4-5. The first Dasa will be of the strongest of the Ascendant, the Sun and the Moon. Then the planets in Angles will be Dasa Lords. Thereafter the planets in Panapharas (2nd, 5th, 8th and 11th Houses) will lord over the major periods, while the last Dasas will be headed by the planets posited in Apoklimas (3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th Houses). If Angles etc. are occupied by more than one planet, the strongest will have its Dasa first. Even, if the strengths of these be identical, then the order will be according to maximum years donated by these planets Granting, that these durations are also similar, then the risings of planets will prevail, Even, if one of the triad, viz. the Ascendant, the Sun and the Moon, is strong, then Satya’s scheme, as above should be resorted to. If none is strong enough, then the Dasa scheme of other preceptors may be considered.
6. AUSPICIOUS PERIODS. Planets in exaltation, own Rāśi, own Navāńśa, friendly Sign, possessing full rays and those with full strength prove auspicious in their Dasas. At the commencement of a Dasa a planet, that is strong, or is in a friendly division, or is in aspect to a benefic will also yield similar good results.
7. INAUSPICIOUS PERIODS. The planet, that is in its Sign of fall, Sign ruled by an enemy, Navāńśa of an enemy, combust in the Sun, devoid of splendour, or is in aspect to malefics will yield inauspicious effects in its Dasa.
8. If a planet has departed from its exaltation, its Dasa is known, as Avarohini (stepping down) Dasa. If, however, it is in own, or friendly divisions, the effects will be medium, i.e. neither good nor bad. The Dasa of a planet approaching its exaltation, departing from debilitation, is known, as Arohini (climbing) Dasa. If the said planet is in inimical, or debilitation divisions, it will inflict difficulties.
9. The Sun is the ripener (or baker) of the effects of a Dasa, while the Moon is the sustaining agent. That is why the Moon’s transit position at the time of the commencement of a Dasa should be duly considered.
10-14. EFFECTS OF THE MOON. If the Moon at the commencement of a Moola Dasa is in Virgo, the native throughout the period will be related to courtesans and be associated with them. This view is held by Yavanas. If she is in Cancer at the beginning of Dasa, the native will gain wealth through virtuous ladies. If in Aries, or in Scorpio he will injure the honour of virgins and also bring evils to his own female. If the Sign in question be of Mercury knowledge of Shastras and acquisition of friends will come to pass. In a Sign of Venus, it brings plenty of food and drinks, happiness and destruction of enemies. In a House of Jupiter, it brings happiness, wealth, honour and commandability. Saturn’s Sign endows with association with old ladies. Leo denotes movements in forts and forests, agriculture and misunderstanding with wife and children. These are the effects accruing out of the Moon’s placement at the commencement of a Dasa.
15. ASPECTS TO MOON AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF A DASA. If the Moon at the commencement of a Dasa receives the aspect of Mars, or Saturn there will be loss of relatives and of wealth followed by diseases. Mercury’s aspect confers learning, while the aspects of other planets will give effects according to their nature.
16. MAJOR LORD’S PLACEMENT AT THE COMMENCEMENT OF A DASA. If the Lord of the Dasa is in the Ascendant prevailing at the moment the Dasa begins, or in the 3rd, 6th, 10th, or 11th from the said Ascendant, the Dasa then proves excellent.
17-18. AGAIN MOON’S PLACEMENT. If the Moon at the commencement of a major period occupy a friendly Sign, exaltation Sign, or an Upachaya House (3rd, 6th, 10th, or 11th House), 5th, 9th, or 7th counted from the major Lord, good effects will come to pass in the Dasa in question. If the Moon is otherwise placed, even a planet in exaltation at birth will give inauspicious results in its Dasa.
19. SPECIAL EFFECTS BASED ON NAVĀŃŚA. Even though a planet may be in friendly Sign, if it occupies simultaneously a Navāńśa belonging to its enemy, or be in fall in Navāńśa, the effects in the Dasa concerned will be mixed. A weak planet’s Dasa will be futile.
20. LAGNA DASA. The Ascendant’s major period will prove auspicious, if it is in the first decanate of a Movable Sign; medium in the second decanate and poor in the 3rd decanate. The reverse is true with a Common Sign ascending, i e. third, second and first decanate will, respectively, be auspicious, medium and poor. As for a Fixed Sign ascending first, second and third decanates will, respectively, give poor, auspicious and medium effects.
21. NAISARGIKA DASA. The Naisargika Dasa follows in the order of the Moon, Mars, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, the Sun, Saturn and the Ascendant.
22-24. If the planet is exalted, or is endowed with temporal strength, or full strength, in its Dasa incomparably auspicious results will come to pass. The planet, that is in its own Sign, Moolatrikona Sign, own Navāńśa, or hemmed between benefics will yield moderately auspicious effects. The planet, that is going towards its exaltation (departing from Sign of its fall), or is placed in friendly Signs etc., feebly auspicious effects will be felt. Similar deductions should be made in regard to planets otherwise placed.
25-26. EFFECTS OF FAVOURABLE SUN’S DASA. If the Sun is favourable, in his Dasa, there will be gains from forests, medicines, travels, poison, evil friendship, forests, ivory, skin, fire and royal association. Courage, diligence, intelligence, fame and valour will be on the increase. Excellence and kingship will be achieved by the native.
27-28. EFFECTS OF ADVERSE SUN’S DASA. If the Sun is adverse, in his Dasa there will be grief on account of servants, wealth, theft, eyes, weapons, fire, water and king and the native will be tormented by children, wife and relatives He will be interested in sinful acts and be troubled by hunger, thirst (or morbid fever), heart ailments, bilious diseases and bodily damages.
29-30½. EFFECTS OF FAVOURABLE MOON’S DASA. If the Moon is favourable, in her Dasa there will be gains through female association, soft disposition, journey, water, ice, milk, juice, jaggery, sugar, sports, initiation into Mantras through Brahmins, flowers, robes, sweet food etc. He will achieve success in his undertakings out of his intelligence, will receive honours from elders and the king and will be endowed with increased courage and wisdom.