Khanda in that Rasi Dasa which is cruel or which possesses the power to inflict death. Suppose a man gets Alpayu or short life as the result of the planetary and sign peculiarities foreshadowed in the previous sutra on longevity; then his death must be and will be caused by the most cruel in the first Khanda, or the first four signs. Middle life wilt have death in next four signs and the long life will have an end in the most cruel of the last four Rasi Dasas.
SU. 32.-, Papamadhye papakone ripturogayoh pape va. . . If the Dasa is between malefics or has evil planets in its Trikonas, or has evil planets in 12 and 8, such a Dasa will cause death to the person.
SU. 33. -Tadeesayoho kevalaksheenendusukradrishtow va. If the lords of the 12th and 8th are aspected by Ksheenachandra and Sukra, the Dasa of the 12th or 8th will inflict death.
NOTES Ksheenachandra is powerless or New-Moon Sukra must also be weak — or powerless. Here Jaimini seems to hint that those lords should have no other planetary aspects to kill the person. When a combination is given, there should be no disturbing agencies to produce the result. * * This is a rather tough stanza and Professor Rao’s notes are not clear. Of the several Rasi Dasas which are capable of causing maraka, death is likely to occur (1) In the first Rasi Dasa (2) Find tha lord of the 6th from the Rasi whose Dasa is the first. See what Navamsa this lord aspects. Death will take place in the sub-period of that Navamsa Rasi. Suppose Dhanus Is the first Rasi Dasa. Death will happen either in this or the 6th from Dhanus. viz.. Taurus and the lord of Taurus is Venus. Suppose he aspects Kanya in Navamsa. The death will happen in the sub-period of this Kanya Navamsa Rasi.