70. In the Dasa of a planet placed in enemy’s Sign, there will be circumstances to leave one’s own country (in distress), diseases, loss of position, frequent quarrels and confinement.
71. Even a king with vast number of elephants, that can wet the earth with their ichor, will surely wander in difficulty in the Dasa of a planet occupying an inimical Sign.
72-73. In the Dasas of the planets placed in the 6th, 5th, 9th, or 7th Houses identical with inimical Signs, there will be troubles to limbs and secondary limbs (like the nose), while the Dasa of the planet in the 8th House identical with its inimical House will cause beheading (or afflictions to head), fear from enemies, wanderings in foreign places, troubles of confinement, diseases etc. If the Dasa of a planet, that is in fall be in operation humiliation from royal sources will follow.
74. The Native will derive (good) effects of a weak planet’s Dasa in dreams and thoughts. The effects due to Pancha Maha Purusha Yogas will come to pass in the Dasas of the concerned planets.
75. The planets in Seershodaya Signs will give their effects in the beginning of the Dasas; those in Ubhayodaya will give in the middle of the Dasas effects due to them and those in Prishtodaya Signs as well, as those in fall will reveal their effects in the concluding parts of their Dasas.
Thus ends the 41st Ch. entitled “MOOLA DASA” in Kalyana Varma’s Saravali.
Ch. 42. Effects Of Sub Periods
1. DISTRIBUTION OF SUB PERIODS TO PLANETS IN MOOLA DASA. A planet, that is conjunct the Dasa Lord will subrule half of the period. The subrulership further goes to planets, as under: one third to that in the 5th/9th from the Dasa Lord; one seventh to that in the 7th from the Dasa Lord and one fourth to that in the 4th/8th with reference to Dasa Lord.
2-3. The sub-Lords will ripen the sub-period effects according to their own nature. Should there be more than one planet in the Houses specified above, the strongest of them will rule over the sub period (and not others). The sub periods of benefics will yield benefic results, while those of malefics will give inauspicious effects. According to some authorities, planets in Angles will first lord over the sub-periods followed by those in Panaphara (2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th) and Apoklima (3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th)
4. According to Satyacharya, the sub periods will rule according to the orders of strength in case there is more than one planet in one House.
6-7. Planets, that are conjunct the major Lord will cause confinement and loss of wealth in their sub periods. If, however, the major Lord is in an Angle, or in a Trine from the Ascendant, there will be great happiness. If a planet conjunct 2, or more planets be in an inimical House, in such sub period, only diseases, evils, quarrels and royal displeasures will come to pass.
8. In the sub period of a planet in the 7th from the Mooladasa Lord, death of wife, or the wife’s becoming a servant of an enemy, or getting attached to another man is denoted.
9-10. Death, destruction of wealth, or imprisonment will result in the sub period of the planet in the 8th from the Moola Dasa Lord. If 2, or 3, or 4 malefics join in one House other than an Angle, or a Trine, imprisonment, destruction and poverty will be the order of the sub period.
11. In the sub period of a planet in the 4th from the Mooladasa Lord there will be gain through friends, happiness and increased honours.
12. SUN DASAMOON BHUKTI. In the major period of the Sun, the Moon’s sub period will subdue the valour of the enemies of the native. He will gain health, wealth and happiness.
13. SUN DASAMARS BHUKTI. In the sub period of Mars and in the major period of the Sun, the native gain corals, gold, success in battle, splendour and happiness.
14. SUN DASAMERCURY BHUKTI. In the sub period of Mercury under the Sun’s major period, the native will suffer from itch, leprosy etc. and will face increase of enemies.
15. SUN DASAJUPITER BHUKTI. If the Sub period of Jupiter be in operation in the major period of the Sun, there will be destruction of diseases, enemies, sins and poverty and gain of virtues and happiness.
16. SUN DASAVENUS BHUKTI. In the sub period of Venus under the Sun’s major period, one will suffer from head throat diseases, fever and gout, followed by defeat from enemies and leaving the native country.
17. SUN DASASATURN BHUKTI. In the sub period of Saturn and in the major period of the Sun, there will be royal wrath, poverty and defeat from enemies.
18. MOON DASASUN BHUKTI. During the Sun’s sub period, in the major period of the Moon, the native will suffer from tuberculosis, but will be valorous, will earn wealth through kings and will enjoy all kinds of monetary gains.
19. MOON DASAMARS BHUKTI. In the major period of the Moon and in the sub period of Mars, there will be bilious complaints, diseases of the blood, fear from fire, evils, ill health and fear from thieves.
20. MOON DASAMERCURY BHUKTI. In the sub period of Mercury and in the major period of the Moon, one will gain positions with formal seal (or insignia), elephants, horses and wealth and will enjoy incomparable happiness.