Sloka 13: Find the Ghatikas that have elapsed from Sunrise at the time of query. Multiply the same by 9 and divide the product by 20. The quotient in Ghatikas, etc., will represent the exact position of the Moon at the time and which will be useful for purposes of query. The position of the Moon at the time as revealed in the Ephemeris and the Moon above referred to are respective¬ly known as Stthula and Sukshma. Their respective Navamsas should also be determined.
Slokas 14-15: When the Stthula Moon is aspected by the Sukshma Moon, Mercury and Jupiter, the query is about an animal. If aspected by Mars, Rahu and Saturn, it is about a mineral. If by Venus and the Sun, it relates to something of the vegetable kind. When the Stthula Moon is aspected by Jupiter, Venus and Rahu, the query relates to something of a mixed nature. If the (Stthula) Moon be posited in Tula, Kanya or Mithuna Navamsa, the query concerns a biped. If in a Navamsa, owned by Kataka, Vrischika or Meena, it relates to some creature of many legs. If the Stthula Moon is quartered in a Navamsa owned by Dhanus or Kumbha, it is about some creature devoid of legs; if in a Navamsa owned by Mesha, Simha, Makara or Vrisha¬bha, it relates to a quadruped. The 3 Avastthas of a planet, viz., Bala Yauvana and Vrid¬dha are to be deduced from the planet’s position in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd decanate respectively of the Rasi in which it is at the time of query. So say the ancient sages.
Sloka 16: The signs from Mesha onwards are respectively moveable, immoveable and dual. The moveable Rasis are also termed Garbha. The immoveable ones are known as Dwara, while the dual Rasis are called Bahya. The signs indicated by the two classes, viz., Garbha and Dwara will denote a thing or object kept in the fight hand, while a sign of the Bahya class will indicate the same in the left hand. This is the way by which things hidden in the hand should be distinguished.
Sloka 17: Thus should be guessed all about a thing, enclosed in the ‘hand. The shortness or longinquity of the object should be guessed through the measure allotted to the Rasi concerned. The shape, colour, etc., are to be deduced from the Navamsas. The benefic or malefic nature of the object should be divined through the nature of the planet-benefic or malefic-occupying the Rasi; so also the place frequented by the object-whether on the land, sky water or mountains, and whether it is cruel, wild, tame or domestic, etc. ‘
Sloka 18: The basis number already referred to must be divided by 5. The remainder, if it be 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, will respectively denote whether the thing referred to by the querist will be accomplished within the Ghatikas, the Tithi, the weekday, the month and the year. Add the quotient already obtained to the basis number. Divide the sum so obtained by 60, 30, 7, 12 and 60 separately. The remainders will respectively denote the number, ef Ghatikas, Tithi, etc, in which the desired, object will be completed. This is the method to be, adopted in the case of all kinds of queries.
Sloka 19: If the lords of the Lagna and the Bhava representing the object of the query be benefic, occupy good houses and mutually aspect each other by any kind of aspect referred to in Drishtiphala¬khanda II -17½ -19½), the range of applying aspect being within 12°, the astrologer may as before predict the successful fulfilment of the object in proportion to the strength, propitiousness, etc., of the two planets alluded to above, due consideration being given to the nature of the aspect, viz., best, medium or worst (as defined in IV -33 supra.) The strength of the Karaka planet should also be simultaneously considered and effect predicted. Further, if there be any planet posited between the two lords mentioned above, having an applying aspect with either of the two within the range of12°, prediction may also be made through that planet regarding the nature, functions, etc., attributed to the planet (in the ¬Karakatva Khanda V, Sloka 22½ – 54½). The period of fulfilment may be guessed as per sloka 18 above.
This is an important sloka. Here the author has very briefly condensed the essential points governing Prasnaphala nirupana – determining the effects of the query.
Two cases are to be considered here:
Case I: The Lagnapa and Karyapa should have applying aspects of any of the kinds described in the (Drishtiphaladhyaya – i. e., 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 7th, 9th and 10th Rasi aspects) for the success of the object under query. If all the laid planets are powerful and there is a separating aspect, the good effects need not be predicted. The range of aspect may be taken as 120.
1. If this range is zero, the event will have happened at the time of query.
2. If it is within 120, shortly.
3. If it exceeds 120, it may not happen in the near future, but may happen at a far off future date.
If the conditions slated above for the success of the Bhava are satisfied, the degree of the success should be predicted on the strength and auspiciousness of the planets.
If in addition to the above conditions, there is another planet ‘between the two, aspecting (applying aspect) anyone of the said two planets, the success of the object will be achieved very easily by one’s own efforts and through the medium of the intervening planet. The nature, caste, relation, etc., attributed; to this inter¬mediary planet will guide the astrologer in describing the details of the intervener.