Year |
Day |
hatikas |
Tatparai |
Year |
Day |
Hours |
Minutes |
Seconds |
Exact time is required and a horoscope for that time should- be cast accurately. Find the asterism in which the Moon is at the time under consideration. The order of this asterism reckoned from the natal star will reveal the lord of the Dasa counted from the Sun which the native is undergoing at the commencement of this year. The order of the Dasa lords will be as fol1ows; The Sun, the Moon, Mar, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and the Lagna. The portion traversed by the Moon at the time in the particular asterism will reveal the portion of the corresponding Dasa elapsed.
The above table is prepared to suit both systems of reckoning, viz., Ghatikas, etc., Vighatikas, etc., and hours, minutes, seconds. The numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 0 under the column ‘Day’ refer to the 7 days of the week from Sunday onwards.