Case II : In the Jataka Sastra, this point has been elaborately explained. 1t is said that even if the two planets do not aspect each other, the success, entirely due to the help rendered by a third person may be predicted if the two planets have the applying non-aspect within the 12 degree range and the third planet has an applying aspect with any of them.¬
For example:
A querist asks whether he will be married or not.
Illustration for Case I. Suppose the Lagna falls in Dhanus with Jupiter 120, and Mercury in Kanya 50. As he questions about marriage, the Prasnabhav is 7th, in this case Mithuna, and its lord Mercury is exalted in Kanya 5°; he is Karyadhipa in this case. Jupiter, the Lagnadhipa, is powerfully placed in the Lagna and in his Mooltrikona. The two planets have no prescribed aspects, but have the 4th and 10th Rasi aspects. As Mercury, a faster planet, is placed (12 minus 5) 70 behind the slow planet Jupiter (i. e., Mercury has an applying aspect on Jupiter) and as the difference does not exceed the limit of 120, it may be safely predicted that he will have marriage with a prosperous girl and that the event will happen without much exertion for the .same and without the help of an outsider.
If in addition, suppose the Moon is placed in Meena 2°, then the event will be hastened as the Moon aspects (applying) both Mercury and Jupiter and a third party, i. e., a female having the characteristics of the Moon, will accelerate the happening of the event.
All these results have to be based on the position, aspect, etc., of these planets.
Suppose, in, the above example, Mercury has 12° and Jupiter 5°; then, failure in the attempt has to be predicted though all other conditions are satisfactory, as the aspect is a separating one.
Illustration for Case II. Suppose Mercury is placed in Mithuna 15° and Jupiter in Kataka 18°. As the two planets are placed in 2nd and 12th from each other, they do not aspect each other, but they have the applying non-aspect within a range of (18 minus 15) 3 degrees. Suppose the Moon is in Meena 16° As the Moon has applying 4th and 5th aspect to Mercury and Jupiter respectively, the object will be accomplished with the help of a third party whose character has to be read out from the Moon.
In addition to these, there are 16 Yogas elaborately described in Tajika Neelakanti on this subject and the interested reader may refer to that book.
In this way all the queries must be properly answered with due consideration of the points stated above.
SECTION 8 – Miscellaneous.
Sloka 1 : The ceremony of impregnation is most auspiciously done when the Moon is in Rohini, Mrigasira, Purvaphalguni, Purvashadha), Purvabhadra, Ardra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Hasta, Chittra, Swati, Visakha, Anuradha, Sravana, Dhanishta, Satabhisha, Uffaraphalguni, Uttarashadha and Uttarabhadra, Dwiteeya, Saptami, Dwadasi, Panchami, Dasa¬mi, Triteeya, Trayodasi, and in the week days of Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and the Moon, and in an auspicious Lagna unoccupied by any planet.
The Tithis – Ashtami, Powrnima and Amavasya are to be avoided.
Sloka 2: The first sexual union of a male and a female soon after a bath after the first’ menses is caned (Nisheka). That done in a similar manner after the ordinary monthly menses is termed Garbhadhana. The Nisheka is declared to be most auspicious when the Moon at the time is in Hasta, Swati, Anpradha, Moola), Satabhisha, Sravana, Rohini, Uttaraphalguni, Uttarashadha and Uttarabhadra and Revati, the Lagna being auspicious, etc., and free from the occupation of any planet as stated before. Thus say the wise. .
Sloka 3: If a girl, though in her 16th summer, with well-developed breasts and body is yet not found to have attained her puberty, she must with great affection be made to sit on a decent and beautiful seat on an auspicious day after being clad in white robes and beautifully decked with golden ornaments, and her Venus-spot smeared with red saffron-powder mixed with rose water and other scents.
Sloka 4: Treating her as one in her real menses for three days, she should be bathed on the 4th day. The husbanqd should approach her in auspicious Lagna, as stated before, when the 5th house is unoccupied by any planet. If done in this manner, the girl will very soon attain her puberty and prove a happy companion to her husband for propagation. She will also become fit for sexual inter¬course and will possess the right to partake with her husband in the several religious ceremonies relating to the Gods and Manes.
Sloka 5: If a birth happens when the Moon is in Aslesha and Megha, the effects will be as stated below: For a child born in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th Pada of Aslesha, there will be (1) destruction of wealth (2) loss of brother (3) demise of mother or (4) death of father respectively. If the birth be towards the very end of Aslesha, the child itself may take its departure. To ward off the Dosha-harm above alluded to, one must propitiate God Rudra, Gods Kala, Antaka and Mrityu, as per rules, if the birth takes place in Magha in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th Pada, the effect will be the reverse of what has been stated in the case of Aslesha above.
Sloka 6: The effects will be likewise if the birth happens when the Moon is in Jyeshta and Moola or Revati and Aswini. In the above-said three pairs, the last degree of Aslesha, Jyeshta and Revati and the first degree of Magha, Moola and Aswini are called Gandantarala and are sup¬posed as vulnerable points, so that, any birth happening therein will soon cause the demise of the child. Should however the child survive, he will be a king or emperor possessing surpassing valour.