SU. 73. – Chandrena gauryam. If Chandra joins Karakamsa, the person will worship Gouri, wife of Shiva.
SU. 74.-Sukrena lukshmyom. If Sukra joins Karakamsa, he will worship
Lakshmi spouse of Vishnu.
SU. 75.-Kujena skande. If Kuja occupies Karakamsa, he becomes a worshipper of Skanda or Shanmukha the warrior son of Shiva.
SU. 76.-Budhasanibhyam vishnow. If Budha and Sani join. Karakamsa, he will worship Vishnu.
NOTES Different temperaments have different tastes and their selection of Gods follows their temperaments. As all rivers fall into the ocean, so also all forms of worship reach the Almighty.
SU. 77.-Guruna sambasive. It Karakamsa is joined by Guru, he will worship Sambasiva or Parvati and Paramesvara.
SU. 78:-RahurJa thamasyam durgayam cha. If Rahu joins Karakamsa, the person will worship evil spirits end Durga.
NOTES There are about 56 varieties of evil spirits mentioned in the Mantrasastras. There are two principal divisions among the Mantras. Kshudra Mantras devoted to the invocation of evil spirits and actions: performed by them and Maha Mantras or incantations to Divine and angelic spirits and work that can be done by them. I shall mention a few names of evil spirits: Bhuta, Preta, Pisacha, Sakini, Dhakini, Mohini, Jalini, Malini, Bhetala, etc. The Maha Mantras invoke Gayatri, Savitri, Saraswati, Brahma, Vishnu, Maheswara, Lakshmi, Lalita, Durga, Ganapati, Skanda, Surya, etc.
SU. 79. – Ketuna ganese skande cha. z-If Ketu joins Karakamsa, the person becomes a devotee of Ganesa and Kumaraswami.
SU. 80.-Paparkshe mande kshudradevata. If Sani occupies the Karakamsa falling in an evil sign, the person becomes a great devotee of evil spirits.
NOTES There are Devil and Spirit worshippers of various grades. The existence of spirit-world has been proved by the best intellects and by personal experience. A handful of experience is worth ten cart loads of theories.
SU. 81.- Sukre cha. If Sukra occupies the evil Karakamsa, the person will worship devils, spirits, etc. NOTES There are 56 varieties of Devils or Pisachas headed by the powerful Bhetala. See my NOTES in Sarwartha Cintamani.
SU. 82.-Amatyadasay chaivam. If the 6th from Amatyakaraka joins evil Karakamsa, the person devotes himself to the worship of evil spirits.
NOTES The planet who Bets the highest number of degrees becomes the Atmakaraka. The planet who gets the next highest number of degrees becomes the Amatyakaraka. If the 6th planet from Amatyakaraka- counting from Ravi in the regular order occupies the evil Karakamsa, the person will be devoted to evil spirits. Always the order. of the planets are as follows :-Ravi, Chandra, Kuja, Budha, Guru, Sukra and Sani, the order of the week–days. Somebody must become Amatyakaraka, suppose Sani becomes so. .The 6th from Ravi is Sukra and If Sukra joins the evil Karakamsa, the person devotes, his time to evil spirits. These Mantras are called Kshudra or Sabara and count as 9 crores, a bewildering number.
SU. 83.–?i’rikone popadwaye mantrikaha. If the 5th and 9th from the Karakamsa are occupied by evil planets,. the person becomes a – Mantrika or magician and will be able to exercise devils and evil spirits.
SU. 84.-Papadrishte nigrahakaha. If the evil planets in the 5th and 9th from Karakamsa have evil conjunctions or aspects, the person becomes a great Mantraic and will be able to root out all evil spirits.
SU. 85.- ShubhadrishtenuJgrahakaha. . If the evil planets in the 5th. and from Karakamsa have beneficial aspects or conjunction, the person will help the people and do them good.
SU. 86. ~Sukrendou sukr Qdri.shte rasavadee. If Sukra aspects Karakamsa and the Moon, the person becomes an alchemist.
SU. 87.-Budhadrishte bhishak. If Karakamsa and Chandra have the aspect of Budha, the person becomes a medical man.
NOTES His eminence and capacity will depend upon the strength of Budha.
SU. 88.-Chape chandre sukr.adrishte pandusswithee. If Moon is in the 4th from Karakamsa and has the aspect of Sukra, the person will suffer from white leprosy.
NOTES Cha 6, Pa 1= 61 reversed 16, divided by 12, will give a balance of 4. Hence Chape means 4th house from the Karakamsa.
SU. 89. -Kujadrishte maharogaha. It Kuja aspects Chandra in the 4th house from the Karakamsa, the man will have serious form of leprosy.
SU. 90.-Kethtdrishte reelaku,shtam. If Chandra in the 4th from the Karakamsa is aspected by Ketu, the person will have black leprosy.
NOTES There are many hideous and repulsive forms of this loathsome disease.
SU. 91.-Tata mritow va kujarahubhyam kshayaha. If the 4th or 5th from Karakamsa is joined by Kuja and Rahu, the person will suffer from consumption or pthysis. (VOTES) He will have a mild attack of disease.
SU. 92.-ChQndradrishte nzschayena. If such Kuja and Rahu, started in the above sutra, have the inner aspect, certainly the person will have serious form of consumption.
SU. 93.-Kujena pitakadihi. If the 4th or 5th from the Karakamsa is occupied by Kuja, the person will suffer from excessive sweating, cuts, itches or boils and sores in the body.
SU. 94.-Ketuna grahani jalarogo va. If Ketu joins the 4th or 5th from Karakamsa, the man will suffer from Grahani or a kind of glandular disease and from watery diseases like dropsy, diabetes, loose motions, etc.
SU. 95.- Rahrugulikabhyam kshudra vfshuni. If the 4th or 5th from the Karakamsa is joined by Rahu and Gulika, there will be suffering from the poisonous effects of rats, cats, etc.
SU. 96.-Tatra sanow dhanushkaha. If the 4th from the Karakamsa is joined by Sani, the person becomes an expert in inflicting wounds. This means he will be skilled in the use of deadly arms.
SU. 97.-Ketuna ghutikoyanthree. If Ketu joins the 4th from Karakamsa, the person becomes skilful in preparing clocks, watches and other time indicating machines.
NOTES I have shown in the Introduction and also in the prefatory remarks that Jaimini flourished 5,000 years ago. He was a contemporary of Vedavyasa and was his worthy disciple. Ghatikayantras or machines showing time were in existence as this Sutra proves and confirms. Suryasiddanta mentions many Yantras.
SU. 98.—Budhena paramahamso lagudee va. If the 4th from the Karakamsa is combined by Budha, the person becomes a paramahamsa or a great yogi, or one who bears *Palasa Danda, etc., showing Brahmacharya or Sanyasayoga of particular kind.
SU. 99.–Rahuna lohayantree. *Palasa means Blitear frondosa If the 4th from the Karakamsa is occupied by Rahu, he will become proficient in preparing machinery out of metals or a clever mechanic.
SU. 100.-Ravina khadgee. If Ravi joins the 4th from Karakamsa, the person lives by his sword.
NOTES Many kinds of swords are mentioned in the ancient works. Swords are terrible weapons then as well as now at close quarlers,