SU. 34.-Tatrapyadyarksharinathadrisyannvabhagadva. Of the Rasi Dasas which have the power to cause death, death is likely to happen in the first Rasi Dasa and the sub-period of Rasi of the Navamsa Rasi which is aspected by the planet who is lord of the 6th from the Rasi whose Dasa is the first.
NOTES As per principles explained in the previous sutras the author determines the period of death. The First Rasi which commences the Dasa and the Dasa which its 6th sign furnishes, find out their lord and see what Navamsas they aspect, death will happen in the sub-period of that Navamsa Rasi which they aspect. These are referred to in the Navamsa Kundali or Diagram.
SU. 35.-Pitrulabhabhavesapranee rudraha. Whoever is stronger among the lords of the 8th from Lagna he gets the name. of Rudra.
NOTES The symbol of Rudra will be given to the lords of the Rasis which are stronger in the 8th houses from Lagna and Saptama or 7th.
SU. 36.-, Apranyapi papadrishtaha. If the weaker among the lords of the two houses, 8th from Lagna and 7th, is aspected by malefics, he will also get the name of Rudra.
NOTES Thus sometimes there may be two Rudras instead of one.
SU. 37.-Pranini subhadrishte rudrasulanthamvyuhu. If the powerful Rudra is aspected by benefics, death may be predicted in the Rudra Rasi, or in the periods of its Trikona Rasis 1, 5 and 9.
NOTES First classify and find out under what heading the term of life falls and then predict death at the end of the Dasa which is cruel. .
SU. 38. -Tatrapi subhayogay. Even, if the weaker of. the planets, when he has evil aspects get the name of Rudra, has beneficial conjunctions or aspects he will extend the length of life, to the Rudra Rasi Dasa or the Dasas 5th and 9th from it.
NOTES Trikona Dasas are what are technically called Shoola Dasas. Trikonas are 1, 5 and 9.
SU. 39. – yyarkapapayoge na. The above results should not be predicted if other planets than the Sun, should be in the 5th and 9th from the two Rudras.
NOTES If Ravi is there, he will not obstruct the results above mentioned. In some Yogas the presence of the Sun does not count. In Sunapha, Anapha, Dhurdhura and Kemadruma, the presence of the Sun
is not taken into account.
SU. 40.-Mandarendudrishtesubhayogabhave papayogepi va shubhadrishtow va parataha. If the two Rudras become evil, death will come in the first Shoola Dasa; if one of them becomes evil, death will happen in the second Shoola Dasa; and if both of them are favourable, death will come in the last of the 3rd Shoola Dasa.
NOTES This means that if both Rudras are bad, early death, if one of them is bad. longer life and if both of them are good, the longest term of life will be enjoyed in the periods to be determined by the principles already explained. Sutras are unpardonably short, sweet, suggestive and comprehend a great deal which the readers are expected to know, analyse and remember.
These general sources of knowledge and the constructive capacity of the language enabled those intellectual giants of India, viz., the great Maharishis to frame rules and Sastras and Sutras with great ease and facility and bequeath to the later generations mines of intellectual treasures, whose depths have not yet been completely explored or examined by the greatest cultured brains of the present day. It is not possible for the greatest scholars in Sanskrit to frame a single Sutra, which can compare favourably with the Sutras of the ancient Maharishis. They had the Tapobala to their credit, led the most simple lives, developed the brain power to the greatest conceivable extent and set examples of devotion and contemplation on sublime subjects, which gave them vast mental resources, and made them write works, which are the admiration of the most profound scholars of the present age. This sutra requires lengthy explanation and I shall make no apology to do so for the benefit of my readers.
The commentators have called the following from ancient writers. Jaimini’s views and explanations sometimes differ considerably from Varahamihira and others. Ravi, Kuja, Sani and Rahu are classified as evil planets, one stronger than the other. Rahu is the most powerful malefic, next to Sani, next to Kuja and then to Ravi ; Guru, .Ketu, Sukra and Budha are benefics, one stronger than the other. Guru is the most beneficial, next comes Ketu, next Sukra and Budha comes last. If Chandra has the conjunction of Kuja, he is classified as evil, otherwise he is good. If Ravi and other evil planets occupy evil signs, they become more and more evil. If they occupy beneficial signs, they become good. If Guru and other benefics occupy beneficial signs, they become very favourable. If they occupy evil signs, they become bad., Budha becomes a benefic if he is in exaltation or is in an independent sign. Guru and Sukra in the house of Budha, viz., Kanya and Mithuna become very beneficial so also in other beneficial signs.
SU. 41. -Rtudrasrayepi prayena. Death may happen sometimes in the Rasi Dasa occupied by Rudra. NOTES The word prayena means death may happen in them, earlier or the later Dasa from the Rudra Dasa.
SU. 42.-Kriye pitari viseshena. If the Lagna falls in Kriya or Mesha, death often takes place in the Rudra Dasa.
NOTES Pitari means Lagna. Pa 1 Ta 6=61, divided by 12 the balance is 1, hence Janma Lagna.
SU. 43.-Pratjhamamadhyamottanteshu va tattadayusham. To persons
having short, middle and long lives, death happens in the first, second and third Shoola Rasi Dasas.
NOTES The sub-period, when the death happens, will be the Antardasa of a cruel Rasi Dasa in their respective periods or sections. I have already shown in the previous chapter how the rule of three should be applied to get the correct date of death.
SU. 44.-Swabhaveso maheswvaraha. The lord of 8th house from Atmakaraka goes under the name of Maheswara.
NOTES Atmakaraka has great significance in Jaimini Sutras.
SU. 45.–Swochhe swabhe ripubhavesapranee. If the lord of the 8th from Atmakaraka is exalted or is in his own house, then the stronger of the two, viz., the lords of the 8th. and 12th from the Karaka will also go under the name of Maheswara.
NOTES If both of them are equally strong, then both become Maheswaras.
SU. 46.- Patabhyam yoge swasya tayor va roge tataha. If Atmakaraka has conjunction with Rahu or Ketu, or if the 8th from Atmakaraka has conjunction with Rahu or Ketu, then the 6th planet counting regularly from the Sun will become Maheswara.
NOTES Thus we have 3 Maheswaras. Counting the 6th from the Sun will be the Sun; Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter and the 6th will be Venus or Sukra. On the above combination Sukra becomes Maheswara. Of the three varieties of Maheswaras, he alone becomes Maheswara who is the strongest among these three. Rog in this Sutra means 8, Patabhya has been rendered as Rahu and Ketu. I cannot understand how this has been interpreted as Rahu and Ketu by the commentators – Pata 1, Bha 2. Probably after the 7th planets, Bhya – Bhya the 1st is Rahu and the second is Ketu. Patha may specially mean Rahu and Ketu.
SU. 47.-Prabhubhavavaireesapranee pitrulabhapranyanucltaro. vishamastha brahma. Find out which is the stronger of the two Rasis Lagna and Saptama or 7th. Then find out which of the lords of the 6th, 8th and 12th from it is stronger, and if he occupies an odd sign in the Parswa Rasis from the stronger of Lagna or Saptama, (7th), he will be named as the Brahma planet.